

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    By the time it was supper yesterday, I had totally forgotten I had had Thai food for lunch. For supper I baked a lasagna. Now who needed all that in one day, I say.:blushing:

    I have a lot of catching up to do in reading all your posts. My life has been a "tad busy". :noway:

    It promises to be a lovely day here on the west coast. Enjoy :flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Birthday boy's sugar cookies are made. Have to say it is the FIRST time I've not even tasted the dough! Still feeling good. Seems I do much better when I only eat once a day. PTL for protein shakes and fruit smoothies! Its super windy today so glad I spent what time I could outdoors yesterday.
  • Mbiceo
    Mbiceo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,
    I am so pleased to be part of this group. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sometimes falls off the wagon. I'm pleased though as I have lost 10 lbs and 3 inches off my waist. My work is quite strenuous and I need to make sure i am fit for the job. 1hour + each day for exercise can be quite daunting. Will finish P90X up by June 1st hopefully. Looking into the 10:00 version of that program. Will try to get back on the right food choices today. Really working up to be in the best healthy state of my life for my upcoming 60th. My best to you all. Mary Mac
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Today I had breakfast with 2 of my old co-workers( They aren't old, but the from the old job ) :flowerforyou: Of course off the calorie chart, but a mimosa was just what the meal needed. I am cooking dinner tonite for my kids first time Paisley will be at Grammie's, but she is only 2weeks old.Chicken Broccoli and Salad and some Parmesan noodles for my son. Weather has been rainy here, I leave Wed to Phoenix and here the weather will be in the high 90's. Should be comfortable at nite after all the conference stuff is over.

    Did I see on this topic baked broccoli with olive oil??? Anyone?

    Off to get water and do some strength. Keep it up Ladies.
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    The last couple weeks have been in a "lose a pound-gain a pound back" mode. It gets frustrating, so I've been trying to reflect on how far I've come.

    1. I've been much better with meal planning. Not very often anymore that I come home from work and open the freezer wondering what in the world to make for supper. If I have chicken breasts or a salmon filet thawed in the frig, I'm much more likely to have a healthy meal!

    2. I was never much of a veggie eater, but I've experimented with some different veggies, and found that a colorful salad or stir fry really is appealing and tasty!

    3. I can't remember the last time I ate chocolate chips out of the bag :tongue:

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :bigsmile:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    This is a picture of my 18 year old granddaughter and my horse Bailey.
    kayms- last night I ate chips out of the bag drank way to many beers.
    I was a nightmare at work. Boy I really overdid it. Stress is the worst for me.
    .Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    Today was a new day so starting fresh.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Starting Fresh" Joy are you right!
    Taxes DONE just now. NO meetings scheduled until May.
    Starting fresh TODAY... after I get some zzzzzzs:yawn:
    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • yheart
    yheart Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the forums but NOT new to dieting or to myfitnesspal! 2 1/2 years ago I lost 45 pounds but during the past year I've been struggling with a 15-20 pound weight gain. Having a hard time with motivation and sticking with a plan. Any plan! My body shape is changing as well which is extremely annoying. I need some encouragement and accountability!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    The scale actually moved a smudge down this morning!! Yippee!!! Now if it just keeps moving I will be a happy camper. This is the month of beautiful weather in Palm Springs Ca. It will be 80 degrees today and the last day my daughter will be here from college. I will miss her being home. But her birthday is next month (she was born on Mother day:flowerforyou: )so my hubby and I will drive up to her college town to see her in May so that will be nice. Have a wonderful and healthy eating Sunday everyone :glasses:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Sunday
    Started today off with 20 pushups up from about 15, did resistance bands and will do more later. Dinner with kids was good, everyone liked the baked broccoli so will definately make it again. Think this week will be a bust with work conference and not being at home to eat. Will just keep struggling forward the weight isnt coming off but the inches are and I am discouraged after 4 months.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Ever have a nice post and then you hit the wrong thing and OOPS it is gone:noway: Oh well at least it happened on Sunday and we are having a quiet day so I will start over! I played tennis this am for the first time in over 25 years:smile: Ok played may be an overstatement, but I used a racket, hit the ball over the net and some shots actually weren't bad:laugh: My sister and I agreed that I would not have been able /interested in doing this a year ago. I lost about 20lbs with wa in the last year, but I was stalled for about six months so decided to try something new.MFP. My loss is slow, but I view this as a work in progress and lifestyle diet not diet. I love to bake but have learnedly to get goodies out of the house and have found using my foodsaver and putting things in the freezer helps with the impulse eating. Hope everyone has /had a wonderful and restful Sunday
    :flowerforyou: Jen
  • rudy7020
    rudy7020 Posts: 62
    :bigsmile: Goals for April

    walk 4 times a week
    eat healthy
    stay positive
    believe in myself! :flowerforyou:
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, I'm new! My goals for April are to exercise at least 180 minutes to 360 minutes a week! Mostly I'm walking!
    1st week of April -310 minutes
    2nd week of April- 365 minutes

