worst foods you used to eat



    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Wine, I would easily drink a bottle each night. But with that came the potato chips, the cheese and bikkies and the constant snacking. I just don't drink at all now, or rarely, and don't miss it at all.

    This was me WINE and mindlessly eating cheetos puffs plus I was eating way too many calories leading up to the evening.
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    Chili cheese fries. A HUGE plate full. Anything fast food. I used to scarf down grilled stuffed burritos and the nacho/cheese. Didn't realize that equaled to 3/4 of my daily cals. Also pizza. LOVE pizza. Especially stuffed crust. *drool*
  • Tcakes85
    Tcakes85 Posts: 8
  • ClaireS_93
    Belgian chocolate and full sugar coca cola. And I still don't think I'll ever manage to cut them out completely.
  • XOchocolate
    XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
    Poutine.....bad bad bad. Around 2400 mg sodium;((((... Never again my friend!!!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    I want to know what sort of PB&J sandwiches you were eating that were 700+ calories!
    Mine are under 300 (heck, even my PB, Banana, & marshmallow fluff sandwich was only around 400)

    At least 2 tbsp of PB on each slice (400) + 100 each slice of bread (200) + whatever the jelly adds up to. I didn't look it up specifically for the cal content, but c'mon it's like pure sugar. Couple tbsp of that's gotta be good for at least 100 cals.

    How do you get yours under 300?
    i use sara lees sandwhich thins 100 calories a tbsp of pb for like 95 calories and a tbsp of sugar free blackberry jelly 25 calories

    Haha, I'm glad it works for you, but that would just seem like a tease for me! :)
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    i cant say i cut out foods... i just dont eat as much of it anymore.

    used to buy a large fries on my way home from work... finish it by the time i got home and then ate my dinner plus candy and pastries...

    used to go to the movies and buy 2 donuts, nachos and soda.... not so much anymore.. i miss those donuts, but i have them once in a whiiile.

    Looking back... eeep, no wonder i put on weight... smh
  • SSGCoopsCutiePie
    SSGCoopsCutiePie Posts: 4 Member
    I make my own queso at night for me n the hubby...using white processed velveeta cheese n tomatoes n chilis...we eat it with tortilla chips. So not good!! I havent made it for like 2 n half weeks. What made me stop? I almost couldn't get my slacks buttoned for my aunts funeral!! Yep, I'm done! Told him if he's eating at night, it will be alone from now on...
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    One word - Nutella. It's so delicious but sooo bad. At least i measure it out now and don't eat it straight from the jar with a spoon!

    A little OT: I tried Nutella when I was in Australia and I thought it was nasty. But then I was in a movie theater there, watching an American film and there was a scene showing someone spreading peanut butter on bread, and there were gasps from the audience and cries of, "Oh GROSS!" (And I was like, whaaa...? What's the problem..??)

    I just get a giggle out of cultural difference sometimes :)
  • cremeetsucre
    Pop-tarts. I would eat a whole box sometimes. That's 1540 - 1680 calories, depending on the flavor.

    Pretty much everything else I still eat, just in moderation, but pop-tarts I find to be so pathetic, regrettable, and unsatisfying in the recommended portion size (one pastry, 200 cal). Who really gets full from that? One pop-tart makes me HUNGRIER than I would have been without eating anything at all. Plus it's 35 carbs and basically a pure sugar hit without any redeeming nutritional value.

    Oh and that really rich full fat full sugar belgian chocolate pudding from trader joe's. Damn it is SO GOOD, but 300 calories in 1/2 a cup. That's crazy. Sugar free chocolate jello pudding snacks are 60 calories for 1/2 a cup...nowhere near as delicious, but for that big a calorie difference I can pretend not to care.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Cookies, I would get through a packet for days in a row, probably about 1000 calories there. But I must admit, I didn't overeat the rest of the time so I might have balanced out naturally.
  • RaysFan80
    RaysFan80 Posts: 27
    Cake! Especially birthday cake. I could easily take out a cake meant for 8-10 people in two days. Awful awful awful!
  • majik0516
    majik0516 Posts: 52 Member
    My go to was always a buffalo chicken cheese steak with ranch dressing, and I'm always a sucker for loaded cheese fries (yum bacon)
  • angie_sample
    Doritos were my weakness. I could eat a whole bag in one sitting. it took about 3 months before i stopped craving them, now i dont even think about them
  • majik0516
    majik0516 Posts: 52 Member
    Pop-tarts. I would eat a whole box sometimes. That's 1540 - 1680 calories, depending on the flavor.

    Pretty much everything else I still eat, just in moderation, but pop-tarts I find to be so pathetic, regrettable, and unsatisfying in the recommended portion size (one pastry, 200 cal). Who really gets full from that? One pop-tart makes me HUNGRIER than I would have been without eating anything at all. Plus it's 35 carbs and basically a pure sugar hit without any redeeming nutritional value.

    And who really opens a pack of pop tarts and only eats one and puts the other back for a later date?? Anyone?? Not likely.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    It was a long time ago, but in college I loved the rahmen that came wrapped in plastic and included a package of seasoning. I used to boil water in my hot pot and pour the water over noodle cake, which was in a mug. I think it had 30 grams a fat a serving, and the sodium -- unimaginable.

    I used to love to buy three-packs of almond cookies from the Asian foods section. They were unbelievably soft. They had lard in them.

    Again in college, I once ate a jar of cashew butter over a weekend.

    I ate so many bad, convenient and tasty things in the past. I could go on and on.
  • ThePunkHippie
    I want to know what sort of PB&J sandwiches you were eating that were 700+ calories!
    Mine are under 300 (heck, even my PB, Banana, & marshmallow fluff sandwich was only around 400)

    At least 2 tbsp of PB on each slice (400) + 100 each slice of bread (200) + whatever the jelly adds up to. I didn't look it up specifically for the cal content, but c'mon it's like pure sugar. Couple tbsp of that's gotta be good for at least 100 cals.

    How do you get yours under 300?

    I use 1 tbs peanut butter (100 calories per tbs), Wonder Bread enriched white bread (120 for 2 slices), & 1 tbs jelly (55)
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I have a long list. I didn't get this way by not having different foods!! Like everyone else, Chili's was a downfall. Soup, salad, chips, all you can eat. Did that about twice a week, and could easily pound down 2 bowls of soup, and tons of chips. Love Taco Bell, McDonalds fries. I also made a few homemade things that I miss, like cheesy potatoes, (about 400 cal for 1/2 cup) chicken enchiladas, etc.

    That's not to say I still don't eat these things, but it is in moderation. I literally sit there and count out 15 chips at Chilis and eat only one bow of soup, and fat free dressing. I won't deprive myself of anything, because I'm doing well enough that I don't want to go back.
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
    Big Mac, Large Fry, Large Sweet Tea (Have not had any since 7/2010)

    Big Mac - 540 calories, 29g of fat
    Large Fries - 500 calories, 25g of fat
    Sweet Tea - 280 calories

    1320 calories! JUST FOR LUNCH?!

    This is the first time I actually looked all that up. I'm completely blown away!
  • jenishort
    jenishort Posts: 5 Member
    I did that with ribs last night! I only had 3 small (well, small to me) ribs and they were 300 calories! That doesn't sound like alot but when you add the sides with it, I almost went over my caloric intake. Thank goodness I took it easy during lunch! But my favorite thing to eat is pasta! Oh how I miss thee....