Thoughts on "Cheat Day"



  • I have a cheat meal...Twice a week..But that's just for me...I don;t want too stop myself from enjoying somethings because I will fell at this diet so I allow myself to have treats..
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    Dieting doesnt mean you have to completely cut out everything. Unless your cheat day consists of gourging on m&m's and sour patch kids, I think we should give ourselves a little room for the foods we enjoy (i.e. a slice of pizza) every now and then, but like some of our friends here said, yea the risk of that is you'll open the flood gates and start pounding down pizzas and burgers and all the damn delicious things we love but are bad for us. If you're giving yourself a little (and i mean a sliver) of leeway on daily or weekly basis, your diet will be less stressful for you and will give you more lasting results.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I dont really do a cheat day but will def do a cheat meal. If I deprive myself of that then it just backfires and I will wind doing a couple bad days in a row. Yesterday I went to a chinese buffet for lunch and I enjoyed it :) I didnt go overboard, I only had one plate and it wasnt over filled. Today I will do good and I did good for dinner & breakfast yesterday. All in moderation!!!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I have a cheat meal every week, usually on Friday. I try to be real good all week and have my 2 slices of pizza and maybe some wings on Friday. I have been losing weight pretty regularly while doing this. I get back to eating good on Saturday. I look forward to my Friday pizza, and so far it hasn't caused me a problem with my weight loss. This works for me, but each person has to decide what works for them.
  • I think that if you "plan" to go off track, and stick to thst plan, you have not cheated. You have stuck to your plan, and then should not feel guilty, which can be very destructive for weight loss. :happy:
  • tinam76
    tinam76 Posts: 59 Member
    perhaps i'm to new at this to think about a cheat day . i feel like i been cheating for the last seven years and that is how i got here to begin with . i am making it my goal to find ways to tweak my meal to stay with in my calories or do extra work to earn it. i always wanna be happy after i eat no one want to be chewing on a cardboard sandwhich. portion control , tweaking things where i can some stuff will never change my coffee and creamer i log with pride because i've tried low fat no fat sugar free creamer it just isn't for me. i think if there is an event and you go over that's one thing but weekly i'm not gonna do it for now. i'm new and learning. i sit here with boxes of food and my laptop still making sure i can have stuff. i know i will get use to stuff
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    If your diet is a lifestyle change you need to allow yourself some unhealthy things otherwise you will not stick to it long term I don't keep my calories constant as long as over the week I'm in a deficit... and I follow the rule 80% wholesome healthy and 20% pure indulgence (from a chocaholic ex yo yo dieter)
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I used too, but i've found if I cheat once...I just can't stop! So I have to be very careful about what kind of "cheating" I do.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I generally keep it pretty clean during the week, then when weekends get here I am not as cautious. That's not to say that I overinduldge, but I will have those potato chips or a piece of cake, but all within the calorie goal. I have the opinion that if I want it, I should go ahead and have it, just in moderation. It's worked for me so far, as I've lost 25 lbs since Jan 28. Just don't overdo it when you do indulge.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Usually mine is a cheat meal although occasionally it's a cheat day. I live 90 miles from town so my husband and I drive in on Friday nights to get our groceries and stuff for the week. We go out to dinner first and then go shopping. So, that restaurant meal is usually my cheat meal. It's just easier than trying to cook at 10-11 when we get home.

    However, sometimes I have the munchies all day and just crave everything. I usually give into those (somewhat) like a piece of chocolate instead of the package, and move on...days like that haven't affected my progress at all and I find it helps me mentally because I'm not denying myself things that sound good. it's all in moderation.
  • Dremak1
    Dremak1 Posts: 18
    Eating healthy has become a way of life for me however I live with my husband and son who - on the weekends - insist on eating out and they usually want desert. I am all for splurging for ONE MEAL on the weekend and then not for the entire meal - still eat a healthy meal and then have a dessert OR eat whatever you want for the meal and skip desert. It is all about choices and your weight loss goals. If you are exercising everyday - one meal is not going to break your diet - ONE BINGE DAY - will.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    Saturdays are my cheat days and I have still managed to lose 20lbs. I log all I eat so I see how many calories I consumed on my cheat day. I think it does little in the way of messing up your system, but it greatly improves your mindset.

