Lost 20 pounds and wearing the same size?! Help!



  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    This happened to both of my sisters- the reality was that they were wearing their jeans 2 sizes too small to begin with, and as they lost weight, their jeans just sort of shrunk with them, to the size they should have been had they bought the proper size in the first place. They used to make fun of me for wearing an 18- but my pants fit, while they had rolls popping out over the top. Now I'm in a 14, and they are still in 14's - complaining about how they haven't lost any jean sizes.

    Not saying that you were wearing your jeans too tightly before, just saying that to lose 20lbs and not see any size decrease would signal to me that the size you were in previously was too small - and now fits you better.

    Keep at it, and eventually you will see another drop in size.
  • chnkytim42
    chnkytim42 Posts: 127 Member
    i lot 20, same size pants. it's normal, and like you said they fit better, so it is working. llol just takes time. it doesnt just drop from one spot, there are a bunch of spots that will lose, so if you divide 20 by say 10 parts of the body, it could be like 2 pounds from your waistline. just give it time
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Don't get discouraged! I have lost 27 pounds so far. I bought new jeans to celebrate, and they're the same size as the old jeans! My thighs are a little smaller, but my stomach is standing firm!

    My pants still fit the same and are even "snug" when fresh from the dryer. But I'm not giving up! :flowerforyou:
  • misstanyamarie
    misstanyamarie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm having the same issue!
  • Just keep it up, keep doing what you're doing! 20 lbs is GREAT!! Don't give up!!
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    I know it sounds weird, but I lose weight from the top down. I notice it first in my face, then my shoulders/chest/arms, then my waist...my rear end and legs are always the last to show results. I have a few pair of jeans that are starting to feel looser, but not anywhere near ready to throw out, yet I've had to go buy new shirts b/c the old ones are hanging so low it's inappropriate! Bodies are weird and they're all different. Your bottom will catch up eventually, just keep going and don't give up! Good luck!
  • Wendyerickson
    Wendyerickson Posts: 73 Member
    I am having the same issue too...thought it was just me lol. I have lost 30.5 lbs so far and can still fit in my jeans. They use to be extremely tight but are now a little baggy but still fine in the legs. What the heck is going on????????
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Nobody else can see the number in your pants, so as long as you look good, it doesn't matter. I know it's easier said than done to ignore that size staring at you (I do it too), but your pant size does not define you.

    Let me say it again:

    Your pant size does not define you.

    Keep doing what you're doing. Being more healthy is the goal, right?
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    I lost 80 pounds before my pant sizes started changing. I still have some pants that are from when I was 120 pounds heavier that I still wear. It is frustrating. No one even noticed I lost weight until I lost 100 pounds. All you can do is keep doing what you are doing. Congrats on your loss!!
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    I'm down 32 lbs and STILL in a size 20 jeans. They are loose on me, but they don't completely fall off and a size 18 still doesn't button!!!! I don't remember my 20's being too tight when I started either!

    edited to add--- I could've been in denial though! ^^^
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I've lost about 50 pounds in the last year and have not had to go shopping for new clothes. You have to keep in mind that it depends on where and how you are losing the weight. If you are losing all over (which is optimal) it's going to take some time to drop sizes. If you were only losing in your waist and butt/thighs, then you'd have flabby arms and a skinny tummy!

    Personally, I'd rather lose from my limbs moving inwards. My arms have lost a ton of weight but my belly, though I've lost around 6 inches, still comfortably fits a size 32. Yes, I am more than twice your size.

