How do you feel AFTER a binge



  • roodledoodle
    I feel sick and bloated and really dissapointed in myself for lapsing.
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Love this idea!

    I usually feel...

    To be honest, the slightest bit pleased that I got to "not care" for a little while about what I eat/how much/how bad it is for me and just EAT

    but then reality sets in a few moments later and I am just guilty, and disappointed, and frustrated. And FULL.
  • gross.
  • ChiGalore
    I literally feel sick after a binge. I am so full that it makes me want to vomit every time I move. If I can remember this feeling before I binge, it may help me out to not start. I do it once a month, around my monthly cycle. Then I am good the rest of the month. Its between a 2 - 4 day binge. I can really eat up junk food on those days.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    I usually feel bloated and asking "Why did I eat all of that?!" I try not to binge very often. I have a cheat day, which is usually Friday or Saturday. I don't count calories and I eat whatever I want on my cheat day. Sometimes I feel gross, but other times I feel like I needed it to break away from my schedule. This helps me not binge as bad. I stay healthy all week because I have a cheat day to look forward to and reward myself with.

    I also eat a tiny bit of chocolate each night to keep my cravings at bay.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I am loving all of your storeies, input and comments. Let's keep it going. I am going to put a link to this post and the next time cause I know unfortunately there will be a next time that I WANT to binge I can look at this thread and read it over and over again. Maybe that will help!
  • MaidenofLaurus
    MaidenofLaurus Posts: 18 Member
    After a binge I feel slow and guilty. I feel like I could've resisted and binging is not helping my goals..
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    I thought maybe if we posted somewhere how we feel after a binge it may help those of us who seem to have difficulty getting that under control.

    For some reason when we get derailed some of us go nuts with food and then feel terrible after. I thought maybe if there was a thread on this board it may help.

    So here goes;

    AFTER I BINGE I FEEL..................


    well said... and it sucks.
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Every time I binge, I feel HORRIBLE. I feel bloated and overweight. I get so mad at myself and even feel the after effects the next day. I literally feel sore around my mid-section. I guess it has to do with expanding my belly to a size that it's not used to. I tend to binge every time I go out of town for fun, but it defeats the purpose of all the hard work I have done in the past two years to lose 20lbs because when I eat like that, I don't want to do anything or get dressed all cute.

    I can't believe after all these years, I still have issues. I guess it has to do with the extreme eating (or not eating) back in college. I would not eat for days and then I'd give myself one or two days to eat whatever I want back then. It worked for awhile, but I eventually screwed up my metabolism. I'm almost to my ultimate goal weight, but still working on the emotional and mental aspect of this whole new lifestyle change.
  • natasha4822
    natasha4822 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow there are others... All I do is think about food, and then it starts I nibble on some cookies, then a kitkat and by the time I know it I am waking up feeling like crap!!! I have to explain to my daughter why mommy ate all her kisses. Willpower where are you??

    Mad at myself for overeating
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    It's a mixture of euphoria and self-hatred.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    Great posting guys. Nice to be able to share the shame of binging. It is something that most would not admit to in public because it is a loss of control and glutony. But it is a real problem so glad we have a save place where we can express our feelings and not be judged.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I totally get that. The euphoria for a few minutes the self hatred for quite equal is it? But we still do it. Thanks for sharing
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member

    THIS! this past week has been nothing but pizza, burgers, ice cream, wings, and beer! I feel so sluggish and tired all of the time!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Disgusting, disappointed in myself and horrible for undoing all my hard work.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Here is MY screwed up logic when I am on a binge that lasts more than a day. I have to eat from all the fast food places so I will have to eat Pizza, burger, chineese, because I don't know when I will eat those foods again.

    Guess that is a clue, incorporate some of those foods so that I don't go crazy and binge. But when I try that I get that whole "I have already so may as well" attitude.

    God we are complicated creatures.

    Disgusting is a good word to describe the feeling.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Like a loser who doesnt deserve to do well. I wish I could vomit.
  • Jackiales
    Jackiales Posts: 24 Member
    I feel absolutely disgusting! I feel like I've got a hangover but it's not from alcohol, it's from too much crap food. Never again!
  • jhm57
    jhm57 Posts: 11 Member
    My binge problem is connected to the vending machines at work. When I go to them it's usually a three candy bar visit. What I try to do is log the snacks immediately into MFP and then think of two things: 1) how fast I consumed the "empty" calories, and 2) how long it will take to burn them off through exercise.

    Sometimes this approach works, sometimes it doesn't. I also concentrate really hard on not having two binge days in a row, or allowing a binge during the work day to carry over into snacking at night in front of the television.

    I hope this helps.
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Here is MY screwed up logic when I am on a binge that lasts more than a day. I have to eat from all the fast food places so I will have to eat Pizza, burger, chineese, because I don't know when I will eat those foods again.

    Guess that is a clue, incorporate some of those foods so that I don't go crazy and binge. But when I try that I get that whole "I have already so may as well" attitude.

    God we are complicated creatures.

    Disgusting is a good word to describe the feeling.

    That's what I'm thinking when I'm binging for a day or even more. I really don't eat fast food or fried foods any other day, so when my eating gets out of control, I justify it by thinking that I'm doing it because I don't eat those foods when I'm following my normal diet. And then it just keeps going.......I think, "well I've already done the damage, so what's one more cookie, ice-cream, burger, fries......"

    I don't know if this will help any one, but since my binging mostly occurs when I go out of town or on vacation, I think I will try logging everything I eat (no matter how much) and see if that will help stop me from eating more, and more, and more. Usually, when I've passed my calories, I'll stop logging and continue to eat. I'll be going out of town next weekend, so I'll see if that helps.