    I do not go crazy, but I will have something I normally would not, like some pizza, a Big Mac, or Weinerschnitzel! YUM!
  • hparker2
    hparker2 Posts: 19 Member
    I experimented with this a few weeks ago. Over easter was when I decided to try this cheat day thing. Of course I had the "cheat day" mindset and ended up eating a lot of junk, chocolate mainly! It was delicious and I didn't feel too bloated. The next day however, I felt extremely bloated and it took a few days for it to go down. i did weigh one pound less a week later. So thought, well maybe cheat days are good, but I just won't over do it this week. So I ate a burger and sweet potato fries, with just a couple pieces of chocolate. Again, it took two days to recover. So, if you can seriously control your cheat days and not go all out, then i could see where they may be okay, mostly psychologically. However, this week I started just planning things into my calorie count. This helps me a lot, because if something sounds good and I have it right then and there, I have more control and can stop after just a little bit, as oppossed to totally binging. Now, last night, the family went to carls jr and I was worried about the nutritional and caloric count on their food. i ordered the turkey burger with no mayonaise. It was a whole wheat bun, the turkey burger, lettuce and tomato and was delicious! It says 490 cals, but without mayo I think it's closer to 400. So for me, that was very satisfying, but still not too bad for me and I don't feel guilty at all about it.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    I don't think I could have a cheat day, planned or not. If I started regular cheating, be it a meal or a day, I'd start eating higher calorie levels and ALWAYS find a way to justify it as a "cheat" even if it wasn't time for a cheat. I'm trying to eat normally and even calling it cheating messes with my head.

    I have higher calorie days where I eat out or have something special but I always try to stay in my set range (1,500-1,800 per day). Most days I eat very close to the low range and sometimes just slightly under my low range. If I know I'm having a meal out or a special day or something others would call cheat meals, I adjust my other food for the day so I come in close to or slightly over my high range after eating that meal or food. An extra 300-500 calories goes a long ways if I feel the need to have that occasional meal out, chinese carry out, candy bar, slice of birthday cake.

    Plan, plan, plan. Works much better for me than cheating....
  • zomoro56
    zomoro56 Posts: 21 Member
    I think the periodic cheat meal or day is okay, but only after a few weeks of routine and clean eating. Getting past the hump that is the start of a new food lifestyle is so hard and incorporating unhealthy food choices early on in the process can completely derail your process. I set my cheat meal or day in the future and incorporate a date night or fun activity as a reward for my hard work. Like next friday will be a few weeks of clean eating so my reward will be a date night of dinner, a concert and over night with the lady. This works best for me as a cheat meat or day every week throws me off my momentum and makes things too difficult for me.
  • 2wiceOver
    2wiceOver Posts: 38
    Once every 2 months I allow myself one evening where I don't count what I eat or drink. So far I have had only 2 of these in the 5 months I've been on this journey.

    I basically don't care about them anymore. My next one will be late next month which corresponds with my buddy's wedding so that's what I'll use it for. After that I'll be at my goal weight and will be looking to increase or maintain anyway.
  • deftoneschic1432
    deftoneschic1432 Posts: 2 Member
    Actually, you should have atleast one cheat day in your diet. Your body gets bored processing the same foods and exercise which is why eventually you hit that plateau. When you give yourself one day to eat what you want, your body will start burning the bad food the same way it burns the good, meaning your it wont do much harm especially when your cravings are bad enough that you start justifying your inbetween snacks. Plus, going months without anything super unhealthy is good. But it becomes bad when you want to induge in something bad for you and your body can't handle all the grease or the sugars involved in processing it.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I have 2 cheat meals per week. For me this means one night with cocktails and a meal of whatever I want. Or sometimes a large blizzard or something totally decadent and I'm not allowed to think or calculate calories. On vacation, I try to eat two healthy meals or snacks a day and then one meal I can eat whatever I want. I also workout everyday on vacation to try to balance the increase in calories.
  • XxXHillaryXxX
    XxXHillaryXxX Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with those who say it is "one step forward, two steps back" but I know for myself that I NEED to "cheat" sometimes to keep going. So instead of a cheat day or a HUGE cheat meal, I have a mini cheat. Basically I have something that I've been craving but a healthier version or a smaller portion. Or I find a new snack that I'm loving and want an extra serving of (right now it's Indiana popcorn at 150 cal. per 2.5 cups). I make sure to stay within my calorie allowance or make sure to work out longer that day. Too many cheats and that's not going to help you lose weight. I've dieted off and on for years and always fall off the wagon when I try to be too strict, hence why I'm starting over again, haha. My husband on the other hand has one of the best bodies at his gym, has mini cheats and has been eating this way for years. This time I'm taking his works for him and seems to be working for me.
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    My fiance and I have agreed to one "indulgence day" a month, PROVIDED that we have both stayed on track with healthy eating, tracking and exercising and have not gone over calories even once in the interim. It's motivating for us and as this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, we need to be able to indulge once in a while without guilt or feeling like we're falling off some wagon. It's planned for and we don't go entirely hogwild but we do what we want (this month, it's going to be all you can eat sushi - can't wait, although I imagine all we can eat will now be somewhat less than it would have been before we started with MFP!).
    We've only been at this for just under 2 months but it's working for us so far...I've lost 15 lbs. and he's lost over far, so good!

    Good luck with your journey, whether it includes indulgence days or not! :o)