Why are people so cruel



  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    I had a boss who had no problem addressing me in front of an entire group over lunch hour break asking with his hands on his hips...Do you really need those french fries with that sandwich? He was not perfect himself.
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    why you care what a random fat dude says to you ?
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    That person that said that is a *kitten* and an Assssssssshole
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Honey you can lose weight, but that man will always have an ugly soul. I was at a party last year, I weighed about 165 pounds at the time. There were a lot of people so it was a tight squeeze to get around. As I passed one of the other party goers he said, "Wide load coming through." At the time it broke my heart. Now I just realize some people are just ugly on the inside and need to work on themselves emotionally the way I am physically.

    People are mostly like that when they are unhappy with themselves, and they think it elevates them to put someone else down. I used to be bothered by people like that, but now I consider the source and know that I am in a much better place then they are.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    If it wouldn't have got me fired, I would have just looked him dead in the eye and said 'I don't care. I can lose weight, but you'll always be a *kitten*.'

    I've noticed when people say horrible things like he did, they're usually just trying to justify their own shortcomings. You said he was overweight himself. He was probably aware of that, maybe feeling insecure about it and decided to take it out on the nearest person, which unfortunately was you. Still doesn't stop it being rude as hell though.
  • jenmcdav
    jenmcdav Posts: 67
    ridiculous! and, i looked at your pictures and you are thin! he's got no right to say that to anyone, ever, but it's SO off-base about you.
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    A male with the stomach of a pregnant woman? Like this Douche Magoosh has room to talk! I would've slugged him.
  • jelias1
    jelias1 Posts: 97
    He was just jealous because he couldn't have a chocolate covered strawberry. Don't let anyone steal your joy!

    I love this comment and agree completely lol.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    well he is a douche for saying that for one , and guys like a sexy lady , it doesnt matter how much she weighs.. weight is not a turnoff .. I am sure there are many men here that appreciate a woman at any weight and love them all the same no matter what.
  • Rachel5K
    Rachel5K Posts: 48 Member
    Ha! Sounds like the epitome of health and physique himself right there. Guys like skinny girls?? Funny that he thinks he can talk for the whole male population right there. I know plenty of guys who balk when their ladies are too bony, thank you. Hmm... obviously someone liked your coworker enough to drop at the very LEAST $45 on some chocolate covered strawberries for her to enjoy and share so HE obviously didn't think she needed to lose weight.

    Mainly, just ignore the idiots. Their comments can be hurtful but it is up to you to either take them to heart or let them go. You are a beautiful woman... and he still has a pregnant belly with no fetus to show for it. ;)
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    A few years ago I was walking along the streets of a small coastal town in Spain. I had just spent the day swimming in the Mediterranean Sea and life was good. I stopped at a convenience store to get something to drink and a snack. My snack of choice? A KitKat bar. Wrong choice, apparently!

    As I am happily making my way back to my hostile, munching on my KitKat, this older Spaniard stopped me and proceeded to tell me, in Spanish, that I was fat and should not be eating the candy bar. I didn't speak enough Spanish to fully understand him, but from his gestures and facial expressions I just knew it wasn't anything pleasant.

    Jerk off!

    Don't let people like that get to you. Much easier said than done, but people will always find something to rag on you about and the best thing to do is to let it roll off your back and remind yourself that they are unhappy and suck. Then eat another strawberry! haha
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    It's true. Some people are socially inept enough to think that their opinions and presumptions about anyone else's desire or ability to attract a mate are important enough to share with strangers.

    Could have always said that your girlfriend thinks that you're a-okay.
  • Reddak98
    Reddak98 Posts: 58 Member
    One day you will reach your goal weight. When that day comes he will, unfortunately for him, still be ignorant. He is not worth the time.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I keep hearing these stories and they make me so angry I don't have words.

    You should have stabbed him in the neck.
    As much as I'm a fan of a good neck-stabbing, I don't get angry about this stuff any more. It doesn't fix anything or make me feel better to get angry. Maybe if I was there witnessing it, I'd feel differently.

    I encourage the OP (and anyone humiliated by someone being jerky) to know yourself, who you are, and be confident in that assessment. It makes comments from others far less influential. Doesn't mean other people's inconsiderateness won't be bothersome - just way less powerful.

    Mostly, though, OP, I hope you enjoyed your chocolate-covered strawberry.
  • jelias1
    jelias1 Posts: 97
    Ok mini vent too..This morning one of the girls in the office recieved a box of chocolate dipped strawberries from edible arrangements and decided to offer me one. Needless to say neither of us are skinny. There was a customer in the lobby at this time, Male with the stomache of a pregnant woman. So I selected one. The guy then says" you know if you eat that you will only get fatter than what you are" "You know men like skinny woman." I didnt reply because I like my job and the words coming out of my mouth wasnt going to be pretty. So I ate all my 140 calories strawberry and gave him eyes that could kill. He doesnt know me or my workout plans. What gives him the right to judge me on my weight? This is why alot of people have confidence issues dealing with there weight

    Don't let that comment get to you at all, he is an insensitive douche with the social skills of a flea on a dog's butt. I am glad you enjoyed your strawberry and took the high road by not reacting to his stupidity. Not all men like skinny women and on top of that there is no defined standard for skinny he was just being stupid. I guess where he comes from there are no mirrors and inbreeding to create those social skills.

    Your gorgeous by the way you have nothing to worry about! :bigsmile:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    That was probably his version of flirting. Let me guess, he's single. LOL
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Honey you can lose weight, but that man will always have an ugly soul. I was at a party last year, I weighed about 165 pounds at the time. There were a lot of people so it was a tight squeeze to get around. As I passed one of the other party goers he said, "Wide load coming through." At the time it broke my heart. Now I just realize some people are just ugly on the inside and need to work on themselves emotionally the way I am physically.


    I have no idea why so many people feel the need to drag down others...please don't let it get to you...it's hard not to let those evil words stick in your brain and dwell on them but YOU know your goals. Like this commenter said- you will continue to get healthy and lose weight- he will always be a terrible person. Turn the other cheek and ENJOY that chocolate covered strawberry! (my fav dessert btw....so i'm a lil jealous!) :flowerforyou:
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I think I would have raised my eyebrows.....laughed...then snickered while pointing at his belly.
    He's not even worth a thought to you. :flowerforyou:

    ^^ This! LOL
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Job or not I would have asked him how his diet is working for him
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I cannot believe someone would say that! The worst I have had is people thinking I am pregnant and sometimes people will say something like "well you're lucky because you are only fat around your middle" as if that makes me feel better lol.

    Sorry that happened to you today! That man was very mean.