365 days on MFP! But I'm not done yet! - Pics

beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
This is also on my blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/beckyinma

One year ago I made the choice to change my life.

One year ago I was so inspired by someone else's 40+lb loss that I had to investigate what this thing called MyFitnessPal was all about. I'm glad I did!

I've made a lot of discoveries in the last year full of ups and downs.

I've learned that I can say no when my kids want to share their dessert. I've learned that I don't need to finish what the kids are too full to eat, that instead of filling their plates full, I can also give them smaller portions, thus wasting less, making them full, but not over full, and having fewer battles over cleaning their plates before leaving the table.
I've learned that the double standard that says my kids have to eat what we eat only applies when I make less than stellar choices earlier in the day and I'm stuck eating broccoli and chicken breast instead of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn. mmm mashed potatoes. They aren't huge fans of eating what we eat, however, THEY have come a long way in accepting major food changes at mealtime as well. I'm proud of them for that.

I've learned that I can walk by the slushy stand, and the pretzel stand, and the Japanese wok, and ChicFilet at the mall, smell how yummy it is and not long for it.

I’ve learned that I can have cake when it’s a birthday party, or go out for dinner and go over my calories once in a while but it doesn’t mean doing it every single day.
I discovered that I’m human, and I make mistakes…(kind of what the last couple months have proven) but as long as I never give up, I will never fail. As long as I never give up on myself, others will not give up on me either, proven by the amazing support system offered free of charge but full of kindness here on this site.

I’ve discovered fun style again, instead of shirts that felt like bags, loose on purpose; I’ve discovered my curves again.

I discovered that I can dead lift and squat lift 60+lb and it feels great.

I learned what it feels like to go fast on my rollerblades (that now fit around my calves again) and that my daughter LOVES to rollerblade, and I love to go with her.

I feel comfortable wearing my stretchy, tight workout pants in public, running, biking, blading, walking, shopping, and I am so confident that I don’t worry about someone looking at me and seeing a whale anymore.
I have confidence, self control(most of the time) and the ability to say ‘when’ in situations where temptations are plentiful.

May 2011, a couple weeks into MFP I took my first set of measurements.
Bust: 39.5
Chest: 35
Waist: 41
Hips: 52
Thigh: 29
Bicep: 14.5
size 18/20 jeans

Bust: 34
Chest 31.25
Waist: 33
Hips: 43
Thigh: 23.5
Bicep: 12
size 10 jeans

Total loss in 365 days:
33.25 measurable inches lost, with the highest in my hips and waist.

I discovered that I can be comfortable working out in a sports bra and my yoga pants, at home, and that I can post pictures of my success, in said workout clothes on here and know that I won’t be judged negatively, because people here are here for the same reason as me, to get healthy.

I know that if I’m having a bad day, week, month that I can vent here, and people HERE understand my frustration, because you’ve gone through bad months, plateaus, injuries, setbacks, binges, all that, so you know what I’m going through, you can sympathize, empathize, and pick me back up when I’m having trouble doing it myself.
I discovered that I love this place and I would be lost without YOU.

In December 2010, a few months before finding MFP, I lay in bed one evening thinking to myself that 215lb wasn’t it for me. What did it matter if I was this big, who cares, nobody. I had given up on myself on so many levels. It wasn’t until I saw a picture of myself in a picture with my great Girl Scouts and our co-leaders that I finally discovered how I looked, and as I looked into my face, I could see how miserable I felt. It was one of those light-bulb moments that I decided I didn’t need to look or feel like that anymore. I had always assumed that I wouldn’t be patient enough to make any positive changes that I could feel immediately. But once I found MFP, I discovered that the one single most important change really did have a monumental, immediate outcome. I drank 8 cups of water a day, for 7 days, and 5lb came off that first week.
The rest, well, it’s been an amazing year, full of ups, downs, pseudo-plateaus and small gains, but in the long run, which is where I’m looking, I’ve made good choices, good changes and I know that I now have the means to get to where I want to be physically, successfully. I have a support system at home and online that hasn’t let me down yet.
So, Thanks to my DH, and all of my MFP friends for an amazing year past, and hopefully a lot more years to come.

You don't need to ask me my secret, there is none! It's been common knowledge for so long, we neglect to see it for what it is, simplicity. Or we neglect to see it at all, looking past it for fads, or quick fixes. There are no shortcuts.

Portion control, proper hydration, sodium control, honesty in tracking, throw in a little exercise and viola, 365 days later you have what I've achieved, but I'm not done yet, and I have a long way to go.

When people post up on the boards asking for help as newbies, those are the things I recommend. I also tell them to stay out of the center isles of the grocery store, that's where most of the processed crap is. Stay along the outside, meats, chicken, dairy, veggies, yogurts and nuts, along with a little indulgence now and then. Now I'm not saying cut it all out cold turkey, but work it out of your diet gradually, and don't deprive yourself if you love something. Simply work it into your routine. That's chocolate for me.


Last may, shortly after starting MFP








Last March


Last June


Last August



Thanks for all your support and motivation!!!


  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    great results!!! amazing!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Fantastic job!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You look amazing. You're about the same starting weight as me, so I'm excited to see how much progress you've made! Great job!
  • christal0611
    christal0611 Posts: 71 Member
    Fantastic Job!!!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Great job! Congrats and God bless on reaching your remaining goals!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Great job!!! You look amazing!!
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    That is awesome! You look fabulous, and your transformation is just astounding! :D You can really see the difference.
  • Shyhmim
    Shyhmim Posts: 27
    Oh my god~! congratulations! Your story is really inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing. =)
  • Amazing job!! You look great!
  • You look amazing! You should be super proud of yourself and your hard work!
  • sabauman
    sabauman Posts: 31 Member
    WOW! Incredible!!! Great job, what a transformation!
  • LG30
    LG30 Posts: 72
    AMAZING!!! And def proud to have you as a fellow supporter, and follower! :))
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    You look amazing. Great job you should be so proud of yourself.
  • You are aspirational! :o) And I gotta say that you look WAAAAAY younger than you did a year ago!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    That's AWESOME!!! Congrats on your progress. I've been here for about a year, as well and couldn't be happier that I found this site. I'm also not finished with my journey, but am so proud of where I'm at and how I got here. You should be, too! WTG!!!
  • kelbee23
    kelbee23 Posts: 10 Member
    You look fantastic! Way to go
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    You look fabulous!! Wow!! Keep it up, it's working!
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    You are my hero! Great job, you look amazing and I bet you feel it too!
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    Excellent job! Great progress, it is addicting isn't it? I will be here a year on Monday and I have also gotten rid of about 60 pounds and plan to continue this new lifestyle.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    OMG you have done SUCH a fantastic job!!! Congratulations!!!
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