    Trying to move more to get the scale to go down. Been stuck on a plateau for over a year. This past week it went down 3 pounds but today was back up due to eating too much over the weekend. I stayed within my calories all but one day kind of overindulged. Back on track on Monday! Good luck to everyone on their April goals!
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    Greetings All

    It's been a good week in just about every way except for my electronics. I managed to put my nano through the washer on Saturday so it's sitting in rice and I am hoping that in a week's time, it will start again. I have had differing opinions on that likelihood, but I am going to stay positive!

    After my week of being in a funk, a couple of weeks ago, I have been very good about exercising and think I am back in "the zone" For those of you having trouble starting or re-starting the exercise, just push yourself to do it,,,,,you won't regret it, I promise you. :smile: I took a week off in my funk and ended up beating myself up about that but having got back, I feel so much better, and so can you. The added bonus is that you can eat more comfortably which is a huge bonus.

    Last year, I did my first 38k bike ride in May with my biking group, and could barely walk when I got home and that's not even mentioning how sore my crotch was. Because of renos on my house and sloth, I didn't do much biking at all last summer but I have been riding on the bike at the gym all winter and have started biking again outside this spring. On Saturday, I rode 38 k and felt great!!!! I have discovered that being outside makes a huge difference to my depressive tendencies....sun and nature and endorphins are such a positive thing.

    I am almost done the first stage of the New Rules for Weight Lifting For Women and, although I have been doing weights for almost three years, I have really pushed myself to up the weight. I feel like Xena some days and am definitely getting more definition in my arms, in particular. It's also getting easier so I am excited to try stage 2. I am also (drum roll please) about to enter the 160s....it's been 14 years since I saw those and I am excited to get re-acquainted with those weights. Having lost 44 pounds since I started this all, the end is in sight and I am pumped. I finally feel attractive again!!

    mazaron: good luck with your surgery, I am sure you will do well.

    barbie: thank you for keeping this thread going, it has helped me more than you can know.

    kackie: you inspire me

    All those struggling either personally or in your weight loss (so often they are the same) keep on coming back....the support and inspiration are so great here.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Sarah, 38k..that is fantastic!! I have been riding the recumbent bike (in my basement) but maybe I need to get the old road bike out and try that...very inspiring:flowerforyou: thank you Jen
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Happy Sunday all I had to catch up on everyones posts have not been able to spend much time on here this week

    Barbie thanks for idea of writing on another word doc then going back and forth my memory needs all the help I can give it lol

    jb congrats on your 7 dn thats fantastic

    exermom going to check out the bosu


    "I'm one of those emotional eaters and have spent some time researching how to fix the problem. "Feeding my brain" with plenty of Omega-3s, plus heaps of potassium-rich foods, and lots of water (!) seems to really, really help keep me in balance. I came upon a lot of info about Omega-3s preventing mental health problems. Of course I didn't want to admit I had a "problem", but I know I have tendencies to be obsessive-compulsive. Since walnuts are high in Omega-3s, I hopped right to and began including them on a daily basis since I just love them mixed with yogurt and fruit. I count out a handful every morning, one little, two little....twelve little halves."

    Thanks for the advice on this I actually just started eating more walnuts and what a difference my moods have been so much better thanks so much for sharing this you are a wealth of knowledge and I so appreciate that you share it.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    welcome mbiceo! What kind of work do you do?

    You know, since I've been on MFP, I, too, have been using much more veggies. As a matter of fact, I've sort-of gotten away from lots of meat and would really rather prefer to have just a small piece of meat (preferrably chicken, fish or even pork) and lots of veggies. Vince thinks I've gone vegetarian. I really haven't, its just that I seem to really like my veggies.

    Tonight was our "Easter". Had ham (ouch on sodium!) and I know that Vince and Jessica like corn so I made that but I had asparagus. One other thing is that asaparagus was on sale so I bought. Now I want to finish it up before it gets "funny". Asparagus is one of the few veggies that I don't like frozen. To me, it loses some of its body. Most other veggies I'll eat frozen, but I don't care for asparagus frozen. The had mashed potatoes, I made a baked potato for myself. I feel somewhat funny eating so much different, but it's amazing how much I can eat. Had the rest of my angel food pineapple cake.