    Just keep in mind that it could definitely be worse, and that some of us will never see where you are right now :P

    Addition: I have no idea why I'm having so many issues typing today... lol
  • You might want to take measurements elsewhere. make sure you measure your arms, thighs, bust, waist and hips to see if you are losing inches. You might also want to get a good body composition measure done. You could very well be converting fat body mass to lean body mass. As you build more muscle you will start to burn fat at a faster rate. Don't be a slave to the scale. Weight really doesn't mean alot. Look in the mirror, take before and after pics every 12 weeks front and back in the same outfits and see if you can notice changes.
  • RyLaneB
    RyLaneB Posts: 60 Member
    In my case, I was stressed that my friends were going down sizes and I was not. Then I realized that I had been cramming myself into to tight jeans for so long that they were just finally starting to fit properly. If I had been wearing jeans that actually fit in the first place I would have been dropping sizes, but I had refused to buy a bigger size. To be honest, I am not sure how I was fitting that extra 16 pounds into those poor pants!
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Might as well be the same person! My highest was around 220, and I weight 199 now (yup, I'll take that 1 pound under 200). I'm 5'9 and STILL a 14! Things do fit a bit "better" though.
    Just keep on going, we'll see a change soon!
    Ok, so since February I have lost 20 pounds, but my jeans size has literally not changed. I am currently 5'9 208lbs. Has this happened to anyone else? Mine just fit me a little better. And I refuse to wear them because I feel like I can't wear the size they are (14).. So I literally wear leggings, yoga pants, sweats from victorias secret, things like that EVERYDAY. And it makes me feel terrible. I havent worn jeans since december 2011. Anyone else have this issue? I have 38 more pounds to lose before August and I feel like I am never going to get there. Or like my workouts are going to be as effective? I know I don't always eat the best food, but i tey and eat it in moderation... Try. I also don't want to give up on everything I love either... This weightless is so hard, yet great. Anyone have some advice? Most of my weight is in my lower abdomen, bottom and thighs and my thighs are getting smaller my tummy is not. Also, using weights for my arms advice would greatly be appreciated! Lol.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Is there a reason you HAVE to lose a certain amount of weight in the time frame you gave? I mean, give yourself some leeway, especially when it comes to reducing some areas; not everyone's body is the same, so the weight will not reduce from somewhere just because we want it to or it has on someone else. It took me 50lbs to go down one size, and now I'm down another size in only 20 more pounds. You're losing; be happy and trust the process.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    Don't put too much emphasis on the size of your clothes. Some brands fit differently than others. Some run small and some run a little big. Maybe if you try a different brand of jeans you may be a size 12. If it bothers you that much, cut the tags out of your clothes. The way you look and feel in your clothes is what really matters, not what number is on the tag.

    That is actually a fabulous idea! Haha. I may just do that until I can hopefully drop sizes!! :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    it happens, ive lost 40lbs and only started going down sizes when i got to around 30 lost. i was a very tight UK18 @ 244lbs, now can easily fit in a 16 but not quite a 14 yet @ 204lbs.

    i think its partly because when most people start a diet, they are squeezing into clothes that are too small but dont want to buy the next size up, so really the first stage of your clothes just fitting a bit better is probably a size. There is more of a difference between bigger sizes - i have the exact same pair of jeans in a 14,16 and 18, there was 5" difference in the waist between the 16 and 18, but only 2" between a 14 and 16!!!!!!!!!!!

    just keep on what you are doing and they will fit you soon :-)
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    wow this post really makes me feel better,I thought I was the only one,I've lost almost 20 and haven't had to buy new clothes yet.I figure I'm gonna wait till they are literally falling off my butt to go and buy some new ones,I have noticed that my workout pants are looser but they are like leggings and just figured their stretchy and that's why.My jeans still feel the same,so atleast now I know I'm not alone.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I lost almost 40 pounds before my pant size changed. Dont get discouraged. Did you take measurements before? I would also say to try some lower body weight exercises as well.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much yet. I've lost 15 pounds and haven't gone down a size yet. It takes time.

    I'm also pear shaped, so even at my thinnest, I won't have a small derrierre. ;) You may be the same way.

    Also, it really doesn't matter what size your jeans are. Don't let the number get into your head. It matters how they flatter you. If you hate that cheeky tag that seems to be taunting you, cut the thing out. What matters is how you look in and fit the jeans. To be honest...if you look good in these jeans and they fit you well that's the point. You won't do yourself any favors squeezing into a smaller size and making yourself look like a stuffed sausage.

    It'll come eventually. Don't compare to others. Enjoy the journey. :)