Ladies in the low 200's?



  • 206..ish.. haha would love to be friends :)
  • Jrnygurl
    Jrnygurl Posts: 11
    Hello all! I'm 5'3" (according to doc though I was 5'4" not too long ago), SW was 220 and am currently at 212...oh and 50 yrs. old. Nice to meet everyone!
  • Tammy221
    Tammy221 Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies :flowerforyou: My name I Tammy. I am 32 weighing the most that I EVER have in my life.I have PCOS.I am very determine to lose this and feel good again.Yes the more friends that are going through with I am really helps focus on what I should be doing,.I will help u all if u help me as well :):wink: WE CAN DO THIS LADIES!!!!! :bigsmile: I am 5'4 weighing 233, I was weighing 259 in august 2011
  • I am 5"9 and 217 (last June I was 285) I just joined in march, I was stuck at a plateau and I altered my calorie intake & exercise as per the suggestions from this site and it got me over the hump. feel free to add me.:smile:
    I can't wait to get under 200 pounds.
  • erh12275
    erh12275 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi. I am 5 2 and currently 208. Add me if you like.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I'm 5'7", or 8" ( I get confused with the english system)... I'm 174 cms, and my heaviest was 206 lb. I was at the 201 lb when I joined MFP and now I'm 198lb. You can add me as a friend :) I'm doing the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shread.

    BTW Welcome to MFP!
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    Hi...Im 34, 5'5"-5'6". Started mid December at 225, now 206. Add me if you'd like!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    Hello. I'm 5'7 and 200. I can't wait to be out of the 200's.
  • Melissa_2305
    Melissa_2305 Posts: 76 Member
    Heey! I'm 5'6 and currently 190 lbs. I started in the low 200's (I think about 210/215 lbs). If you want, feel free to add me ;)
  • hi. I'm 5'8"ish.. I'm currently at 214--my goal is to get to 148 -- I guess major goal would just be to get healthy again!! :)
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    I just started this whole deal last night! One of my girls at work said she was taking a healthy stand to loose weight so I said I would have a friendly competition with her. Our first order of business was to weigh in. Last time I weighed myself was 180 around the holidays. I weighed in at 200 last night...... I gotta change, NOW!!!

    Happened to see you Sensa thread, then this. I started at 212 in August 2011. It really is as others mentioned on your Sensa thread. There are no quick fixes, it took a long time to get overweight so it will take a long time to reverse.

    Strongly recommend a book: "The Cure For Everything" (by Timothy Caufield). The title is tongue in cheek. Written by a university professor who teaches in thenPublic Heath dept st U of Alberta. The cure for getting fit and improving health is: hard work and eating well. Simple, but hard. In his book he debunks common myths about weight, diet, fitness that are used by the various related industries to get us to buy the product. Their goal is not ur health and fitness it is their profit and it is a key consideration every person needs to assess when considering something like Sensa.

    Impossilbe to speak in less than glowing terms for the book. It confirms and adds so much to what I've learned since I started on this revolutionary change in my life. Had to wait to read the book from the library, and now that I've only read 1/4 of it, I've decided it's worth the $30 to buy.

    Wether you get that book or not, good luck on your journey.
  • hello im 5'7 weigh 93.8 lbs i started this program n late december weighin 198-200 back n fourth but i havent taken this seroiusly until now dont want tu be 200lbs at 20 yrs old with no kids and goal is tu b175 staring from april 1rst tu july first 90 day goal any advice???????:)
  • You can add me! I started January 1st at 240 and I'm down to 214. :)
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    My starting weight was 223. Feel free to add me : )
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Wahoooooooo, I hit 199 today, just needed to tell the world!
  • I am a newby...just joined a few minutes ago. My weight is 260 pds; therefore, I can use all the motivation and advice I can get. I am excited about giving as well as receiving support to and from my new fitness please count me
  • I truly understand the struggle. I have been an emotional eater most of my life, which is the reason I weigh 260 today. I have comtemplated getting the lap-band surgery, but if possible would like to loose it on my own. I read your profile and would love to be added as a fitness pal. Bree
  • I'm Ashley. Just started today(picture coming shortly), was 249.5 at the beginning of the year, currently 237.5 and cud use some friends to go through this with. Good luck so far by the way and hope to stay in touch. :)
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone, I'm 5'5 currently at 220 started at 245
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    5'2 237 here! My journey is a long one but, right now I just want to lose 50. Once that is done and over with I will continue on by 20's. SMall goals here, so I don't feel so discouraged. I know it's going to take me a long time, but i'll get there!! We all will, just got to keep at it!!!