40 Something - Need to lose 50lbs - Need some buddies!



  • Hi Patty, I'm 45 and want to lose 50 lbs. I also need some buddies. You can add me if you'd like. :smile: :smile:
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    I have 100 or so to lose, but feel free to add me if you want. I have been with MFP since late last June and it works great when you are honest about food and exercise. If it goes through the lips it needs to go on the list. I have had success here, but I have been neglectful and lost the habit the last few months. I want to stay motivated and committed to following through with losing more weight. Lots of luck!
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Hi there! I'm 43 and joined a few weeks ago. I was a bit skeptical since I've tried other sites before but I have to say that this community has been very motivating and supportive! Feel free to add me as a buddy
  • jvizcarra
    jvizcarra Posts: 8 Member
    Reading your post sounds like exactly what I would like to say! 42 and would like to lost 50lbs! I have managed to get the exercise thing down and would almost say it is a habit but definately struggle with the food and red wine :-) I would love some support and an online pal to go through this journey with! I just signed up now and have no idea yet how to add a friend. So hoping you will add me!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    I am 48, like you i need to lose about 45 lbs. and need the support also. Also I want to win this time also. I am willing to be buddies.
  • mrswpg
    mrswpg Posts: 16 Member
    Add me if you like I have no friends yet, I'm new to mfp. I need to lose 15 more, it's hard to stay focused at times and I've hit a plateau I know its because I'm not active enough.... I should be out walking or doing yoga instead of sitting in front of the computer.
  • AlissonLo
    AlissonLo Posts: 18 Member
    hi! I'm 41 and need to lose around 50 lbs. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    I find the friends on here are so supportive and I love all my friends, feel free to add me!! Lets all help each other!!!
  • Susan978
    Susan978 Posts: 2
    Yes Me too!!! I am 43, I have been a yo yo dieter for the last 20 yrs. This time I let it go too far. It was the wierdest thing I kinda woke up one morning about a month ago and said OH MY GOD!! I'M FAT!!! This is my highest weight ever!!!! :flowerforyou: I have to fix this!! I always get close to my goal and stop eating right and the weight just creeps back on again. I promised myself I will go all the way this time!!! I so much want to feel good again and have lots of energy. I'm missing out on so much with my family. I feel gross so I don't like to go anywhere. I would love to be your support buddy!!! We need to stay positive and we can do it. Susan
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I am over 49 and needing to get rid of about 75 lbs
  • I'm 42 and I have 28 lbs to lose. I've already lost 12 on here, so it's a good start! Tracking your food is a wake up call! Add away, anyone who wants a friend! :)
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    42 and I started out with 70 to lose, have about 45 to go now. You can do this!
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    i am 47 and have way more than 50 to lose ...about 125 and have been here about a year. i can always use and give support on this journey. :0)
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 45 and have lost 80 since my largest. This year, my goal is to loose this last 25. Will accept any friend request. I know some women are reluctant to accept men as friends, so I won't initiate. But FYI... I'm happily married with 3 kids, and just looking to get healthier. Glad to share anything I've learned, and learn from anyone else.
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 49 and have at least 30 to lose just to feel normal again. I wouldn't complain if I lost 40 though. I get where you're coming from and would love to be your pal. Friend request on the way. Good luck to you !
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I'm turning 45 on he 28th this month. I really didn't start losing weight consistently until I joined this site. Like you I didn't think I was eating that much before until I started counting my calories. I have 15 more to lose and then I'll reevaluate. Please send an invite.
  • cevans_rr
    cevans_rr Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there. I know exactly how you feel. I have regularly worked out for years between 3-5 days per week (depending on my kid's sports schedules) but not only couldn't lose weight but continued to gain until I reached an all time high -even surpassing pregnancy weight! I "tried" to eat better and walked several times a week but only lost 2 lbs from 1/1/12 to the end of Feb. Not exactly what I was hoping for! Then a week before my 51st birthday some teachers I work and eat with introduced me to MFP and everything changed! It is so much easier to journal which helped me see exactly how many calories I was eating. My trainer suggested inputting my food before I ate it and that has been another big help. I now really think before I eat a whole serving of something or if I would be happy with a smaller amount. I also push myself in my workouts just so I can log a higher calories number. I lost 11 lbs in 6 weeks and several inches. This also includes a week of birthday celebrating, spring break, and Easter! I had 45 lbs to lose and I'm already a fourth of the way there just eating normally and not starving myself. I'm just conscious and if I really want it, I enjoy it- but not overdo it! I have several friends that I work with but I'd love to have some from MFP just to get some new perspectives. I haven't added my picture or filled out my profile but I hope to soon. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Andufrene
    Andufrene Posts: 44
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, Anyone can add me if you would like.
  • bobbibrowngirlie
    bobbibrowngirlie Posts: 5 Member
    Am exactly the same, looking for like minded buddies to motivate me and vice versa
  • It can be done, I started on January 16, 2012 at 277 lbs and when I weighed myself this morning I am now at 220.6, this is 56.4 pounds lost and counting, my original goal was set at 220 and now I am going to go to 200. I track my calories after each meal, snack all day long. This biggest thing that I have come to realize is it is all about the portion sizes, if it says 1/2 a cup then measure out 1/2 cup and that is all you eat. It is hard but well worth it, I feel great and my family works with me every day. So don't get down it can be done.