Counting Fruit & Veggies



  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 103 Member
    Basically: What everyone else said. A calorie is a calorie. And I eat *a lot* of fruit and veggies.

    That said, I'm quite fussy with being exact in the counts for other foods, but with veggies (never fruit) I guess if I have to. If I'm off I'll be off by maybe five cals, whereas if I'm off with something like a bowl of rice it might be by 50 cals.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    I count it all - fruit is high in sugar and definitely has a fair amount of calories. Some veggies too. When I went to my nutritionist the first month she actually put me off all fruit and starchy vegetables for that reason. As a reult I count it all. The only thing I dont count is dried herbs and spices. I do count salt
  • Dannib55
    Dannib55 Posts: 50
    I count everything, including fruit and veggies. Some fruits can contain elevated levels of sugar and carbs, if you want an accurate report or what you are eating, then you need to count them.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I need to know if anyone else does this, but I do not count fresh veggies or fruit in my calorie intake. I have still lost, but I feel that since it is so natural that it does not need to be counted. I have still lost weight each week, so I must not be doing something that bad.

    Does anyone else do this? Any advice to why you would count them?

    They contain calories and could push you over your daily allowance if you eat a lot of them.

    Example, I eat, sometimes, FIVE large oranges per day, those oranges are 70 calories each, that amounts to a total of 350 calories per day - if I do not log those, I will go over my daily allowance and then at the end of the week when I have not logged those 2,450 calories, I will be wondering why my weight has stalled.

    This is why I log all fruit and veg.
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Do they contain calories? Yes.
    Do they contain sugar? Yes.
    Do they contain carbs? Yes.

    Can too many fruit and veg make you gain weight = YES.

    Potato is a vegetable. It is fairly high in calories, high carb etc. You should 100% be counting these things!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I count spices to. I count everything even if it is one strawberry from a fruit and veggie tray.
  • navstone
    navstone Posts: 30
    If you are eating healthy and happy with your weight loss what difference does it make in the long run for you, unless there is a medical issue
  • I would start to count them only if it matters. You can be a slave to this program or use it the way it is intended. Fruits and veggies are healthy alternatives to cakes and cookies. If you are no longer meeting your goals, then "up your game!" or increase your activity. Til then, have fun getting healthy by making wise choices.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Same here. I even counted baking soda and baking powder once (then realized they don't have any calories).

    I count baking soda and baking powder, but only so I get an accurate count on sodium. Both of those items, even though they don't have calories, have significant sodium.