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Dear driver who passed me today



  • I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.

    You realize that roads were first made for bicycles right? Of course you didn't.

    You also realize that in most states cyclists have the same rights to the roads that drivers do right? Of course you didn't.

    Like my mom always said, "Can't fix stupid."
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle?

    yes, on all 3 of my cars.
    Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year?

    Nope. No yearly inspections in any state I've ever lived.
    Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws?

    Nope. There are only a couple hundred.
    Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law?

    Yes, but I don't see how this fits into your rant about "not owning the roads". You pay for insurance to protect your and other people's property. Your state has decided the good of everyone's property is more important than your own.
    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late.

    Thousands? Damn, that's an expensive state! My registration for all my cars is much. much less than that and only funds the bureaucracy of the DMV...
    So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder?

    Against the law. It's a shoulder, not a drive lane. Shoulders are for emergency stopping and emergency vehicles only. Do you drive on the shoulder?
    Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.

    Do you only drive on roads that are one way? Never drive on the expressway? Only drive on 6 lane roads? Why not? Choose your roads wiser!
  • Songbirdy
    Songbirdy Posts: 41 Member
    At times, when I'm on my bicycle, I do 'take the lane' and it comes directly from a need to get drivers to see me because I've tried to ride closer to the edge and have been knocked off my bike by cars passing too closely.

    Its the law... I have a right, in cases where it is a safety issue, to grab the lane.

    But as a car driver, I'm also aware that I slow you down, and so I try to avoid that.

    And... for the record, I know of many car drivers who 'roll through stop signs' as much as cyclists.

    I know of lots of car drivers who ignore lights. Have you never been at a red light when no one is around and decided just to go for it instead of waiting?

    My husband is forever forgetting to signal when driving the van. And when he is cycling.

    I do signal as a cyclist... but its before I pull to a corner. Often, right at the corner, I'm in the process of braking and coming to a safer stop. Once I'm fully stopped, I signal again. But then when I'm off to actually make the turn, my hands are on the handle bars. Now... lets just imagine that you perhaps didn't see those two or three times I'm signalling. You'd think I hadn't, right?

    Lets face it... there are jerks and foolish people everywhere. Cyclist or motorized vehicle driver... When it comes down to it... its about the Golden rule and accepting that we're all responsible.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.

    Is that what you think all cyclists are about, cycling purely for the exercise?

    Some of us use our cycles for work and to get to places, hence why we cannot just "choose" our roads, we have to take whatever road actually gets us to our destination.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    If I saw you cycling, I woulda gave you a sexy honk.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Holy crap, you must live here in Bozeman too...

    I love Bozeman! :D

    I get a bit freaked out over just walking on my road because of how scary the drivers are.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.
    Precisely what I think. Austin cyclists drive where ever they damn please all up on the busy service roads, so people are constantly having to enter halfway into the other lane to go around, and from my experiences, can be hazardous. Cyclists drive me nuts, to be honest. At least pick a less busy road! Common sense.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Dear bicyclist who blew through the stop sign at a 4 way stop as I was going through it...I didn't hit you this time, but I think I know who would have more physical difficulty if I did.

  • ironmanwannabe
    ironmanwannabe Posts: 81 Member
    this is one of my pet peeves. when i ride solo, i take the rightmost lane as i am supposed to. there is always some ^&*^&* that comes up behind me, cuts me off and honk's his horn (or flips me off) or whatever. The 2 other lanes on the left are totally empty. i had too many instances where at this point i ride my indoor trainer. i dont understand this aggression towards cyclists. and to those that think how much one owns the road is equivalent to how much gas (taxes) you put into your vehicle, I drive a hemi truck so I guess I would own the road more than most other drivers.

    i do not like to be tailgated while I am driving and most certainly do not like it when I am on a 20lb bike.
  • I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.
    Precisely what I think. Austin cyclists drive where ever they damn please all up on the busy service roads, so people are constantly having to enter halfway into the other lane to go around, and from my experiences, can be hazardous. Cyclists drive me nuts, to be honest. At least pick a less busy road! Common sense.

    How about no. Cyclists have as much right to use the road as drivers. Get used to it.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    ...YOU may not like bikes on the road, but those of us on bikes have EVERY right to the roadway that you have. We pay the same taxes, but our miles on the bike don't do the damage to the roads that cars do.

    So, yeah...we DO, in fact, "own the road."

    How much gas are you putting in your bicycle? None? Then how are you paying the same taxes as someone who puts gas in their car?

    I have no disagreement with the "same rights" statement but folks who don't buy gas don't pay the same taxes as those who do.

    Ahh in the UK, all taxpayers contribute to the roads, whether they have a vehicle or not, this includes cyclists.

