1200 calories a day is killing me!!!



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    just eat more
  • serena310213

    I also have the 1200 calories a day range too. I advise you to maybe use low fat cheese, or low in sugar jam. The little changes make big differences!

    Keep up the good work, and remember you CAN do it!

  • MrsDutt
    MrsDutt Posts: 32
    Great link fat2fit :-)

    Yeah going to work on those exercise calories. Going to down on the cards and try new recipes. Also going to blow off the dust of my elliptical trainer!. Amazing advice guys, just what I needed.
  • PineappleMartini
    PineappleMartini Posts: 54 Member
    Also check out this website;

    Absolutely go to Fat 2 Fit Radio - listen to their podcasts! They're the reason I eat the calories I do.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    When I first started on this site in January I stuck with 1200 calories per day, which was very challenging and I would feel very hungry when I went to bed at night. I did have some relatively quick results - 5 lbs over a few weeks.

    Then I started incorporating more exercise and in late February began P90X. The lowest calorie eating plan on P90X is 1800. I checked that against my BMR and TDEE and found 1800 cal per day would still allow me to lose if I am exercising. So I have been averaging ~1800 calories per day, some days 2200, some days 1500. And have maintained a gradual weight loss since then. More importantly than the weihgt, I am stronger, more energetic, clothes fit better, and I don't go to bed feeling like I am starving.

    I'm not opposed to the English muffin - breakfast sandwich with egg and english muffin (especially the whole grain kind) is good for you and under 300 calories. Add smoked salmon if you want even more protein and good fats (for little calories).
  • mom22nteaching
    mom22nteaching Posts: 32 Member
    The glass of wine is my problem. As much as I enjoy it I know it works against all my other good choices.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    1200 calories is not low if the person feels stuffed and can not eat anymore. Why make people believe that eating 1200 calories is a bad thing? Are you in their bodies to say eat more? Sure I can eat more but I am certain to nearly vomit afterwards if I eat over say 3000 calories.

    This is not a game about how many calories you can stuff into body its about eating intelligently according to what your bodies telling you.
  • cherylbennett74
    It's the same when I began this process, I was only eating 845 calories... I was in starvation mode. No wonder I couldn't lose!
  • MrsDutt
    MrsDutt Posts: 32
    I want to feel energetic and go to bed feeling satisfied. Usually by the time I get to be (around 23h00) I want another meal. urgh. The late sleeping might be my downfall but with 2 toddlers I only get to sit down and watch some tele at 22h00.

    Now I eat supper at 18h30 so by 22h00 I am opening and closing the fridge door.
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    For me, that's a lot of carbs: muffin for breakfast, bread at lunch, rice for dinner, and another muffin for snack.

    If you looked for alternatives to some of these, you might be able to bring down your calories. Eggs for breakfast, or soup/ salad for lunch. Nuts or fruit instead of the snack muffin.

    Also look at portion size - could you reduce the amount of rice you eat at dinner time, and have more veg instead?


    Also, the 1200 calories issue is a personal one. I personally stuck with 1200, but earned and ate exercise calories, which made it completely do-able. Others will tell you to eat more. I would say don't eat less than your BMR, but unfortunately I'm short, female and middle-aged. 1200 is within 100 pounds of my BMR. As you can see, someone whose BMR may be 1600 would have a completely different experience. Everyone is different.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hi all you beautiful people.

    So MFP suggested I eat 1200 calories a day but I am finding it very hard to eat healthy and stick within the calorie range.

    If you look at my food diary, last Wednesday's food is what I'd happily been eating for the last 2 months with a calorie intake of ~1200 a day. It's not clever but I was rarely hungry nor was it a chore.

    Then someone questioned the amounts I was eating for my fitness goal hence it's gone up. As you will see, nothing particularly healthy or unhealthy but I'd been on a low carb (~100g of carbs a day) and basically eating meat and vegetables mainly (with meat snacks in between).

    Hopefully, using my diary will give you some idea of what is possible if you still want to keep the calories down.
  • cookiesandjuice
    choose healthier foods, that you can eat more(like cucumbers, carrots...they have very little carrots so you can eat your little heart out)!! also i found that for me eating nuts in the morning curb my appetite for the day and i actually want to eat less. weird huh. and trust me wen i say...I USED TO HAVE A PROBLEM SNACKING!!
  • msgsarah
    msgsarah Posts: 53 Member
    Just reading some of the things you guys eat makes me feel like I am overeating. Thank you I will go check out the recipe side.

    The other challenge is ofcourse cooking 3 different meals at dinner time as DH is not in the mood to change his lifestyle and the kids do not eat any of the two meals I make. I want to stop making excuses and just do it.

    Hey there :)

    Firstly, I really feel your pain! It can be so hard to make these changes, especially as when (as you say) you have young children and a husband that isnt interested in healthy changes. But once you start you'll get on a roll and there will be no stopping you!

    I can't add much new, only that I totally agree with all the other posters about trying to cut back on carbs and drinking more water- this has really helped me. 2lbs a week is a lot though especially if you dont have a lot to lose. I need to lose 12-14lbs but as I'm in the 'healthy weight' range for my BMI, even though I exercise often and mostly stick to my calorie allowance its been really tough going. Ultimately I found that half a pound a week was about the maximum I could do, so it may be that you need to re-evaluate your goal to be more sustainable?

    As for cooking different meals at night, I totally get it - I have the same problem with my husband, who likes quite a carb-heavy diet (but is a runner with a lightning fast metabolism, where I'm the opposite). What I started doing was buying in lots of canned vegetables (like mixed bean salad, kidney beans, carrots etc). Then I would have the same meal as him, keep the protein and replace whatever else he had with canned vegetables or a fresh salad. Or even 'good'/brown/low-GI carbs sometimes like brown rice or quinoa.

