20 th July new group



  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Chrissey, you can do it! Once your weight is under 200 you will notice a huge difference in yourself. I was at 200 last May, 2008. My highest was 214 in 2005. I couldn't believe I let myself gain that much weight. It just creeps up the older you get. On the more positive side, this group we are in is amazing. We will ALL be slimmer and trimmer by the holidays. I jumped into the pool today to "clean" the tiles and ended up doing aerobics for 45 minutes. Sure felt good!:laugh: Angl...What is the date and time for the Dr. Oz show? I have his book...You on a Diet.:tongue:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Not sure of the time and date of the Dr. Oz show....as soon as I find out I will post it. Oprah sponsors the show so it probably will be advertized on her show. Will keep you posted.

    There has to be some kind of alchole drink that is lower in calories. What do you guys think? What should we order when we want to have a drink with friends that will not blow our diet efforts? :drinker: I love wine but I think it has toooooo much sugar. Of course it has to be a mix with diet pop or water. Give me some suggestions....Im sure we all would like to hear them. Chrissey..... The bacardi rum and diet coke doesnt sound too bad.
    Have a great day
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    In this month's Shape Magazine they discuss drinks that are better choices. I have read that vodka and tomato juice is a good choice. I tried vodka and a hot and spicy V8 and it was all most as good as a bloody mary.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Lucky day for me! I went out to eat, ordered a spinich calizone. When it came it was mostly cheese and hardly any spinich.....all the calorie counting is working I ate just enough to curb my grumbling stomach and threw away the rest! Tonight I will start a walking program. Thanks to all of you for your support having a place to talk honestly about the rolls of fat I want to be rid of is so helpful. Hugs to all Angelae 39 have you tried Saki? low in calories. Richie
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Wine does have too much sugar but 4 oz. of red wine is "good for you". Problem is who stops at 4 oz.:drinker: This summer I had a gin and tonic with a lime. It is really refreshing and shouldn't do too much damage. I also will have a non-alcoholic cranberry juice with a twist of fresh lime. (twist = lime, squeeze=lemon???) There's low carb juice too. Then comes the big decision "Drink" vs. "Dessert"!
    Enjoy ladies!:love:
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    As far as drinks go I have switched over to Vodka and Diet Tonic. I have always heard that "clear" doesn't have as much sugar. Plus, you don't want a cheap vodka when doing that because ugh......not as good. I love fruity drinks so stepping away from those was hard. But it is nice to occasionally be able to have a drink and not feel bad.

    Have an awesome day!

  • I wouldl ike to join this group since I "started" MFP the middle of July. I have lost 10 pounds so far, with 50 to go. It helps to stay motivated to read other stories and get tips on what people are doing.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Yikes overdid the oatmeal cookies! ate two there are 170 calories in each cookie. I did walk last night which maybe will make up for it alittle. I am taking the rest to work today. Too much temptation for me. Hugs to all, I weigh in tomorrow. Richie
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome Joane!!! This is an awesome group!!! Congrats on your weight loss since joining MFP!!

    I don't have any helpful tips about cocktails. I rarely drink and when I do...it's not much so I never gave it a second thought. I do think vodka and diet tonic with a twist of lime would be a good way to go. The gin and tonic with lime sounds good too. I tried to do an online search yesterday but didn't find a good list of diet friendly drinks.

    Richie-My first couple of weeks of calorie counting was hit or miss. I would stay within my range but my choices weren't always the best. For example my night of Oreos. It's good that you stopped with the calizone...that is hard to do!!! I swear that cheese is addictive.

    We've been weighing in on Friday's. I know there are a few members who weigh in on different days though. Just remember to send a message to Patty with your new weight on whatever day you decide to do your weekly weigh in on. Patty has been tracking our progress.

    Taking a rest day today. Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Eava!! I am so close to that milestone, I can ALMOST
    taste it!!

    I don't normally drink, but we did go out (a rarity) and I just wanted something...so I guess I was wondering what a good choice is for when/if those occasions arise...

