Lose 5 Pounds in April Challenge



  • Gagirl79
    Gagirl79 Posts: 193 Member
    NSV....Since gaining more energy from working out and eating better I went from drinking 2 cans of pepsi a day to under half or none at all!

    cw: 161
    gw: 156 end of april
    gw: 130-135


    4-2 160
    4-9 158 down 3 lbs total this month!!
    2 nsv my boots and shoes feel too big and i can buckle my belt 1 notch further, and I haven't done that in a long time!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Challenge accepted :p

    CW : 277
    GW : 270
    NSV : Had to change notch on my belt last week, and about to change again :)

    4/2 273
    4/9 272 (Goal achieved, on to 10!)
  • laurajean1120
    NSV: joining my fitness pal?

    CW 214
    GW: 200
  • angenz
    angenz Posts: 51 Member
    Name: Ange
    Current Weight: 57.7kg (127.7lb)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 54kg (119lb) - I am only 5ft 1" so please don't think this is a stupid goal
    Goal for April: 55.5kg (122lb)

    Weekly Weigh-Ins:
    4/4: 57.7kg

    Goal for April: Would like to fit my bum into my small black jeans from GAP (US size 4)

    11/4: 58.5kg (129lb) (ummm... Easter wasn't good to me! Hopefully this week will be better)

    NSV for this week: Walking 24km (15 miles) in the NZ bush in around 9 hours (including stops)
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    My update after week 2 on April 2012 Challenge:

    Weight at start of challenge: 159
    CW: 157
    GW: 154

    4/4 : 158 (-1)
    4/11: 157 (-1)

    2 down, 3 to go :wink:

    NSV I ran 5 miles without stopping! I also went swimming for the first time in a long time and even felt confident enough in my fitness levels to join the people doing laps (I was in the slow lane but it felt good to be able to swim non stop for 50 mins).

    Well done to everyone for their efforts so far!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Sorry I haven't been posting much this month... busy, I guess, but still very focused on weight loss (or at least "wanting" weight loss). I haven't gotten into a routine with exercise yet (gym membership has expired and the cold weather came back), so I'm trying to lose by mainly diet which is difficult.

    I still have one pesky pound that I am battling with so I can be sure to have a successful 10 pound loss weigh out at my gym before the end of the week (which will mean $100 membership refund!).

    @Belle - you're doing great!!! I'm waiting for warmer weather so I can start running again.
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    I'm in!

    NSV - My jeans that I got for christmas and couldn't even zip up completely fit now!

    CW 126.4
    GW: 120
    4/1 126.4
    4/8 125.8
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    So far so good, but I have a feeling I'll have reversed it this week. Combination of Easter (chocolate) and being off work for a week (more wine than usual).

    1/4 = 179.4
    7/4 = 178.4
  • tmpartington
    NSV: Not ready for the 10K on Saturday!
    SW 150
    GW: 145
    4/2: 150
    4/9: 148.6
  • krisbelle00
    krisbelle00 Posts: 88 Member
    April 1st SW: 191
    April 10th: 188 :)
    April 17th:
    April 24th:
    April 30th:
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    NSV - I have been dying to try to run for a long time since I've lost a bit of weight, and my husband bought me a treadmill as an early mothers day gift. My NSV is I can run for 35 min in a row!!! I never thought I could run! I have 3 herniated disks in my back and honestly never thought this was possible. I run 3x a week now and I am over the moon with excitement :)

    SW: 184.6 lbs (Sunday 1st April) Ate super badly with no exercise while we were traveling for 3 weeks

    Week 1: 176.2 lbs (Sunday 8th April)

    Week 2: (Sunday 15th April)

    Week 3: (Sunday 22nd April)

    Week 4: (Sunday 29th April)

    Total loss:
  • Meeperslove
    Meeperslove Posts: 118 Member
    CW: 165.8
    GW: 160

    NSV: Panties that I bought a year ago now fit and are big
    Weigh in days for Aprils (Thursdays)
    4/5- 166.6 (+0.8lbs... booo going in wrong direction)
    4/12- 166.2 (still over my original current weight but going down)
  • Shizam
    Shizam Posts: 3
    New to MFP and this is the first time I have tried any of these topics. I'd like to try.

    NSV: Got to the gym for 3 classes this week (so far) and walked every day. My daily walking was thanks to the new puppy at home.

    CW: 163.2
    GW: 158 ( by the end of April)
    (End)GW: 140 lbs... **sigh** haven't seen that number since 1993.

    4/2 = 164
    4/4 = 163.2
    4/11=161.6 (thanks to my family being down and out with the flu I get to eat the food I should eat and not what they want... thank you flue bug!)
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    SW 260
    CW 209
    GW 140

    Weigh-in on Thursdays
    3/29 209

    4/5 209 (binged a bit this week)
    4/12 207 This week's NSV: drinking more herbal tea
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    NSV: joining my fitness pal?

    CW 214
    GW: 200

    I like it! :)
  • morningsun3112
    morningsun3112 Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 251.8
    CW: 245.2
    GW: 240.0
    UGW: 140.0

    4/5 - 241.8

    First week down 3.4 :bigsmile:

    Second week up :( 0.4 darn holiday meals... Good news though my over all measurments are getting smaller! :tongue:

    NVS: I've gotten rid of 2.25 inches off my waist!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    My start weight was 165 and my weight has been jumping around from that to 167 and one time was 169 but im now back down around 167 somewhere I haven't weighed in for a while, I just have other things on my mind, But I have been walking every day this week for at least half an hour and sometimes more. Cant walk today though because of the crappy weather so we will see what tomorrows weigh in brings

    See all of you tomorrow for my friday weigh in

    good luck and great job for all of your hard work, losses and nsvs and great job for being here trying : )
  • Lbekah72
    Lbekah72 Posts: 89 Member
    Starting Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 231
    Goal Weight: 165
    Total lost: 16

    NSV - The Work pants I’m wearing use to be TIGHT & uncomfortable……TODAY are comfy!! :-)

    Weigh in days:
    4/13: Tomorrow is the big day!!! Its been a GREAT week!!!!!!! Lots of excercise and stayed in calorie goal, hoping to break a bit of a Plateau ! :bigsmile:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I did it!! I went for my 3 month weigh-out at the gym, and I lost 10.5 pounds which qualified me for my membership refund! Laugh if you will, but I really wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not, so I wore my absolute lightest dryfit workout clothes, removed all jewelry and other non-essentials such as socks, bra and panties!!! I even contemplated hacking my hair off... [I'm growing it out to donate it; and it's currently down to my waist.] :laugh:

    I'm going to take the $100 and go buy some new running shoes, since the warmer weather is coming. I guess I'm what's considered a fair weather runner, so I have to build myself up every spring, as I get completely out of shape over the winter. I started slowly tonight, and simply walked the 5k loop around the farm property in my neighborhood. So nice to get out and not freeze, and to still have a bit of light on my way home at 8:30pm.
  • Monanik
    Monanik Posts: 150
    Hello All,

    NSV- My wedding rings are twirling around my finger yay!
    April Goal weight-145

    Weigh ins:
    4/6- 148.8 (- 1.6 lbs) 140's I welcome you! Yay!
    4/13- 147.8 (- 1 lb) Yay! I plan to eat better and workout more this week!
    Good luck All! Let's do this! :)