Frustration and loss of motivation



  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    How many calories do you eat and do you eat back your exercise calories? Sometimes not eating enough is a problem for some people. Your body really needs to find that happy medium of what calories are the right amount for weight loss and then make sure you eat back your workout calories in order to maintain energy. Some months I lose only a pound or two...but thats a loss and thats good! MFP only recommends losing a pound a week so it sounds like you are right on track!

    I set a goal of 1500 calories per day and I almost always manage to eat back my calories, with a few exceptions. I guess I might still be looking for that happy medium. I've been trying to read up on dieting and weight loss as much as possible. So far, the Mayo Clinic has had the best information and that's where I got the 1500 calories from.

    I've also been having a lot of fluctuations with my weight, and that's what REALLY driving me up the wall. I think that more than anything has lead to so much discouragement.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    Don't give up, just remember you are getting healthier along the way. Perhaps you should to to your doctor for a check up as you may have polycystic overies or some other medical condition.

    Try sticking to eating healthy and vary your exercise,and walking is pretty good and not hard on the knees. Your body doesn't know what its supposed to do if you keep yo-yo dieting.

    What sort of exercise regime have you requested from your trainer at gym?

    I also need to lose a lot of weight but am motivated by this site and love seeing everyday if I am within my calorific allowance and it helps me to make sure that I am not over eating and also eating healthy. Didn't eat very well today as feeling very depressed to gorged on coke and carrot cake. :happy:

    I'm already on birth control to deal with my ovaries, so that's a problem I had taken care of last year. I'm VERY happy about that.

    I haven't yo-yo dieted since high school. I've been sticking to healthy eating since I started this journey, and some days it's tough, but most of the time I make sure to stock my fridge at work with healthy things like fruits, veggies and yogurt.

    I don't have a trainer because I'm too poor to afford it. Right now all my money is going towards school and getting my degree in meteorology. But I have been reading up on that as well. I've actually done the 30 day shred, but the results have sucked so I gave it up. I want to try another dvd, I'm just waiting for it to come in.

    I've had an EXTREMELY rough week (a friend of mine from college passed away last Wednesday and I wasn't able to go to the funeral because it was in PA and I'm in Chicago.) I've been binging on chocolate and alcohol for the last few days, but have countered it with lots of time at the gym. Exercising makes me happy, and that leads to less prescription happy pills, which I'm currently being weaned off of. Hopefully by the end of the year I won't need them. That's part of the motivation for me to keep exercising. Those damn pills cost me $115 every 2 months! That's $115 that can go towards a vacation or a whole credit hour at school.
  • Don't give up!! I understand your pain. I plateau ever single time I loose one pound and it takes two sometimes 3 more weeks before I loose one or two more. I was so ready to give up and I just kept reading all the motivation on MFP and I keep going. I just keep telling myself that if I stop I surely won't make it. We have to remember that it didn't take overnight to gain all this weight and the more time it takes to loose it the more it will stay gone. You are doing great, don't let your ego tell you any different.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    Ok I few things I noted from what you wrote...

    . Your on medications. Talk to your doctor see if any of the side effects are weight gain. May be making it hard for you. Could possibly change to something else. (Currently being weaned off the Lexapro, but shouldn't have any side effects, and birth control hasn't been a problem.)
    . May be worth getting your thyroid checked. (Already did that, it's a little slow, but nothing that should get in the way of losing weight.)
    . You work out every day? Your putting your body under a lot of stress if your not having a rest day and this can be detrimental to weight loss. (Semester is almost over too, which means sleep is a commodity because finals are coming up next week, so studying has become a priority. I'm hoping to get more sleep the following week and return to my normal schedule. When I do exercise, I tend to sleep better.)
    . Are you eating enough to fuel workouts? (Oh, yeah. I'm almost over my limit as of right now and can't wait to go to the gym tonight before heading to my study group.)
    . Try upping protein, lowering carbs... Just broke my 6 month plateau. (Hmmm, I was actually considering that. I'm about to start reading "Eat To Live" which is about using food as a source of fuel instead of as a way of making me feel better. Maybe that'll help me more than what I've been reading online.)
    . Add a protein shake in after workouts maybe. (I love those!)
    .Watch sodium levels. (That's hard for me.)
    .Try to not eat much processed foods. (That's even harder for me!)

    Hope this helps.

    Zara x

    (See above)

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    You are doing really well! No matter what your goals are, you are down 16 lbs from where you started, and that is an achievement in itself.

    Just remember, if you stay focused you CAN and WILL keep going. It may help you to set up a reward system with mini goals and a corresponding reward every 10 lbs or so to keep yourself motivated. Since you are a goal-oriented person, it will give you checkpoins along the way to your ultimate goal.

