so close to giving up!!!!!!!and water weight!



  • KaylaBushman
    Why ask for advice if you think you know what's best for you anyway and aren't even considering PROVEN scientific facts and suggestions being offered to HELP YOU?

    what im being told contradicts my doctors advice on the eat less move more and my fitness pall suggest i eat 1200 a day so im questioning why my doc and the fitness pall gives a certain advice, but then so called proven scientific fact as you put it compleatly overlooks what a so called medical proff says?
    cna you not understand my confusion?
    actualy the question was more about water weight, thats why i put my analiser results on there .i was loosing weight eating 1200 cals a day give or take infact i lost 16lbs its only when i started training and exercsing more that ive gained???

    The confusion is that your doctor over simplifies and Myfitnesspal is just a guide. For instance, say you were eating a total of 2500 calories a day and your doctor told you to eat less move more to lose weight.

    So eat less by lowering your calories by 500 down to 2000 and you move more by burning 500 calories per day in "moving more" This would put you at a NET calorie base of 1500 calories. well above the 1200 MFP is telling you and STILL following your doctors orders.

    What MFP fails to say is that you should ALWAYS be eating above your BMR, AND that if you need to lose less than 25 pounds you SHOULD NOT set your weight loss goal at 2 pounds a week loss. (I do not know your goals so this is just a guess on my part)Its unrealistic and leads to you eating less, which makes your metabolism slow down which causes drastic number changes on the scale when you over indulge. Even tho it is just water weight.

    SO you can eat more, and still be under maintainence WHILE eating less and moving more.

    Hope that helps.
    thank you thats fab that helps me understand alot more im 143 lbs trying to get to 118lbs so 26lbs to loose im going to lower my goal to lb a week instead of 2lb might be a better way to achieve this than mucking my body up

    Happy to help! =)
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    This is my post from another thread.

    You've created a calorie deficit by already reducing how many cals you eat so just by doing that you will lose weight. When you add working out into the equation it makes that deficit even bigger.

    Let's say your Total Daily Energy Expenditure is 2000 cals aka to maintain your weight at your current activity level and to sustain all necessary bodily functions, to lose 1lb/week (calorie deficit of 500 cals/day) you could have two options, which are really just two ways of looking at the same thing:

    A) 2000 cals in - 500 cals burned by exercise = NET 1500 cals (total daily deficit 500cals, total weekly deficit 500calsX7days= 3500 cals ~ 1lb loss)

    B) 1500 cals in - 500 cals burned by exercise + 500 cals of exercise cals to eat back = NET 1500 cals (total daily deficit 500cals, total weekly deficit 500calsX7days= 3500 cals ~ 1lb loss)

    Or if you just want to lose weight by eating less then you have one more option

    C) 1500 cals in - 0 cals burned during exercise = NET 1500 cals

    You should be netting above your BMR because that is the energy required to support your body in a coma, as soon as you get out of bed you start burning more cals than your BMR. Eating below your BMR is going to screw with your metabolism. The repair process isn't that much fun either, I've been going through it for a few months.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    ive recently started doing more exercise i started 30 day shread on monday, i lost control monday and ate 2200 cals instead of 1200 not enough to cause any real damage but as a precausion i went to the gym and and did an extra hour buring off the bad day the day before. i worked harder than i ever have this week on exercise but im still 3.5lbs heavyer.
    im so upset im finding it hard to make good choices with food now,ive hit a plateu the last 3 weeks now so i decided to turn it up a notch and join the gym and im still not seing results just a gain.
    before anyone says mscle weighs more than fat ive also done inches and gained a inch on my waiste and tum,also my analiser says ive gained 3lb
    muscle mass has gone from 41.9 to 39.8
    and fat has gone from 21.8 to 24
    now my water levels have shot up from normaly the 40 mark to 53.8 is water weight whats causing all off this? surely water weight doesnt add iches!!!!!

    Oh my, have you ever calculated your TDEE or BMR...1200 is most likely way under and unfortunately any losses are usually short lived for a myriad of reasons. I will send you a link to a group and there are now over 1000 women that are "Eating More to Weigh Less" sounds crazy, but I am a walking witness that had to start the group because we don't need to starve ourselves on 1200 calories to lose weight....
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
    great info! Bump to look into later
  • staceydeelane
    would also like to say that eating more to loose weight is a scary prospect when it goes against everything you believe in, and nearly left the site because so called people voice the oppinions harshly (not helpful by the way)
    im not stupid, i know its not possible to gain 3lb from eating 2300 cals thats why i asked if its possible its all water weight from working out and have any of you looked at so many so called oppinons on loosing weight alot of it is bulls*** so can you blame a person when someone tells you eat more loose more weight come on that sounds to good to be true and normaly when its sounds to good to be true it normaly is. its almost sounds as good as loose 10lbs a week shi** you see on the internet so you cant blame someone for thinking yea ok whatever
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Here's some tools...
    1) Calculate your TDEE, cals to maintain current weight
    2) Calculate your BMR, minimum amount of cals you should be eating
    3) Subtract 500 cals from your TDEE, this is how many cals you should net to lose 1lb/week

    Try that for a month and see how it goes. Be honest about your exercise level. That's why I suggest getting an HRM. Helps to make sure you're staying near your target HR during a workout so your cals burned is more accurate.

