Explain Your MFP Name?



  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Mine is boring, first name, middle and last initial and my birth year.
  • 05suu
    05suu Posts: 90 Member
    Part of car license number..only way I can remember it...haha:laugh:
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    <---- real nick name, plus first letter of my last name ...
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    I was the 66,712th DanL to sign up to AOL back in the 90's. The username has just kind of stuck since then!!
  • Lawlbird
    Lawlbird Posts: 3
    I'm a funny bird.
  • locolew
    locolew Posts: 36 Member
    My name is Lew...well, you can figure out the rest...
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Mine is the name of my guinea pig she is called twixygirl :)

    My actual name is Rebekka
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    Mine is the first part of my name Jen the jaz bit I actually have no idea, I think it stems down to being called that when I was younger (some strange people around lol) the 1910 is dates my daughters were born (eldest the 19th and the youngest 10th) x
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    The first part is my initials. My wife says I am an odd guy so I added some odd numbers to my initials.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Mine is all to do with my cat.. He's in my ticker lol! His nickname is Minky Moo and both he and I were born on te 13th of the month..
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    mine I just made up coz I like pink haha x
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I like the sound of the word....

    It means an interchange of two elements in a phrase or sentence from a more logical to a less logical relationship of words, for instance, he went on his weary way - it is him that is weary, not the way.
  • ViSalus2012
    Mine is from the company name that gave me a new life and the year is for the year I was introduced to it.
  • 412HeavyLifter
    412HeavyLifter Posts: 170 Member
    412 is my area code and I love lifting heavy weights
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i was watching a design programme, the woman designing the room throw open her coat whilst she was still wearing it and placed it against the wall (it was the same colour as they were about to paint) and said "it's a real mochashocker", it was something stupid that i would do so i named myself it. although i didn't think until much later mocha implies i'v got dark skin and i'm as white as they come lol D'Oh!
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    42K is the approximate distance of a marathon. One of these days I will actually run one.
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    Mine is an egyptian word meaning 'Quiet Strength' which is a name someone very close to me gave me a long time ago...
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    should be trs_knls but couldn't underscore sooo....my initials and abbreviation for kennels, since we had foxhounds at one time and now going into coonhounds i do believe...so excited :happy: :love:
  • RedMuse
    RedMuse Posts: 50 Member
    Because I am a redhead and my husband calls me his muse :)
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I used to love WWF wrestling (yup, THAT long ago) and Kane was a favourite wrestler - the ferret is after my pet ferret Loki. The joining of the two into kaned_ferret is thanks to Loki raiding a can of beer at a houseparty, managing to open it and getting, well, kaned. Luckily it was only a small amount, still, I was not an amused ferret mummy! But the name has stuck long since losing interest in wrestling, and since losing my ferret-baby. It's part of my online presence now, and nobody else has it so I can use it everywhere I go :)