    Hopefully I'll get enough workouts in to balance out the few bad choices that I have made this week...well it isn't that they were totally bad..I just havent had ANYTHING other than things that are good for you...I did have a sliver of chocolate cake and a scoop of ice cream at a birthday party last night...however, this was my SECOND time for the cake/ice cream combo this week...eeek..

    anyhow, I do not want to cut these things totally out of my life..that just isn't realistic for me...I am trying to learn to eat right, maintain proper calories, get regular exercise and be able to enjoy these small treats on occasion without over doing it...

    happy Tuesday!
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Thanx for the input on the low calorie alcohol drinks.....I like the vodka and v8 choice. I love the wine but you are right Eava ...who wants to drink 4 oz.....12 oz is a better choice.:drinker:
    Been cleaning like crazy today. Just getting to spring cleaning. Opppps I think I missed the spring season. Anyway its a great work out.
    Welcome jonanewright...love to have new people join in.....
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hello everyone,I just got back from vacation it was alot of fun,went camping with my daughter and husband and in laws,we fished and i went running while on vacation.

    Welcome new teamates glad to have you aboard,nice to see everyone doing good.being gone for almost a week i have lots to do.

    I did have some snacks while i was on vacation,once in a while isn't going to hurt. holly
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    hey everyone!!

    I hope you all are having a great week.

    I am determined to be down this week...it might be excrutiatingly hard :explode: but I want to be down this week...I need to be down this week...if I stay the same I will go crazy...wait I think I already have:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have another 40th bday this wknd to go to any suggestions on what to drink...was thinking coors light but not sure what it's like calorie wise?? I haven't drank in 3 months so I need something easy to drink that won't blow the head off me.

    Thanks all

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ditto Congrats to Joanewright! Wow, you have lost 10 lbs.. Yeah!:laugh: :laugh: You will love this group. I was asking another fitness pall about the P90X exercise program. Does anyone in our group use it?
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :sad: no weight loss this week still holding steady at 165 guess I will stay away from the cookies this week. Thank goodness I took them to work! Maybe do some more walking. Richie
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  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I don't have the px90 i was going to get it,decided agianst it.i do the treadmill and the firm and jillian micheals dvd's i also have gilad.this week is not going to be good especially being on vac.and that tom.But we'll see,I got my daughter ready for school,last night was bring your things to school night she got her schudle and your locker,she's nervous 1st day is tues.she'll be in middle school.I live in wisconsin and our summer has been a cool one this year.it went to fast.Hope everyone has a good day. holly
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    I did so well last week but this week is the opposite. I had 2 BBQ and a birthday party. I started off good but let go, even after that i did evening snacking!!!! SO BAD

    All that after being so happy with my weight loss.

    NO NO QUITING that's what I mail all of you so I better stick to it as well.

    From mondag next week I won't be around for 2 1/2 weeks. I have to go back home to take care of my parents overseas. Yeah that's what happend to me. I fell in love with a guy miles and miles away from home. I am Dutch and living in Malaysia
    It will be hard leaving my hubby and kids behind and controlling my self with all the great food I didn't eat for a long time. Saying that the H1N1 has taken 70 lives so far ( incl a school teacher) here and still scary. After this week schoolholiday we'll have to check the schools again. Kids still have to wear masks.
    I will do my very best to keep track from there and update yo guys. Please bare with me if reply comes late. I now have to finish all my work in the office up to date.

    I downloaded PX90 but I heard it was very tough and I think I am not reddy for that yet.

    Keep going Patty
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    This hasn't been a good week for either,between vacation and that TOM it's been rough.i havebeen getting my daughter ready for school which starts tues.and getting the house cleaned after being gone for a week.plus my garden to take care of and canning to do.which left no workout time which i'm not happy about,i did do some running on vacation.I'm going to try to workout today need to do some outside work to like cutting the grass.well have a great day.

    patty09 Take care and we'll be here when you get back. holly
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! Got my workout in yesterday. Back to evening workouts now so nothing to report for today.

    I have not tried px90. I just started Chalean Extreme, which is a 90 day program. It's kicking my butt!! It's messing with the scale but I can already see some changes in my body so I can deal with the scale part as long as I don't go back up to 200!!!!

    Patty-Have a safe trip. We will be here when you return!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Hello Everyone,

    Just want to stop in and say "hello". I am without my laptop and have been for over a week now. I finally had a moment at work to check in and wanted to do so as it has been a minute.

    I went to the doctor a few days ago and found that I have swelling in my body. I was given a diurectic, which should relieve some of the water. I am intersted to see if I will see a diference on the scale, as I've been working out like crazy and eating better. However, no weight loss. I hope the reason is the excess water and I will see some change soon.

    I hope that everyone is staying encouraged. We can do this...it's just a matter of figuring out what works individually.

    Take care and best of luck.

    LaDonna (LD624)
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