    Except people that drive cars pay an additional road tax. Carefully ignored there, I see.

    I would have no problem with cyclists if the majority of them weren't asshats with no respect for the rules of the road.

    So you know the majority of cyclists? Funny, because I'm an avid cyclist and I can't claim that.

    Also, I do own a car and pay the same taxes. I know of not a single cyclist who doesn't also own a car.
    The majority of cyclists I encounter, then, sheesh. I don't care that much about the taxes but was just adding a carefully avoided fact into the conversation.

    Except that your "fact" is completely unfactual
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 458 Member
    I wish our area was more bike friendly. I won't walk on the side of the roads here let alone get on a bike with the wackadoos. I try to give people space and then pass when it is safe for us both. Many times the biker and I both get passed. Usually on a blind hill or curve to boot. I don't mind the bike people who you can tell actually ride. I do mind the idiot kids who ride in the middle of the road swearing all over just asking to get hit. Usually on bikes to small. They aren't riders though. Just delinquents.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.

    To answer your questions, yes, we do. Just not the insurance part. But the main reason cars have insurance is because you can hurt life an property. If you hit another car, what will happen? What do you think will happen if somehow a bike hit a car? Chances are, the car will be fine, and the cyclist will be hurt. I should also add, we pay the same as everyone else to register and gas up our car, along with insurance. We just don't drive as often as other people. We still have a car though. In most places in the US at least a couple months of the year, it's completely unsafe to bike in snow and ice and people still own cars. Just because someone bikes for transportation doesn't mean they don't own a car

    We pay just as much as you do, and actually, what pays for the roads, is property tax. Do you own a home? If not, then what little from your rent, that is going to property tax, doesn't come near to what we pay for our house.

    Perhaps instead of blaming everyone else for you problems you could do what most other adults do and thats leave your house in time to get where you need to be, leaving some room for things like accidents, cyclists, and other things that can impede your commute. If you're late it because of you, not because of the cyclist.

    And it's people like this that make roadways dangerous for cyclists.
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    I am confused as to how people think that cyclists "own the road" as well as drivers? Do you have to pay to register your vehicle? Do you have to get an inspection sticker every year? Do you have to follow the bazillion traffic laws? Do you have to pay for insurance every month because its a law? No you don't.

    So in my opinion, drivers who pay thousands of dollars a year for a car, they own the road. So when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late. So can you not just pick a road that has a large shoulder? Or ride in a neighborhood? Or only ride on roads with at least 2 lanes so we can pass you? I'm all about you guys going out and getting exercise but choose your roads wiser.

    Okay, well as most cyclists, I DO own a car and I DO pay thousands of dollars a year for my car through insurance, taxes, registration, what have you that makes you guys feel more entitled to use the road than us.

    That being said, I have just as much right to be on the road that I PAY TAXES FOR whether I'm in my vehicle or on my bike. Just because I choose to ride my bike instead of drive my car doesn't make me any less entitled to use the same stretch of roadway.

    As far as WHAT roads I PAY TAXES ON that I choose to ride on, sometimes, depending on where you ride, you don't have the luxury of a wide shoulder or two lanes. And riding in neighborhoods is pretty dicey -- having to dodge cars, people, etc. I prefer to ride out on wide open stretches so I can actually get a good workout and maybe increase my speed and stamina for whatever race/ride I'm getting ready to participate in.

    Just because people may be *gasp* forced to wait a few seconds in order to pass me is not a valid reason to get pissed off. SERIOUSLY. Believe me, if I know when a car is behind me -- and trust me, most of us do -- we'll move over to let you drivers pass. I'm sure that most of us don't get all geared up for a ride and think, "gosh, I wonder how many people I can piss off today by making them have to pass me. . . tee hee!" Trust me. That's not our intent. We just want to be left alone and ride in peace.

    Like I said in a previous post, it just boils down to BOTH sides being uneducated and likewise uncourteous about the rules of the road as it pertains to both. Just like people don't belong behind the wheel without knowing the rules of the road, I don't think that cyclists should be out on the road (with traffic) without knowing the rules of the road for them as well. It can be dangerous, if not deadly. Just like stupid drivers, there's stupid cyclists. But to lump us all in the same category is just wrong.

    I'm just thankful after reading some of these posts that I live in a pretty bike friendly community. You'll get the occasional a$$hat, but they're very few and far between.
  • I think that drivers thinking bikes don't pay taxes is a lame argument. The bike rider most likely has a car at home and pays taxes and insurance.