    I am 5' 8, 173 lbs, and my BMR is 1600 cals or so just as an idea. My TDEE is more like 2300 - 2500.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    1200 isnt enough is the problem. 1600 would be better and you would preserve more lean mass. please read this. lots of valuable info here:

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<

  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    would also like to say that eating more to loose weight is a scary prospect when it goes against everything you believe in, and nearly left the site because so called people voice the oppinions harshly (not helpful by the way)
    im not stupid, i know its not possible to gain 3lb from eating 2300 cals thats why i asked if its possible its all water weight from working out and have any of you looked at so many so called oppinons on loosing weight alot of it is bulls*** so can you blame a person when someone tells you eat more loose more weight come on that sounds to good to be true and normaly when its sounds to good to be true it normaly is. its almost sounds as good as loose 10lbs a week shi** you see on the internet so you cant blame someone for thinking yea ok whatever

    of course it is scary to have to eat more. but it works. and we're telling you how. so you can choose to try it, or to just keep on doing what your'e doing. the only reason i thought you believed you gained 3 lb from the 2300 calories that you did for 1 day is you said "but i've tried eating more, it doesn't work" and then gave the example of eating that much 1 day this week and then said you gained 3 lb. seems like a logical conclusion when someone says those two things. i'm not sure what your history of dieting has been like, so based on those two sentences: 1. I ate 2300 calories one day this week and 2. I gained 3 lb this week , i thought that you really thought that was how you gained the 3 lb. sorry that i was wrong in reading what you were trying to say since i don't know your diet history. anyway, just try eating a little more and i'm sure you'll see results. also, like i said before please read

  • staceydeelane
    Here's some tools...
    1) Calculate your TDEE, cals to maintain current weight
    2) Calculate your BMR, minimum amount of cals you should be eating
    3) Subtract 500 cals from your TDEE, this is how many cals you should net to lose 1lb/week

    Try that for a month and see how it goes. Be honest about your exercise level. That's why I suggest getting an HRM. Helps to make sure you're staying near your target HR during a workout so your cals burned is more accurate.

    I am 5' 8, 173 lbs, and my BMR is 1600 cals or so just as an idea. My TDEE is more like 2300 - 2500.

    fab ill have a look at that think my bmr is 1600 ill double check now
  • staceydeelane
    Here's some tools...
    1) Calculate your TDEE, cals to maintain current weight
    2) Calculate your BMR, minimum amount of cals you should be eating
    3) Subtract 500 cals from your TDEE, this is how many cals you should net to lose 1lb/week

    Try that for a month and see how it goes. Be honest about your exercise level. That's why I suggest getting an HRM. Helps to make sure you're staying near your target HR during a workout so your cals burned is more accurate.

    I am 5' 8, 173 lbs, and my BMR is 1600 cals or so just as an idea. My TDEE is more like 2300 - 2500.

    so my bmr 1460 and my tdee is 1999 so i should be eating around 1500 a day to lose a 1lb a week?
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I've been doing really well since December and I too just started the 30-Day-Shred. I've lost weight every week except this past week when I gained 2.2 pounds. I almost had a heart attack! I was about to give up but I didn't. I just reminded myself that this is a lifestyle change so there is nothing to give up. And that the number on the scale doesn't define me.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    that sounds right... see, so you can eat more than 1200 calories... but not as much as your TDEE and you'll lose weight. it's really just a math equation and we all have different numbers. i wish that MFP would just say that! it is very confusing how many people think 1200 is right for everyone. i can't blame them though, it is set up that way.

    Here's some tools...
    1) Calculate your TDEE, cals to maintain current weight
    2) Calculate your BMR, minimum amount of cals you should be eating
    3) Subtract 500 cals from your TDEE, this is how many cals you should net to lose 1lb/week

    Try that for a month and see how it goes. Be honest about your exercise level. That's why I suggest getting an HRM. Helps to make sure you're staying near your target HR during a workout so your cals burned is more accurate.

    I am 5' 8, 173 lbs, and my BMR is 1600 cals or so just as an idea. My TDEE is more like 2300 - 2500.

    so my bmr 1460 and my tdee is 1999 so i should be eating around 1500 a day to lose a 1lb a week?
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    all I will add is a phrase that gets me through the downer days- "if it were easy, everyone would do it". think of it like a battle. Its a lifestyle change that will take time.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    1200 isnt enough is the problem. 1600 would be better and you would preserve more lean mass. please read this. lots of valuable info here:

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<


    I wrote that!

    ^^^^do this!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Btw my body fluctuates 5lbs daily due to water, glycogen, bodily waste etc...
    Stress will cause retention as well so chill.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Btw my body fluctuates 5lbs daily due to water, glycogen, bodily waste etc...
    Stress will cause retention as well so chill.

    yes! i also agree maybe weighing every 2 weeks would be better, or weigh every month... i have seen huge daily fluctuations as well
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Why ask for advice if you think you know what's best for you anyway and aren't even considering PROVEN scientific facts and suggestions being offered to HELP YOU?

    I agree with this ^^^^^^
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
  • karenmast2
    karenmast2 Posts: 5 Member
    DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!!! your supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water!!! it is so important because if you don't you will feel bloated. i don't remember the reason for this but i was reading it a few weeks ago somewhere else. Hang in there!!! You have nothing to loose except everything if you give up now!!!!!! A journey of all your weight lost begins with one little pound after another!!! But you must start with the 1st one to get to the 2nd and the 3rd one!!!!!
  • plbktwo
    plbktwo Posts: 3
    I also get upset too when i think i have done alot to try to control my eating and stuff no matter how good i do i am so hungry its aweful.... I wanted to let you know that i am on a water pill which helps with the water weight if you are having trouble with fluid in your hands or feet you may need to take a water pill to help and i do know my water weight does make my weight go up and down i feel like i am on a weight loss roller coaster some times ... Trust me you will get upset but all you can do is keep working towards it and you will get where you want to be in time we have a trainer at work who is teaching us alot one week at a time and its going to be a long road and she taught us to set up short term goals and long term goals and even group goals and when you reach them to reward yourself with something other than food.. I hope i helped a little telling you my story and we can keep in touch to talk and help to encourage you along the way.... GOOD LUCK, PENNY:happy: