A poll: ink double standards



  • amandacochran15
    I agree with this.. All us tattoo'd girls... lets go get some more :)
    These threads make me want to go get another tattoo.....
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I was pretty surprised about the responses, for a country that is so diverse there are more people here who judge rather than where I come from.

    ...and what planet would that be?
    There are judgmental people everywhere.
    They may judge one thing more harshly than another, but they still be judgin'!

    And I don't judge by IF a person has tats or not, but rather HOW GOOD that ink is!
  • Six6xiS
    Six6xiS Posts: 47 Member
    I like tattoo's on both sexes as long as it isn't something retarded like barbed wire around the bicep. I really like Joe Rogan's tattoo's.



  • sampa91
    sampa91 Posts: 72 Member
    People have been getting tattooed for only 5,300 years or so. Give it time, the critics will come around.

    Yes thissss ha
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    No double standard here, I love tattoos on both men and women. Going to get my sleeve as soon as I can afford it!
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I really think tattoos still have a bad rap, at least in this country, because there was a period of time when the only people that seemed to get them where in jail or the military. I know my mom expressed that they "were for criminals" according to what she was taught growing up. I know my coworker from India said she didn't like tattoos because she remembers her grandmother having tattooed bits on her arms (traditional i believe) and so to her it seems too "old fashioned".

    I thnk in the end, the negative responses are from people who either were raised to think about them a certain way (overhearing the elders talk about them, or someone in the family with one), or they are just "judgers" who probably find a lot of non-conservative things offensive, etc. And this is aside from personal preference, which i think is totally fine...we all have personal preferences, but that isn't the same as a "negative" response in regards to the convo here.

    I loved tattoos as a kid, never got one because i didn't know what i could commit to and i was worried about being noticed or perhaps penalized (they weren't so popular back then LOL). I got my first one about 2 years ago at 42....the second one a year later, and i have more in the works. Why you ask? Because one day i ended up realizing "what on earth am i saving all this skin for - what a waste!" LOL. I think having permanent pieces of art on my body is awesome. I like the idea of having it forever, of accepting the imperfections and the artist's vision, etc...of course, this is after years of therapy to get over my need for perfection and control hahahaha!