    I know you can do it. Be strong!

    I have been doing that. I just managed to go 40 days without sweets, and that was a huge accomplishment by itself. I just don't know what the reward would be. I have a goal this month to go to the gym/work out every day, and so far so good. I just really wish I was seeing more results. That's the problem. I feel like I'm not going anywhere.

    I have a friend who is on MFP and has lost 76 lbs in 10 months. She sets small goals for herself and rewards herself once she meets those goals. Her rewards are things like a pedicure or a facial. She rewards herself with things other than food. She plans to rent an exotic car for the day when she reaches her 100 lb mark.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    I've been on MFP for over 4 months now, and I feel like nothing I do is working. I've been working out a whole lot more. I've changed my diet. I've even bought DVD's of all kinds in hopes of losing a few extra pounds. Most recently I tried 30 Day Shred. After 2 weeks, NOTHING had changed. I hadn't lost any weight or inches, so I gave it up in favor of the gym.

    I'm still feeling quite discouraged because I feel like no matter how much effort I put into this, I can't seem to get any results. 16lbs in 4 months...? Yes, it's about 4lbs a month, but I was really hoping to get more out of all this. I just don't understand what's going on.

    I'm sick of being over 200lbs with my knee constantly bothering me because I'm so overweight, but I just feel like no matter how much I work out or how much I change my diet, nothing's happening. It's very hard for someone like me because I'm so goal oriented and if I'm not seeing results, I tend to give up.

    I don't know what to do. I guess what I'm really looking for is some motivation. Please, anything will help. I'm just so sick of feeling like this and I desperately want to lose the weight.

    I felt the same recently and had similar posts. I tried the upping the calories thing that people rave about and it made me gain. I tried watching my macro's and sodium and still wasn't losing. So after 2 weeks of being sick and hardly logging I had an epiphany. If I am dieting why am I never hungry? I mean you shouldn't be famished because you are dieting but you should learn your bodies signs and eat when it tells you it is getting hungry. I had borderline diabetes about 30 lbs heavier and if I missed a meal or even ate 30 minutes later than usual I would feel like crap. I got used to eating 6 times a day on South Beach and it worked for me then but unfortunately it got me used to snacking even when I didn't need it.

    Anywho after my epiphany the other day I decided to cut out the 100 cal in between meal snacks and cut my dinner by 1/3rd (I was logging and supposedly at 1200 a day before I did that) LOW and BEHOLD I am losing again. 3 lbs in 5 days. And don't jump on me people and say you shouldn't go under 1200 because I am not. I was underlogging. Apparently I have no idea what 6oz of meat really looks like etc. Who knows how much I was eating. I am buying a food scale this weekend and I AM EXCITED NOW!!

    Not sure if you are in the same boat but I hope this helps. And any weight loss is good but I know how you feel I give up on stuff if I don't see results I want.

    See. I was actually thinking about buying a food scale myself! I think I just might do that now because I have a problem with portion size myself.
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    I swear I am in the same boat as you are. I can write this same email word for word...I have started watching what I eat and exercising in January and I am not seeing the results that I thought that I would have achieved by now.

    But please, please, please hang in there...keep up your good work. It will eventually click and happen...that is what I keep telling myself. I will send a friend request and perhaps we can muddle through this together. :smile:
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    Sometimes you have to tweak things to get just the right formula. Maybe more protein and fewer carbs. Or maybe MFP set your calories too high or too low. Don't give up just yet. Een though 16 lbs in 4 mos is less than you were hoping/expecting, it IS something. So, don't quit! Even if you only EVER lose 1 pound per week, in a year you'll be down 52 lbs! And that's GREAT!

    Personally, I'm drastically reduced my processed foods (anything in a box like cerial, microwaveable meals, etc). And that's working for me right now. But I always suggest watching your sugar and salt, no matter what. And drink lots of water.

    Hang in there! You can do this!

    I have a hard time with processed foods. They're my go-to's all the time and it's hard to get rid of them when I'm in the middle of studying for finals. But I do think once the stress of the semester is over I might be able to do away with them.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been on MFP for over 4 months now, and I feel like nothing I do is working. I've been working out a whole lot more. I've changed my diet. I've even bought DVD's of all kinds in hopes of losing a few extra pounds. Most recently I tried 30 Day Shred. After 2 weeks, NOTHING had changed. I hadn't lost any weight or inches, so I gave it up in favor of the gym.

    I'm still feeling quite discouraged because I feel like no matter how much effort I put into this, I can't seem to get any results. 16lbs in 4 months...? Yes, it's about 4lbs a month, but I was really hoping to get more out of all this. I just don't understand what's going on.

