Do you feel like exercising during your period???



  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    You really do feel better after you workout. For me if I exercise during my body just completely forgets about giving me those nasty cramps that I normally get. It's pretty awesome.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    NO, I'd rather just kill things for 2 days, I thought the pains may have improved with the more weight I lost (the doc always blamed my cramps on my weight) but they seem to be getting worse :explode:
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    Yep! I workout on my period. even though I always gain about 3 pounds during this week. (NO IDEA WHY) I workout anyway. It lessens cramps and helps my mood. It is annoying doing core workouts but I do them on my cycle anyway.

    It should make you feel better and if the act of working out doesn't make you feel better, the knowledge that you beat the blah should.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I force myself. I really don't want to but i feel so much better after. It helps my mood and almost eliminates the cramps.
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    working out while I'm on my period makes my cramps go away and it stops me from having a heavy flow
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't feel like it, but make myself work out anyways. I feel much better afterward, both with cramps and energy level.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I know exercise is supposed to help you with period symptoms...but I have big boobs that are sore at even the impact of footsteps. I can't imagine an exercise that would be low impact enough. Maybe yoga, I guess? I've never done it though.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I workout even harder! This TOM guy you all speak of can NEVER slow me down!! :grumble: :mad:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I have done so well until today. I started so now I'm like blah, I dont want to go for my run or walk. How do you get past this? Just do it or take a day or 2 off?

    I used to have a running partner before we moved away and we ran pretty much every day. When one of us was on our period and too uncomfortable to run, we would walk a trail along the water front which was approx 16km round trip.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I really hope you wanted some honest, tough love, so here goes....don't hate me

    I give myself a huge kick in the butt and go workout. Feeling "blah" is not a valid excuse for me...being in the hospital is, but not feeling blah. Sometimes you just have to behave your way to success. You will not always feel like working out...but do it anyway. :flowerforyou: that your back in your profile pic?? That is GORGEOUS! You must have worked very hard to get it so sculpted! Congrats!!

    I totally agree with you, too. As long as there is no medical condition, there's no reason not to workout! If you feel "blah," then pushing through it will just make you feel so much more empowered later. Then, when you aren't on your TOM, you won't have excuses not to work your hardest!! :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Running and cardio makes it shorter, less crampy, and less heavy.

    Heck yeah I workout.
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Yes! It makes me feel so much better. I may not be as intense but I still like to get a little in each day.
  • kelbellynn
    kelbellynn Posts: 9 Member
    Not everyone's periods are the same, so some people look at it like get off your *kitten* and stop complaining but there are also people like me who have horrible periods! I have endometriosis and just can't move for 3 days! Sometimes I just wanna give in and have a hysterectomy:( but don't get down by the people posting rude comments everyone is different and don't feel bad if you don't feel like working out!:happy:
  • It makes me feel so much better so I do it. Except on the days when I feel like death. But if anyone has really bad cramps I recommend giving it a try! Like others have said just doing a few crunches or some other light exercise really helps.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Like someone else said everyone ones body is different and you need to do what makes your body feel the best. I take it easy not because of cramps but because of flow. If I exercise my flow increases form very heavy to dangerously heavy. I am under a dr's care for this condition and know my limits.
  • I FEEL like lying in bed feeling sorry for myself and eating everything in sight when TOM is around but I drag my butt out for a long walk. (keeps me away from the cupboards so less munching)
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I take the day off when I'm feeling really bloated and BLAH but then I force myself the other days and I feel much better afterwards.
  • Guess who's not working out today? This gal!!! Know why? Bc she is cramping and feels like *kitten*!!!! The police won't arrest you for not working out if you feel like crap and you, as a woman, deserve a few days to say "F YOU!!!" to things and give yourself a break....haha, maybe it's the hormones, or lack thereof talking, but I think you get what I'm sayin' right?

    Also, to the women who feel better after working out, I want you to know that I am truly jealous :grumble: :sad: bc I don't when I exercise on my period....again different bodies, I guess I got screwed over on that aspect, peace and happiness everyone!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    YOU JUST DO IT and praise yourself when it's over. :)
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I used to feel like that until I started taking a supplement called "Y Cramp" its the best thing for the downfall of mother nature. My cycle started 2 weeks after I started taking it and I was able to power thorough my 2 a day workouts without fatigue or any of the other symptoms. IT IS MY HERO!!!!! :smile: