late night snacking

Hello! My name is Elyse and I'm new to myfitnesspal. I've been trying to eat healthier and track my food the past two days. I've noticed that I don't have much trouble making healthy choices and staying within my calorie range during the day. However, after 9 p.m. I'm so hungry my head and stomach hurts. So, I make bad food choices. If you have any suggestions to avoid this, please let me know. Thank you!


  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    Save some calories for eating at night. That's usually when I am the hungriest as well. Just skip lunch or breakfast or whatever, and enjoy something before bed.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    never skip breakfast, just save some calories for that time of evening. You could always go to bed earlier. :)
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    never skip breakfast

    Why not?
  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    When my calorie allowance was 1200 I would be STARVING at night time, and grumpy and mean if I didn't get what I wanted (ice cream, donuts, potato chips, etc). There wasn't enough wiggle room in my calories to 'save them' for the evening either, because for me, 3 meals of 400 calories each BARELY sated my hunger anyway, and then when I worked out and ate my calories back, I felt hungry AND exhausted.

    So I upped them to 1500, and now I feel better after every meal, not like I'm limiting myself, and now I don't worry that a 600 calorie dinner will put me over. And I have enough left in the evening to have a low-cal snack, like a vanilla pudding or 1oz of wheat thins or a diet hot chocolate.

    Plus I now pay more attention to % of carbs/proteins/fats that I'm eating, I try to reduce the carbs (not eliminate them) and up the protein, and it's definitely helping me feel fuller for longer!

    Good luck with everything!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    If you need to snack, you should snack on almonds (there are some great flavored almonds out there) or light microwave or air popped popcorn. Popcorn is a great "whole grain" food and almonds are low in net carbs. If that doesnt work - get on a treadmill and watch the news to gain some "junk food" calories. How about just "cheating" one day a week?
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    If I had eaten all of my calories and didn't want to go over I used to quite simply go to bed early! It nipped the the habit in the bud although I have noticed 4 months on it's trying to creep back again. I guess it will be a few early nights again for me to keep it in check. Best of luck with it.x
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    never skip breakfast

    Why not?

    Because eating first thing in the morning jump starts your metabolism!
  • lbadders1988
    i struggled with this at 1st now i change what i have for my dinner i have 5 egg whites boiled and mashed for the same cals as 1 egg, then a 100 calorie wholemeal roll or crackers then a slima soup for 50 cals that then saves me 250 cals extra for night, xx
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    If you hit your calorie limit, just don't eat more. It is unpleasant to be hungry, but it is alright. Once you are comfortable with this your body will adjust to being healthier and to not over eating.

    My favorite snacks are pretzels. I get the large rods or honey twists. You get a few good bites out of each one and they last. Also frozen fruit, anything that does not have high calories and will take you a while to eat.

    And never skip a meal, or you will be so hungry the next time you sit to eat, you will just have more and be miserable. It will also mess with your metabolism, you are dieting, but not trying to skip whole meals all together , That's CRAZY TALK. The key is balance and it IS possible to fit a late snack into your calories. Finding this balance and what works for you just takes practice.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    never skip breakfast

    Why not?

    Because eating first thing in the morning jump starts your metabolism!
    Ditto. ^
    OP: make sure your supper is hearty. and drink alot of water!!! and yes, orville redenbacher makes a 100 calorie gourmet popcorn. I dont usually drink anything but coffee iin morning and water, occ glass of milk...but I will have a diet coke with my popcorn!
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    never skip breakfast

    Why not?

    Because eating first thing in the morning jump starts your metabolism!

    Meal timing and frequency have nothing to do with overall fat loss. It's remaning in a caloric deficit throughout the day that matters. That being said, you can eat whenever you want! :P You could eat 1 meal a day and still lose weight. (or gain weight also)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you think about it... Food is fuel... What do we fuel up for?... Activity. When is our activity? During the day. Therefore the best eating plan is actually the opposite of what most of us do.... 40% morning, 30% Lunch, 20% dinner, and 10% snacks.. (Numbers are arbitrary... Just an idea of how the pyramid should work)..What most of us do is 10% morning (if that), 30-40% lunch, 50-60% after 6...

    Back to the original statement, eat plenty early and taper as the activity level subsides. Eat an apple, some fruit or something later in the day for an evening snack.. Maybe even a snack bar... That should help with the hunger at day's end. Another thing that may be going on is if your former diet was high in sugar and/or additives and you have cut back those things, you may be having some sort of withdrawals... That will just take some time to come off of but when you get through it, you will be better for the process.

    Best wishes on your journey.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    "Meal timing and frequency have nothing to do with overall fat loss. It's remaning in a caloric deficit throughout the day that matters. That being said, you can eat whenever you want! :P You could eat 1 meal a day and still lose weight." (or gain weight also)

    My fiance does the same thing, but only because he does not care about being hungry during the day. While you are right, This is HORRIBLE advice for someone just starting out and is already having a hard time.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Meal timing and frequency have nothing to do with overall fat loss. It's remaning in a caloric deficit throughout the day that matters. That being said, you can eat whenever you want! :P You could eat 1 meal a day and still lose weight. (or gain weight also)

    I do agree with this statement despite my prior post. The reason I recommended what I did about meal timing is to deal with energy issues through the day.
  • littlemermaid1048
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Helps you be more alert and energetic. Have a well balanced breakfast and make it the biggest meal of your day. Go to bed earlier and drink water when wanting to snack. Reset your mind.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Good ideas folks. I need help with this too. I'll be right on target for the day and pushed WAY over by my late snack. AT first I was able to go to bed hungry but these days it seems way harder to avoid.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper.
    Overnight the body uses up its store of glucose and energy levels needs to be replenished - hence the importance of breakfast - which literally means breaking the fast.
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    If I eat a big breakfast, then I'm hungrier all day. I don't skip breakfast entirely but I make it only 1/8 of my calorie allotment. It works for me.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member

    My fiance does the same thing, but only because he does not care about being hungry during the day. While you are right, This is HORRIBLE advice for someone just starting out and is already having a hard time.

    She said she is having a hard time specifically in the evening. My suggestion was to save some calories for the evening. I personally am hungrier at night too. I would rather skip 1 meal and just drink some water with Mio, or a Crystal Light packet to tide me over than be too hungry in the evening and decide to eat anyway and put me over my goal for the day. It's also easier for me to not eat during work since I am busy and don't think about it rather than when I am sitting at home watching tv before bed.

    To sum it up. Eat whenever you want as long as you stay in your target for the day.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I think there are a few things to consider such as, are you sure you're eating enough throughout the day? Are you drinking enough water?.. you could be dehydrated. What you are eating is just as important too, modeeration is key so make sure all your food groups are finding a way into your daily intake.
    I like to have a snack before bed so I've started having a pot of yoghurt again. Either greek or a fruit one, it keeps me going until breakfast as I find it hard to sleep if I'm hungry. You may just have to up your calorie intake xxx