What is a good cutoff time for your last meal?



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You put "experts" in quotes because any "experts" that give time limits on eating are silly.

    Eat preferably before falling asleep.

    I've made that mistake before. Woke up on the floor with a slice of cheese stuck to my face. Long story.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I think the "no eating after such and such time" myth has been debunked. If you have calories left and you want to use them up before bed, go ahead.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I find it far easier to sleep on a full stomach...i naturally feel bloated and sluggish, ergo, sleepy. :)
  • Lily_1
    Lily_1 Posts: 38
    There is no cutoff time for a last meal. Typically I eat/snack until 2 am sometimes however the key is to space your last meal before sleeping appropriately to allow for digestion. That said, I wait at least 10 hrs to have another meal the following day. When your stomach growls it is your digestive system working not hunger pains. The book CLEAN by Alejandro Junger explains this in detail.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    ppsstt..calories cant tell time..neither can your body :)
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    because i work late..i eat late..i also exercising late as well..everyone body is different..i dont think the time of your meal plays a part in your weight loss...good luck!
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    2 hours before you sleep
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I know "experts" say that you shouldn't eat after a certain time, but what is a good cutoff time for your last meal?

    any time before you fall asleep. sleep eating is bad, mmkay?

    (otherwise? doesn't matter a lick. I eat my last big snack about 1 a.m. or so every night.)
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Unless I'm low on cals for the day, I try to stop eating at 7 just as an exercise in self control. If I don't put a time limit on myself it's way too easy to fall into munching at night while watching tv.

    Not a hard and fast rule...if I'm truly hungry I eat no matter what time it is.
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Personally, I have gotten into the habit of having my last meal for the day usually 3-4 hours before I go to bed, whether I have calories left over or not.

    My old pattern was to pretty much eat non-stop until I went to bed and I tended to make bad choices. I also found that much of my late night eating was more emotional and I used it as kind of a "reward" for the fact that I have a really stressful job. I honestly would rather go to bed a little hungry than on a full stomach.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Stop whenever you feel like stopping.
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    If energy levels are a concern due to blood sugar levels, you might want to distribute your calories out evenly throughout the day and eating several meals/snacks equally spaced. I know this has made a world of difference for me. I try to follow this schedule each day:

    Meal Time.........Meal........................When
    06:30 AM.......Breakfast....Within 1/2 hr after rising
    09:30 AM.......Snack..........3 hours after Breakfast
    12:30 PM.......Lunch..........6 hours after Breakfast
    03:30 PM.......Snack..........3 hours after Lunch
    06:30 PM.......Dinner.........6 hours after Lunch
    08:30 PM.......Snack..........2 hrs after dinner
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Right after priest reads you your last rights and you hear the guards walking towards you.