    For example, if he would have chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans, I would have chicken (smaller portion), green beans and carrots. Or whatever other combination. This way we don't cook separate meals, just a separate portion of veg or salad that I use to adapt my meal. You could try this. I found it was the only way I could do it that was still convenient- and let's face it, if it's not convenient, you probably won't do it!

    Hope that helps a little bit.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    For me, that's a lot of carbs: muffin for breakfast, bread at lunch, rice for dinner, and another muffin for snack.

    If you looked for alternatives to some of these, you might be able to bring down your calories. Eggs for breakfast, or soup/ salad for lunch. Nuts or fruit instead of the snack muffin.

    Also look at portion size - could you reduce the amount of rice you eat at dinner time, and have more veg instead?

    Yup - there are lower cal alternatives to what you're eating. I did 1200 for about 3-4 months and lost about 15 pounds. I had porridge (oatmeal) for breakfast, fruit or low fat yoghurt or a small pack of 'lite' chips for snacks, sometimes a biscuit (cookie). I had the ocassional small glass of wine (I think it's important not to completely deprive yourself of treats). Your dinner looks good. Soups and eggs are low cal and filling for lunch (I feel too deprived with just a salad for lunch, but you might like it).

    And I tended to earn at least another 100- 200 cals a day through walking. I rarely lost 2 pounds a week, usually closer to a pound. I went over my cals some days and under some days but it evened out.

    Now I'm on 1310 (aiming to lose a pound a week) and it's much more comfortable! And I'm exercising a lot more too, so that earns me more calories.

    Good luck!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Hi all you beautiful people.

    So MFP suggested I eat 1200 calories a day but I am finding it very hard to eat healthy and stick within the calorie range.

    For example today my diary consists of the following:

    Breakfast: English Muffin with laughing cow wedge and strawberry jam

    Lunch: 2 Slices Seed Bread with Pesto, Avo, Cottage Cheese and Peppers.

    Supper: Chicken Breast with rice and grilled veggies

    Snacks: Peach and Small Bran muffin.

    That is over the calorie range.

    Before starting this I did not even eat so much but now I obsess with what I eat and although the choices are healthy, it is not in the 1200 calorie limit.

    Please advice cause when I eat any less now I feel extremely hungry.

    Also my other bad habit is having a glass of wine at night which takes my guard down but I'm working on that.

    My question is, what changes can I make to stay within this range otherwise I'm never going to loose this weight.

    If you are struggling with 1200, it may be that it is not the right amount for you.

    Do you know your BMR and TDEE? -Work out your TDEE and deduct 20%. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    I was also given 1200, but couldn't manage as it made me ill and cranky - I now lose on 1600.
    1200 works for some, but not for everyone, you need to find the sweet spot for you.

    Also, bear in mind that the way MFP works, 1200 is meant to be NET, so if you exercise even a little you will eat more than 1200.

    Good Luck.

    The Fat2Fit site is fantastic. You need to know your body fat % and the military is most accurate so you can figure that out here http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/ Also they have this cool feature that will help you find your ideal weight based on your lean body mass since the goal is to lose body fat not lean body mass I feel like this is good to know too http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ibw/
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Also, make sure you drink lots of water as this really helps too!! :smile:

    This is my biggest defense when I am hungry. I had this same same complaint and asked my doctor about it. He said that many people who think they are hungry are just thirsty. I found this to be true for me.

    I also found that some of my problem was habit. I was used to eating more so I thought I was missing out. After about a month that got better as I got adjusted to my new eating habits.
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    Hey :)

    I am on 1200 cals a day also, and I seem to eat loads! I have diet everything and for the last two weeks I haven't been exercising much (and even when I do, I don't eat more as I personally feel this is cheating and means the exercise is pointless if you are just eating loads to make up for it).

    I would personally say to you, maybe up the calories for a week, say to 1800 and then each week drop it until you get to 1200? Or just get lots of diet foods.

    Weight Watchers meals are fab and rarely go over 350 calories which is amazing. Lower cal bread, drinks, anything really, it'll make a huge difference :) And then you can eat a lot more too and stay with your target.

    Good luck either way :) xoxo
  • babychickenwoods
    I agree with everyone who has said that you should cut out some of the bread! I'd say limit yourself to only one bread item a day, and eat more healthy carb sources (oatmeal for breakfast instead of the muffin etc) and more fruits and veggies which will keep you full!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    It's difficult to comment without seeing your diary, but I would say that if you aren't full with the food you're eating then you need to change your food a little. Have a look at some open diaries, see what people are eating with calories that would fit in to your limit and try them!

    Secondly, exercise. It doesn't have to mean the gym, I only work out at home and I've lost wieght - if you want a glass of wine you might have to work for it, and if that glass of wine means you need nibbles then you'll have to work for them too. You have kids, take them to the park, play football with them, go cycling, get them dancing in the house with you, or if you can get some alone time do some workouts you can find online - exercise doesn't have to be expensive or done away from the family, getting everyone involved makes it a whole lot easier!

    It IS harder to lose weight when you don't have as much to lose, but if you stick with MFP I have every faith that you'll do it. :drinker:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    1200 calories is very low. If you're hungry eat more.

    Google fat to fit radio. Eat more than your sedentary BMR. Take your deficit from TDEE which includes exercise. Never go below BMR with net calories.

    This might mean slower than 2#s a week. That's ok. Go faster and you lose body tissue you'd rather keep: muscle organ bone hair. And not exclusively fat.

    You can also go to the mfp faq group and learn from people who've been there and figured it out and generously offer knowledge