    My gripe about bikes is that on our country roads, we often get a line of cars 5 and 10 deep behind these bikes as we wait for opportunities to get around them. One day a family of bike riders were making their way up a long grade. As they passed an apartment complex with a long law to pull in and out of that complex, this family could have pulled over to allow the long line of cars behind them to quickly and safely get around but for some reason all 4 of them stayed on the side of the man lane further frustrating the drivers. But anyway when you get around these bikes FINALLY and go up the road you might get stopped at a red light. Then here comes the bike rider(s) passing you and going right up to the light. Now when the light changes we all have to try and get around the jerk again. I thought bikes had to obey the rule of the road. Rarely do I see bike riders wait at the end of the line of cars ahead of them at a red light.

    My other gripe are the riders who seem to think a penlight is enough illumination in the dark. It's like they are daring a car to hit them.

    I not only drive a car but I also ride a motorcycle. One of the first assumptions we make is that the cars CANNOT see us. We ride with that in mind. RIding a motorcycle is not the danger, it's the cars on the road that are the danger to us. We know that and we accept the risk. At intersections I assume the cars do not see me. Bike riders seem to dare the cars. Maybe the answer is that bike riders should be licensed to ride on the roads. I'm not asking for taxes, I'm just asking they pass the same safe riding classes that we motorcycle riders take.

    I would not ride a bike on country roads. You are just asking for it. Along comes someone texting and POW! You get hit. What then? Lie in your hospital bed and cry a river? A friend got hit on his motorcycle by a pickup from behind. The driver simply was not paying attention. Thousands of dollars in hospital bills later he finds out the guy in under-insured. Now he's fighting with his own insurance company for uninsured motorist coverage. Do you bike riders carry uninsured motorist coverage? What will you do when an uninsured or illegal hits you on your bike. Cry another river I guess.

    Look.... if there are 10 cars behind you, I think it's a safe bet to say one of them is not paying attention or had a real bad day and the last thing he/she needs is some bike rider blocking traffic. That's why I ride a motorcycle.... I save gas and I have enough power to stay out of the way and not block traffic. Bike riders would do well to obey ALL the rules of the road like I have to on my motorcycle and they would do well to find a place to let a long line of cars get around them safely. I think Washington State has a law that says if 5 cars are lined up behind another car or truck, that car or truck needs to get over and let them pass. It's common courtesy, something too many car drivers, motorcycle riders and bicyclists should try to practice.
  • Then here comes the bike rider(s) passing you and going right up to the light. Now when the light changes we all have to try and get around the jerk again. I thought bikes had to obey the rule of the road. Rarely do I see bike riders wait at the end of the line of cars ahead of them at a red light.

    I not only drive a car but I also ride a motorcycle.

    So at a stop light you've never on your motorcycle squeezed inbetween lanes and crawled up to the front? Right...
    Or how about on the freeway? I see plenty of motorcycles fly by inbetween lanes while I'm driving at 65+ MPH... talk about dangerous.
  • delipidation
    delipidation Posts: 34 Member
    We have a wonderful system of bike paths where I live and some cyclists still want to ride in the middle of the road. Taxes we pay when we fuel up our cars pay for these awesome bike paths that bikers refuse to use.
    As one who rides for transportation rather than leisure, I avoid bike paths for three reasons. First, as others have pointed out, paths are generally poorly integrated with the road system, so they don't always go where the roads go. Second, and a corollary of the first, the intersections between bike paths and roads are frequently poorly marked, confusing to the driver, and therefore extremely dangerous for the cyclist (see below). Third, in many jurisdictions there is nothing in the vehicle codes that defines the status of a bicycle on a path: in Oregon, for example, a bicyclist on the sidewalk is essentially a pedestrian and prohibited from riding at more than walking speed, while a bicyclist on the road is a vehicle like any other, but a bicyclist on a path is completely absent from the vehicle codes.

    How all of the above played out for me: some years back, I was nearly killed when a car driver ran a red light at a poorly-designed intersection of the road and the bike path, and the cop who responded was seriously considering citing me for violating an obscure rule about a bicyclist leaving a "sidewalk or other place of safety at greater than walking speed." In the end, I wasn't cited, but since then I ride on the roads: if somebody hits me, they have hit a vehicle, with all of the legal implications that pertain.
  • delipidation
    delipidation Posts: 34 Member
    when you choose to ride on a 1 lane road, and i have to go 10 mph behind you because I can't pass you, it pisses me off and makes me late.
    I used to commute by bicycle to my job as a truck driver, so on any given day I got to spend some time as both the smallest and largest vehicle on the road. It was a delivery truck, so I frequently had to drive slowly up a steep grade or while looking for a house, but I found it interesting that the car drivers responded very differently to my slowness when I was in truck mode: seldom did anybody honk at me, and never did anyone suggest that I belonged on the sidewalk ... :wink:
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Interesting perspective!