    Did an hour of yoga today (Sat). Tomorrow I'll do a pilates DVD.

    Did an hour of pilates today (Sun). Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    One of the burners on my stove is half working. See, what it is, is that there is an "Inner" element, but then I can push a button and an "outer" element comes on which makes the burner larger. Well, the "inner" one doesn't work, but the outer one does. Vince could probably fix it, but he read in the internet that the stove top is somewhat trickly to take off and LG no longer makes it in black. So, we're calling an appliance guy. He should be here tomorrow a.m.

    yhart - welcome! You've come to a great place for encouragement. Keep posting

    Sherry - don't get discouraged, the inches are coming off and that's so much. Honestly, the pounds haven't come off for me for the past few years (yes, years) but the inches have. As barbie says "never, never give up"

    Jen - welcome! I, too, love to bake. I tell you, I give so much away, the people at the bowling alley, at the Y, even at the homeless shelter. I've even gone so far as to put things not only in the freezer, but piling things in front of them so that it's hard for me to get to them. Tell me more of your hints to not eat what you bake. I can't help it, but I'm a gonner when it comes to raw cookie dough. When the cookies are baked, they aren't so much of a temptation to me. But that raw dough....now THAT'S another story in itself. And on top of that, I like to make all my cookies small so that means the dough is out in front of me for longer periods of time.

    Sarah - wow on the biking! Double wow on the weight loss!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Just checking in briefly from Chicago where the Tea yesterday and the Bridal Shower today for my future DIL went really well. I ate a few things and drank a few things (mimosas, champagne) which I normally try not to have but I have fit in lots of walking and other exercise so hopefully it won't be too bad for me.

    It is so fun to see all the pretty young girls at these events and weddings are such joyous occasions. It has been very nice.

    Heading home Tuesday after I spend some time finishing up some planning for the July wedding here.

    Newbies: Welcome and come back often.

    I am falling asleep :yawn: so I am off to bed! Take care, kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am glad to be home after two days away. Jake has headed south to spend a week with a friend in California and today I am home completely alone because the pets are still being boarded. I didn't sleep too well last night and got up early as usual and went for a walk. I did my morning lunges mixed in with the walk and walked at a more even pace since there were no dogs stopping and starting so there were some good things but I'll be glad to see them again.

    :flowerforyou: This afternoon I did my weight training routine at a leisurely pace since there were no dogs wanting to go for a walk. Somebody wrote about lateral raises, so while I was reading the posts, I got up and down a few times and did three sets of eight lateral raises with my 10 pound weights........my weight training routine keeps getting longer. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: One of the great insights I got while I was gone was that I have become gradually more relaxed about what I eat and have added little snacks here and there and allowed myself more occasions when I don't log my food and when I eat things that are clearly ones that I used to avoid. My weight is creeping up and I have discounted it as weight attributable to weight training or too much sodium when in fact, I need to say that it is real weight and just because my clothes fit fine, I seem to ignore a bit of a muffin top that seems to be gathering.

    :flowerforyou: So, with Jake gone, I can be more careful with my eating and add a bit more exercise and be more mindful of what I'm doing so I don't wake up one day with 20 (or 50) extra pounds that sneaked up gradually.

    :flowerforyou: I have become very focused on exercise and have allowed that to cover up the little bits of extra eating. I have a good routine established with my weight training and walking whenever I can has become a habit so I can get back to paying more attention to what I'm eating and regain the good habits I've had before.

    :bigsmile: I have been reading "The Happiness Project" and loving it....there is so much in there that I'm already doing and so much that I want to add to my life.......if you haven't read it yet, check to see if your library has it. You'll be happy that you did.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I took a nap this afternoon and will go to bed early tonight so I'll be rested when I pick up the pets in the morning.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was almost 60 degrees today.
  • surfpinescolleen13
    Hi Everyone! I was so pleased how welcoming everyone is at this site! Thank you! Exermom- How often do you work out in the pool? I am going once a week with my friend and I think I will try to go more too. Barbiecat- I have the book the Happiness Project and started it last year. I haven't kept up with it- but I would gladly be your book buddy on it. I am so excited to talk to you more, Fitz. I did alot of gardening today and that helped offset my calories. My hubby and I went out for breakfast and dinner so this was a high calorie day. Things will get back to normal tomorrow. To everyone in this group- I love hearing about your journey and hope I will be able to comment more on more people as time goes by. Have a great Monday- Colleen