How do you feel AFTER a binge



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You are invited to join this group. It is a non-judgemental place to talk about disordered eating behavior and especially binges. I find it extremely helpful to talk to other people with similar struggles. You are not alone. Please see links below.
  • 2wiceOver
    2wiceOver Posts: 38
    Once every two months I allow for ONE EVENING where I don't count any calories and eat/drink whatever I want. About a month ago I drank far too much alcohol and was worthless for two days afterward. So no more drinking at all. There's just no room in my life for it anymore.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You are invited to join this group. It is a non-judgemental place to talk about disordered eating behavior and especially binges. I find it extremely helpful to talk to other people with similar struggles. You are not alone. Please see links below.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    thanks so much will check it out
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I am going to put a link to this post and the next time cause I know unfortunately there will be a next time that I WANT to binge I can look at this thread and read it over and over again. Maybe that will help!

    good idea! i will do the same.
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    depressed, like a failure!
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    How many of you restrict yourself from specific foods on a regular basis, i.e. you adhere to clean eating, believe in bad foods, etc.?
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    How many of you restrict yourself from specific foods on a regular basis, i.e. you adhere to clean eating, believe in bad foods, etc.?

    Not me but I think about doing that since IIFYM isn't working for me. Eating processed food trigger massive cravings which are otherwise tameable, when I don't give into them at all.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I get over it and move on. As long as it happens once in awhile so be it.
  • I feel trapped by my own mind, and my greed, and I want to curl up in my duvet and sleep it away and never go out again. I literally feel HUGE

    the worst is I usually binge right before going on a 8 hour shift which starts at 3pm and y head literaly feels foggy
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    I dont smoke, rarely drink, dont get high , don't do drugs or smoke dope........

    My drug of choice is food and even for me, some one whos lost plenty, I can go ona 2 week binge and feel like crap for days after..........

    I guess were all human, you need to eat food to survive.....its not like going cold turkey on cigarettes, or going into rehab to get off of crack or cocaine, is a fuel for our body and we need it.......

    I wished I could stop my bingeing, if anyone knows the answer, let us know

    I feel horrible ,esp that I can gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks.............I retain water because I avoid processed, salt ladened foods, but after my bingeing of pizza, ice cream and chocolate, Ive gained tons of weight and my blood pressure goes up to......

    its a Catch 22 situation........wished I could figure out why I binge eat too..............

    THIS. I also go to a binge eating support group because I have diagnosed it as an eating disorder of mine that has spiraled from a history of other disordered forms of eating. It helps to know you're not alone. But food is my drug of choice for sure.
  • julezy
    julezy Posts: 6 Member
    Is it bad that I feel great after a binge?
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    Is it bad that I feel great after a binge?

    Well.. perhaps you should be more specific about what you define as a binge.
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I just binged for the first time since I started my workout and diet plan. I didnt really BINGE as much as I used to in the past...I mean, I ate a lot less than I could. But I ate at 3 am, and my binge cravings were killing me earlier. I should have just gone to sleep. I hate myself right now, like honestly, I'm mad at myself.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Feel like a big massive piggy...........Big belly that looks like I am pregnant
  • Mdcgc
    Mdcgc Posts: 28
    I hate it!! The worst part is that one single cookie makes me feel as bad.. I know its wrong but everytime I eat anything out of my diet, no matter how small it is I feel terrible, and I get depress and despertae nad that makes me eat more and more :(
  • Mdcgc
    Mdcgc Posts: 28
  • Horsezee
    Horsezee Posts: 22
    energized and guilty.
  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    like an *kitten*. everytime.
  • Allow yourself to have treats every now and then, think of it as a reward for all your hard work! and if you think of it as a reward, it may encourage you to be more positive and then you'll only have one or two and not a binge! :)

    I just ate waaaaay too many M&M's.. and a bag of lollies ahh. I feel so full and bloated, but also suprisingly good because it has just reaffirmed about why I don't need chocolate etc. I don't like feeling this way! So hopefully next time when I crave sweet foods I have a bit more control :D