    I'm sick of being over 200lbs with my knee constantly bothering me because I'm so overweight, but I just feel like no matter how much I work out or how much I change my diet, nothing's happening. It's very hard for someone like me because I'm so goal oriented and if I'm not seeing results, I tend to give up.
    Also your cardio has got to make you sweat, get a heart monitor.

    I don't know what to do. I guess what I'm really looking for is some motivation. Please, anything will help. I'm just so sick of feeling like this and I desperately want to lose the weight.

    I had a simmilar problem with losing "weight", no matter how much I worked out my weight didnt go down. Now I just do measurements.
    I also noticed that I started seeing a difference when I do weights like a guy does.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    How is your eating? I can't see your diary. That dictates the whole thing ;-)
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    I know the feeling. I am mid plateau right now as well. I have been stuck in the same zone now for a month. I have lost around 1.5 pounds since then.

    But the thing is, I told myself I was only willing to make changes I was going to commit to forever.

    To bust through my plateau, I went back on that a bit, and added another day of exercise, and I switched my cardio and my strength. We'l see in a month if it helps with the scale.

    One thing that helps me is giving myself non-scale goals to focus on. For example 100 pushups challenge, 200 squats challenge, tackling the steep hills in my neighborhood, increasing my walking pace, conquering the rowing machine, doing full pushups....

    I can measure all of these things, even when nothing else is moving, and make progress to improved health.

    Good luck, and stick with your healthy habits, they will pay off!

    I really like that idea! Being a scientist, I like being able to measure things, and that sounds like a great way to make and focus on goals.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    this is my problem too, although I have no thyroid gland... have you ever had your thryoid checked? I am not being weird here- its acually one of the most common and yet undiagnosed problems among women in the US. sure would hurt to get check, and look into it.. google low thryoid.... My gyno said he's been trying for years to work that into yearly care procedures for women over 30.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    When my kids were little, they would grow like crazy for 2-3 months, then stop. My sister said they were still growing like crazy, just in ways I couldn't see -- their brains, their circulation system, their organs, etc. etc.

    I've been doing 30DS for 3 weeks with no changes. And minimal weight loss. Very minimal. I don't cheat on the nutrition part, either.

    My thought is that when I excercise I'm adding muscle. I'm toning up. I'm getting my systems in order.
    And when I lose a certain amount weight -- then it will be visible.
    At the very least, I'm expecting to find that at the end of the the 30 days, I will be more fit, able to do more, stronger. And I will then use those abilities to do additional excercise, to do more -- to have an active, healthy life. Looking better, fitting into my old jeans -- that's the icing, not the cake. And it will happen, it just may take me a bit longer.

    Every step you take gets you closer to your goal. You just can't always see where the path leads.

    I really need to think about it more like that because I was seeing improvements with my knee when I was doing 30DS. Actually, it's still improving. When it swells, it's not as painful or immobile as it used to be. I really wish I had thought about it like that earlier. Maybe seeing what people have been posting was what I needed after all.

    Thank you!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I have to say, I've been told that weightloss is 80% your food intake and 20% exercise. Using a scale to weigh food, making sure you are logging portions correctly, and eating better food choices (non processed foods) are all going to impact you largely. Don't give up. It's easy to get discouraged and decide to throw in the towl...don't let yourself do it. You say you are a goal oriented person. WELL, why not make yourself some mini-goals and strive to reach those?? I find it's easier to motivate myself when my next goal isn't 50 pounds, but rather 5 or 10. It makes me work harder, because it seems so much more attainable. :heart: Best of luck to you.
  • miKACKsh
    miKACKsh Posts: 10 Member
    i suggest THROW YOUR SCALE AWAY!! the scale is your worst enemy. not only does muscle weigh more, but when the scale doesnt budge look what it does to us !?!? we go nuts, obsessed over a number that haunts us all day and night. we live, eat, breathe our weight. just let the number go ... keep doing what you are doing. i think you are doing a great job. dont give up if you see smaller results then you expected, they are still results in the right direction. EVERY STEP COUNTS !! and 16 pounds is EXCELLENT !! i say get out the measuring tape and do it that way. inches lost is better in my mind. Good Luck!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    How many calories do you eat and do you eat back your exercise calories? Sometimes not eating enough is a problem for some people. Your body really needs to find that happy medium of what calories are the right amount for weight loss and then make sure you eat back your workout calories in order to maintain energy. Some months I lose only a pound or two...but thats a loss and thats good! MFP only recommends losing a pound a week so it sounds like you are right on track!

    I set a goal of 1500 calories per day and I almost always manage to eat back my calories, with a few exceptions. I guess I might still be looking for that happy medium. I've been trying to read up on dieting and weight loss as much as possible. So far, the Mayo Clinic has had the best information and that's where I got the 1500 calories from.

