"Diet" Carbonated drinks



  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member

    You are right that eating less calories will help you lse weight but this is not about calories. It's to do with artificial sweeteners that they have and the dangerous effects of them.

    Consumed in moderate quantities artificial sweeteners are generally recognized as safe.

    Seeing how a relatively safe substance worries you so, I'd suggest you'd look into all the heavy metals that are in your vegetables.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    I am a one diet coke per week person now. Used to have 5-6 per day. It's all about water and iced tea for me now.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member

    You are right that eating less calories will help you lse weight but this is not about calories. It's to do with artificial sweeteners that they have and the dangerous effects of them.

    Consumed in moderate quantities artificial sweeteners are generally recognized as safe.

    Seeing how a relatively safe substance worries you so, I'd suggest you'd look into all the heavy metals that are in your vegetables.

    where is the like button. lmao.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I think diet soda is fine as long as you don't justify eating a Big Mac and a large order of fries to go with it. It can however irritate bladder problems in some people and can harm the enamel on your teeth. For me, I'd rather have diet soda once in a while along with water or Crystal light, etc. It's all about moderation! I don't fear diet soda but regular soda is a diet killer for sure!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    If you can train yourself to drink unsweetened iced tea/hot tea, that is a good alternative that does have flavor and is healthy.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Well I am a full blown type 2 diabetic (diagnosed in 2009 with A1c of 10.0) I am going to go out on a limb and say that my diabetes came on, do to the fact that I had eaten myself to 560 lbs. and couldn't walk (hence no exercise). I have drank Diet Pops since I was drinking Pepsi Light out of glass returnable bottles you took to the store an exchange for deposits. (Yep I am in my 40's) I was consuming over 7,000 calories of crap a day at my heaviest and when I finally put the gun down (literally) and had my AHA moment I made a choice. I could have one thing (my crutch so to speak) if I committed to changing my life.. I chose my Diet Pepsi (drinking Pepsi Max now!!) and fast forward 34 months and down 305 lbs. and I am still downing my regular 2-3 24 oz. bottles a day (and yes I still get in atleast 100 oz. of water a day) and my A1c are now a respectable 5.3 and holding... I am eating 3200 calories a day and still losing on avg. a pound a week... Am I scared of the sweeteners in my Soda?? Um No, I would be more afraid of where I would be today had I not decided to lose the weight, started exercising, and making that lifestyle change.... If my Diet Pepsi eventually kills me, well atleast I went out on my terms... lol Got to have some pleasures in life, I don't drink alcohol so my vise will be my Pop...... To each their own though..... Cheers......
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Flavored water is a good choice. There are so many out there so try different ones. I like the mio drops and sobe 0 cal lifewater. To get that soda feeling, I drink seltzer water. It is fizzy, o cals, no sodium, no sugar or sugar substitute. You can buy them flavored or flavor them yourself with lemon, lime, oranges or a few drops of juice or even the mio drops.
  • kayakkris33
    kayakkris33 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a huge diet coke fan - love the carbonation - I have gone caffeine free so not sure why I still drink it. But I have found that I like SoBe lifewater - no sugar and zero calories - not all flavored waters are that way. Good luck
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The reason I love diet cola so much is that it gives my throat "the burn" which plain water does not. I do drink plain water throughout the day, but have been using a Soda Stream (carbonates water)to replace diet soda. I started my adding a little squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, etc to add some flavor to the carbonated water. I found that in a short amount of time, I didn't need the flavoring and just drank the cold carbonated water. Now I crave it whenever I need "the burn" of soda.

    That is sooo me! I love the burn. I wanted a Soda Stream for Christmas. May just have to go out and buy it myself. I bet I would love just the cabonated water.
  • happy123456
    happy123456 Posts: 48 Member
    I drank a lot of diet sodas but after reading about Aspartame which is in nearly all of them I decided that i want to cut them out.
    Drinking water and diluting juice now, diluting juice is not diet as they have aspartame in them too.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I refuse to give up my carbonated drinks. I've given up fast food which I'm completely ok with....then I took away Coke. Love love love Coke and switched to Diet Coke. I usually only drink actual Coke on the weekends, but would drink about 4 a day. During the week, I only drank about one a day.

    Now, I switched to having a Diet Coke with my lunch and during one of my snack times. Honestly though, I drink about half during lunch and half during snack time so really I'm only drinking one a day now. Then, the rest of the time I drink water.

    Don't know how people drink that diet coke w/out caffiene...what's the point??!
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    The reason I love diet cola so much is that it gives my throat "the burn" which plain water does not. I do drink plain water throughout the day, but have been using a Soda Stream (carbonates water)to replace diet soda. I started my adding a little squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, etc to add some flavor to the carbonated water. I found that in a short amount of time, I didn't need the flavoring and just drank the cold carbonated water. Now I crave it whenever I need "the burn" of soda.

    That is sooo me! I love the burn. I wanted a Soda Stream for Christmas. May just have to go out and buy it myself. I bet I would love just the cabonated water.
    Yeppy. Love SodaStream. I like fizzy water and the Soda Stream flavorings are not nearly as bad since they either use Splenda, less sugar, or no sugar at all. I also use an iSi carbonator because it carbonates more than just water -- juices, wine, anything liquid. The carbonators you can buy for iSi are not proprietary and are less expensive, IMO.

    I rarely (once or twice a month) drink traditional diet sodas now.
  • Teapotdomescam
    I used to drink so much Diet soda. Some days 32 oz or more! I was mostly addicted to the caffeine, but I switched to drinking tea instead. I quit drinking soda, but I treat myself to it once a month or something. Giving it up is always hard at first but if you save it as a treat, it will be much more enjoyable. :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I follow the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality. Diet sodas have no calories whereas juices can be high calorie. Not saying that diet soda is better for you, but for weight loss purposes make sure you stay on top of the amount of extra calories with the fruit juice, otherwise it could add up to more than you might think and end up hurting your weight loss.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    I follow the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality. Diet sodas have no calories whereas juices can be high calorie. Not saying that diet soda is better for you, but for weight loss purposes make sure you stay on top of the amount of extra calories with the fruit juice, otherwise it could add up to more than you might think and end up hurting your weight loss.

    thank you!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Is fruit squash like fruit juice? That's not a term I've heard before so I wanted to double check.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think all fizzy drinks are pretty evil, whether they're full sugar or diet. Its just a glass of chemicals.

    Yes a glass of water is free of chemicals! (it's not like it has a place on the periodic table or anything)

    To all those who state asperteme is bad for you please post some studies showing this. ALL studies have shown no ill effect from the chemical. No pseudo science links please.
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    Is fruit squash like fruit juice? That's not a term I've heard before so I wanted to double check.

    Must be a British word, and I don't know how to translate it! It's like concentrated fruit juice - you pour a centimetre or so in a glass and fill the glass with water. Kids here drink it a lot. Google Ribena!