Dating on MFP? Why or Why not?



  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    Even though I'm not here to find my soulmate I'd love to find someone or a group of people who live close by that would be my workout buddy lol. Or someone we could call and talk to about our life goals or whatnot..Its not such a bad idea
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    There aren't many asian men on here, but if there were and I was single, I might give it a try.

    They have to be asian? What if someone said they'd only date a white man?

    I only date black guys.

    Its called preference, whats the problem with that?? Lol.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Never crossed my mind to actually date someone from MFP. Hell, I don't even date women from where I live now. Hell...I don't date at all.

    Perhaps I should give it a try. Who knows...there might be someone I could connect with out there. I doubt it, but it could happen.
  • loseweightjames
    I would! Maybe it would be better than regular dating websites, as both men and women here are trying to lose weight, so I think men would assume maybe I don't have a perfect body (yet).

    I would PREFER someone that doesn't have the perfect body but is working hard to get it! I would LOVE a workout partner!

    Too many times I've fallen for these skinny girls that each McDs all day and flop in front of the TV and never gain a pound. That's not good! They're usually lazy as hell too, whine about walking across a parking lot

    I think a lot of us just fell a bit in love with you... ;)


    I'd take a 200 lbs woman that's doing couch to 5k over any playmate that sits on her *kitten* all day

    i can run with the runner, the playmate i'd just ogle.

    i've had the strippers and the cheerleaders. They're a lot of fun, but that's as far as it gets. They're like a roller coaster, fun to ride a few times but you wouldn't want it in your house.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Let me know if anyone sees a 30+ year old guy from Ontario, Canada around here... lol!
    Most men on dating sites are kind of creepy with tons of baggage... and a pot belly to match! :laugh:
    I do agree though, common interests and goals is a great way to meet someone :)

    I'll be 31 next week.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    Even though I'm not here to find my soulmate I'd love to find someone or a group of people who live close by that would be my workout buddy lol. Or someone we could call and talk to about our life goals or whatnot..Its not such a bad idea

    Ditto :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    OP: You are married. You have no business trying to date anyone on MFP or anywhere else.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    For me personally, if you meet someone on here and date them, that's cool.

    It's the people that constantly post about it, or are constantly hitting on others that can get irritating, because they are using MFP primarily as the meat menu and it can be distracting or irritating trying to find fitness topics and having to wade through dating-site topics which on some days can become unruly.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Absolutely nothing wrong with it!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    And if you're married already you're a tool.
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    If I were single this would be a great place to hook up. You can find someone who is either at your fitness level or who you admire and they can help you achieve better results. If you actually got together you could help keep each other healthy and exercise together. :D

    My guy is always ordering chinese and pizza. I try to resist but it's so good and he always orders some for me so I feel bad when I don't eat it. :(
    He never works out with me and on days I don't feel like it he convinces me to skip it. I wish when I said "man, I really don't feel like working out today." He'd say something like "It wont take that long, at least do half of it." Just something to make me go.

    This is so true. I found myself more motivated to better myself by associating with someone who was doing the same. I went from a home life with a husband who didn't encourage me and only pointed out my flaws, to someone who told me I was beautiful as is but encouraged me to push myself to meet my goals. What a difference that makes!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    There aren't many asian men on here, but if there were and I was single, I might give it a try.

    They have to be asian? What if someone said they'd only date a white man?

    Then you'd be called racists. It is a double standard.

    That is crazy talk. How is that a double standard?

    Because if someone is white and prefers to only date white people, idiots would say they are racist...and that's why they don't outside their race. If someone said they only date asians, it somehow isn't racist in the minds those the SAME people that would call someone racist for only dating white people.

    I didn't say I agreed. CALM DOWN. I'm saying it is a double standard.

    Actually my son is mixed and I STILL get called racist.

    I also get called a few other things from white guys that dont approve of my choice.

    yet, I dont really care what anybody thinks. Im attracted too who im attracted to. Lol.
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I've actually dated a few men that have recently transformed themselves, unknowingly. It's nice because they can appreciate what I'm doing. And it certainly is an attractive quality - shows the ability to work towards a long-term goal/commitment, which is severely lacking in so many people lately.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Hmm...I think like any other online social media or one geared towards dating proceed with caution & your eyes wide open. If it works for you great. Go for it! Since there is a common interest of health & fitness that is a great start. If the two are on the same page. Me personally, I would rather meet someone the good ol' fashioned way. Maybe bumping into someone in the grocery store as we reach for the same item. Haa! (yea...what are the chances of that happening?) :drinker:
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member

    And an Equal Opportunity Dater.

    And would date someone I met at the Exxon so long as we have something in common, he doesn't have a TON of baggage and isn't mother fu*ckin crazy....

  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    There aren't many asian men on here, but if there were and I was single, I might give it a try.

    They have to be asian? What if someone said they'd only date a white man?

    "white" can cover a lot of races.

    It can cover a lot of *nationalities*, as can Asian... But that's not the point - I was just surprised to hear someone say they'd only date one skin colour.

    I only prefer Caucasians. It's a preference thing.
  • cjfitnessme
    cjfitnessme Posts: 97 Member
    Too bad all the women are hot and the men not so! No offence

    none taken.
    EWAJH Posts: 22 Member
    I would............
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    If I weren't married maybe....

    There was a couple a couple of years ago that met on here...They are married now with a gorgeous baby girl!!! IT can happen!

    I wont disclose their names for privacy but they are adorable
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    OP: You are married. You have no business trying to date anyone on MFP or anywhere else.

    They are just asking a question.

    Calm down!