    I've also been having a lot of fluctuations with my weight, and that's what REALLY driving me up the wall. I think that more than anything has lead to so much discouragement.

    I'm under specialist weight management within the NHS. I'm 240lbs and I eat 1500 per day. My dietitians says NOT to eat exercise calories back (until I'm closer to goal). Just to eat a couple of hundred if I'm hungry enough for them. It worked really well for me. Working out 5-6 days a week and eating 1500 had me loosing 2-3lb a week. Maybe try this? Apparantly its safer to have bigger deficits when your quite overweight. I was dubious about this info so have had 3 dietitians confirm it. Worth a try I reckon. X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've been on MFP for over 4 months now, and I feel like nothing I do is working. I've been working out a whole lot more. I've changed my diet. I've even bought DVD's of all kinds in hopes of losing a few extra pounds. Most recently I tried 30 Day Shred. After 2 weeks, NOTHING had changed. I hadn't lost any weight or inches, so I gave it up in favor of the gym.

    I'm still feeling quite discouraged because I feel like no matter how much effort I put into this, I can't seem to get any results. 16lbs in 4 months...? Yes, it's about 4lbs a month, but I was really hoping to get more out of all this. I just don't understand what's going on.

    I'm sick of being over 200lbs with my knee constantly bothering me because I'm so overweight, but I just feel like no matter how much I work out or how much I change my diet, nothing's happening. It's very hard for someone like me because I'm so goal oriented and if I'm not seeing results, I tend to give up.

    I don't know what to do. I guess what I'm really looking for is some motivation. Please, anything will help. I'm just so sick of feeling like this and I desperately want to lose the weight.

    I felt the same recently and had similar posts. I tried the upping the calories thing that people rave about and it made me gain. I tried watching my macro's and sodium and still wasn't losing. So after 2 weeks of being sick and hardly logging I had an epiphany. If I am dieting why am I never hungry? I mean you shouldn't be famished because you are dieting but you should learn your bodies signs and eat when it tells you it is getting hungry. I had borderline diabetes about 30 lbs heavier and if I missed a meal or even ate 30 minutes later than usual I would feel like crap. I got used to eating 6 times a day on South Beach and it worked for me then but unfortunately it got me used to snacking even when I didn't need it.

    Anywho after my epiphany the other day I decided to cut out the 100 cal in between meal snacks and cut my dinner by 1/3rd (I was logging and supposedly at 1200 a day before I did that) LOW and BEHOLD I am losing again. 3 lbs in 5 days. And don't jump on me people and say you shouldn't go under 1200 because I am not. I was underlogging. Apparently I have no idea what 6oz of meat really looks like etc. Who knows how much I was eating. I am buying a food scale this weekend and I AM EXCITED NOW!!

    Not sure if you are in the same boat but I hope this helps. And any weight loss is good but I know how you feel I give up on stuff if I don't see results I want.

    See. I was actually thinking about buying a food scale myself! I think I just might do that now because I have a problem with portion size myself.

    If your not weighing out you could be eating hundreds and hundreds more than you think. They are £4 on ebay for digital ones and a great investment! X
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I have been here for over at year, time, lots of time....yes, I yo-yo sometimes, yes, I have plateaued more times than I want to count. I can't exercise too much because I have MS....BUT still 60 lbs gone!!!

    It will work but it's NOT a quick fix....and as others have said less processed foods help, lower sodium helps me personally and I haven't been doing well with that as of late, measure everything, I was shocked when I first started at what 1 cup of cereal looks like! Open your diary, most of the people here are great with advice on your eating .....(don't take anything too personally because a few have been rude) but it was worth opening my diary for all the great tips!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I am confused - 1st you state you haven't eaten any sugar and now binging on chocolate. I totally get the binging in chocolate, but don't you think that binging might be a downfall? Unfortunately, it sounds like you are relying on food to help your pain. I get that too. However, this might be part of the reason for being overweight and not being able to stick to a healthy regiment. This is a LIFE LONG JOURNEY. Slow and steady! Yes frustrating, yes oftentimes dissapointing, but you also have to be honest with yourself as well. It sounds like you are pigging out and then whining that you don't understand why you are not losing....
  • It sounds to me like you're losing weight the RIGHT way. I feel like too many people think losing weight is easy and that you should be dropping 20 pounds a month like they do on TV or in the commercials.

    Slow, steady, and sustainable weight loss is probably healthier for you anyway. 16 pounds in 4 months is actually fantastic in my opinion. Just think of how many people have been sitting around gaining weight while you're out improving yourself and your body.

    Congrats on the success and keep it up!