Does anyone want to lose 10 lbs together?



  • Me too Seem to be stuck in my big girl body!!!

    SW 236.0
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    Me. Currently 228. :(

    I will be back tonight to tell you what excersize I did.
  • me too! But i want to loose 11lbs :)
    sw: 210
  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    I'm in :D
    Wed. April 18th
    Current weight: 115.8 lbs.
    GW1: 105 lbs.

    Weigh in is in 4 days, c'mon now you gotta WORK!
    Results don't come overnight!!

    Today I did 20 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes jumping on the trampoline, and 10 minutes of light calisthenics (ab workout), and tonight I'll be doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike - aiming for a burn of 300+ calories!! Also I'm squeezing in a quick half mile jog outside!

    Feel free to add me! We can do this! :happy:

    Edit: I also am working out an hour or more each day, 6 days a week.
  • ShamimAkhtar
    ShamimAkhtar Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in, I think it would be great to have the motivation and support from others, so common guys and girls, lets lose the 10 lbs together!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Sounds great! I'm in!

    CW: 142
    GW: 132

    I'm doing P90X!
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 126 Member
    Does anyone have a time frame? How many calories are you eating?
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    i;ll join you, my cw is 162 have been trying for the longest to get into the 150s so im in lol....feel free to add me, its easier that way. im eating 1350cal, how about 4 or 6 weeks for the time frame, maybe...idk
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    count me in! i have only been doing 10 to 15 mins a day though...ruh roh!!!
    starting weight as of today, 122.5
  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    I'm eating 1,200 a day and sometimes go over into the cushion of 'calories burned'.
    I'm giving myself till May 16th to lose the first 5 pounds. I'll go from there but I'm hoping to lose the next 5 pounds by June 20th, my last day of school. :smile:

    Working on 1lb/week plus I'm not exactly overweight so it's harder for me to shed the pounds.
  • Ccox86
    Ccox86 Posts: 2 Member
    Ill go along with this! :) I just joined this site and to be honest, having a hard time understanding how it works lol
    Work out- Jillian MIchaels 30 day shred...been doing this everyday for 2 weeks and totally have cheated on the weekends. I started at 168 so 4 pound loss so far but i feel as though I have stalled :(
  • amberwren
    amberwren Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! I've been looking for ladies with only a few to lose..add me :)

    SW 142
    Goal 130 by July 1st
  • Definitely in! I fell off the bandwagon today but I'm getting back on with more determination :)

    Start weight: 128 lbs
    Goal:112 lbs
  • Kryn_K
    Kryn_K Posts: 44
    I'm In :happy:
    Cw 150
    Gw 130

    i been doing P90X but is really hard for me to keep doing it so i'll commit to run 5-6 miles per day in the next 7 days to see what my results are .. let's do it !!! :glasses:
  • julsis
    julsis Posts: 3
    I'm in I only have 14 to go so 10 is a good starting point! I'll friend you
  • Kryn_K
    Kryn_K Posts: 44
    in what week are you ? today i decide to quit it i feel exhausted and i need to eat more in order to do it ,right now i'm under 1000 cals. :sad:
  • I'm in.

    Starting weight 173

    Date: April 18th
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I'm in. Currently at 176.
  • lduke26
    lduke26 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join in. I am at 262.8 today. I have lost 10 lbs in the last few weeks. I walk three times a day, 2 times for 15 minutes(1/2 mile) and once for 30 minutes (1 mile). Also, I do 10 minutes Kettle Ball in the morning and 30 minute Cardio Kickboxing video at night. It is hard keeping up on the weekends though.

    Good luck everyone. You can do it!!!
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    I will be in for soon as I can figure out the conversion rate between pounds and kiols (sorry we use the metric system here in Australia) :)

    If my calculations are correct, I weigh 177 pounds (or approx 80kg).

    Goal weight is 132 Pounds (or approx 60 kg)