Guys: I have a a girl out?



  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I have to agree with everyone saying that you are beautiful as is and I personally am not a fan of the heavy make-up look. Lipstick is sexy though ;-)
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I’m single, will you date me?…hahahha just kidding. :laugh:

    I have a date this weekend and my friend wants to give me a makeover for it. She is the type that wears the fake nails, big made up hair, fake eyelashes, tons of heavy makeup…the whole nine. She is beautiful don’t get me wrong. But I call her Barbie because everything on her is fake, yea even the boobs. Lol I on the other hand I am a mascara and lipstick kind of girl.:smile:

    Once again she wants to give me a makeover. But I am afraid guys see through that kind of thing? What do you think? Do you care if a girl is heavily made-up? Is it a turn-off, do you prefer it? I’m so afraid one of my fake eyelashes will fall in his soup!!! :huh:

    just be yourself, if you are not the prissy makeup princess type then dont do it because its misleading. Women do this stuff to impress guys and then later after they hit it off then the girls quit playing dressup and then it creates problems because the guy thinks she has changed in a bad way. People date people based on the concept they get from the beginning so its best to be yourself. Me and my friends have historically had this issue, women portray themselves as being laidback, fun, spontaneous, loves sports, and loves sex all the time but later the true selfs come out and thats when trouble happens. I think both men and women should try to impress the other by being them true selfs instead of focusing on being what they think they will like and try to fake being that person. Its starting things out as a lie. You are amazing the way you are now and that guy will like you so dont let anyone change you.
  • AlanLeMay
    AlanLeMay Posts: 20
    My personal opinion is that I prefer a natural woman. If a woman cannot be herself for me then who am I dating. I don't see a need for all the makeup and fake add ons.
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    why would you change being yourself for a date? If you normally don't use all this make up stuff why would you do it now. + to much make up fake tits etc makes you just look dumb as ****. If he doesn't like you being yourself he isn't the right guy for you anyway.
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    You're a very pretty young lady. Go as yourself. How you feel comfortable. Don't let someone make you up they way they feel comfortable.

    best. answer. ever.

    yep... this
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    You're a very pretty young lady. Go as yourself. How you feel comfortable. Don't let someone make you up they way they feel comfortable.

    This :)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member

    With that being said, when going on a date the key is to keep it as natural as possible. This way, you have a slight enhancement, but still are showing your own true self. Stick with earth tones and hues that complement your skin tone. You are very beautiful already, so you really don't need much. I would go with a brown or gold eye shadow and mascara, no fake lashes. Stay away from very dark eyeliner. For you, I would recommend a brown liner. Finish off with a gloss and hint of blush.

    Have fun!!
  • 879311
    879311 Posts: 60
    My personal preference is not a lot of make up. I like the natural-girl-next-door look rather than the plastic-could-live-in-hollywood look.

    Maybe tell your friend that you appreciate her help but you want to be as much "yourself" as you can be since you are meeting a new guy. Tell her you are concerned that if all goes well and you both want to see each other again and you go as "yourself" he might think it's odd that you were so different.

    Just be you!!!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    most guys like the natural girls for long term!! and u should be yourself that's how u will feel comfortable!
  • AEJhoi
    AEJhoi Posts: 36
    Okay obviously I am not a guy but I would go with the mascara and lipstick. He will never find you any more beautiful with lots of make up (not saying you shouldn't wear any! make up can really accentuate your beauties and cover your flaws a bit, but you should never overdo it)
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    why would you change being yourself for a date? If you normally don't use all this make up stuff why would you do it now. + to much make up fake tits etc makes you just look dumb as ****

    well fkn said!!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I don't see anything wrong with dressing to impress and putting lots of makeup on. If anything it shows you are serious about going on this date. But I think where many go wrong is that they don't know how to use makeup effectively to look better, instead they look like a clown. That is the wrong way to do it.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Don't dress up, but get vajazzled.

    Put your effort into the things that the guy will care about.

    not cool, man. that stuff's a choking hazard.

    as far as makeup is concerned, be yourself. some girls like a lot, a little, none at all. what matters is you wear it the way you like to.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Be yourself. If you change a lot of things that you know you will not maintain, the relationship, should it develop, will be initially based upon a false image of who you are. You will be better off to just be you... Of course putting your best foot forward -- we all do that (well I did when I dated)... Just be you.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    The very fact you have lost 78 pounds is proof you are changing. There is nothing wrong with trying something new. Who knows, talking about your makeover could be the small talk that breaks the ice. Having said that, heavy makeup is somewhat of a turn-off for me. Some make up is good. It is important to be your new self, not let your old self continue to rule your life.

    Good luck, and you do look great.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    From my female opinion, I would let her help with hair and make-up, but I wouldn't let her do anything that made you feel uncomfortable. I see make-up and hair as "fun" and I like getting ready with girlfriends for the social aspect. If you aren't into that sort of thing, then don't worry about it. You want the guy to see you for who you are
  • Marper8521
    Marper8521 Posts: 160
    Well I'm not a make-up type of guy, so maybe I'm just weird like this. But if my blind date showed up looking like she was a mannequin in a storefront window, that would probably be the only date we had. It's ok with me to have the nails and hair done, but that other stuff just takes the air out of my sail.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I advise my sons against dating anyone who has more than 1 or 2 fake things. Girls with too many fake things are just pretending or insecure or totally clueless about who they really are and should not be taken seriously. Hair color and fake nails are probably just a sign of someone trying to look color, hair extensions, fake nails, fake boobs, fake eyebrows, and makeup that has to be chiseld off are probably signs of something to run away from.

    The most important thing on a first date is for you to be comfortable. I don't see any problems with trying your friends makeover ideas, but try them in advance of the date so you can see what you like or don't like about the makeover and then you can decide what you are comfortable with for the date. Being made over and awkward will not be fun even if you look like a super model...but you might find something in a makeover that you like and want to keep. She may do a stunning eye makup routine that you fall in love with, or she may present you with a new hairstyle you love. Don't be afraid to push the edges of your comfort zone and try new things, but I wouldn't advocate doing a full makover and a first date simultaneously.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    You want him to like you right?
    You should just be who you are. If that's what you like then fine, if not don't get a "fake-over" for a date.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Don't dress up, but get vajazzled.

    Put your effort into the things that the guy will care about.

    not cool, man. that stuff's a choking hazard.

    :laugh: :laugh: