When you run...

what are you thinking about?

Running is new for me and it is tough. Today when I was about to give up, I started seeing all the pictures of my MFP peeps with their race bibs at the ends of their races, my friend Jess who has finished the C25K and is now starting to run races, my brother who is training for a marathon in the fall...Of course I was also thinking, "man I'm sweaty," "can I finish my run?" "I wonder what other people think when they run," and "I AM GONNA DIE if i don't stop running now."

Oh - and you never know when your pictures that you post here inspire other people - like me. Keep them coming...

What do you guys think of?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have asthma, so I need to control my breathing so I don't have an attack. I will do my multiplication tables in my head. I know I am going to fast if I am not able to do the 'harder' sets anymore. It also gives me a rythym for my breathing.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    There's nothing that compares to the absolute high of running past the time you thought you would die! I too have pictures in my mind and I always think "thank God I am healthy enough to run & complain! Some people can't get off the couch!"
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I listen to music so i dont concentrate on anyting but that. Its my time to have a clear mind. no stress from work or other people
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I listen to music and pretend I'm singing to a crowd of people.....I always wanted to be a singer, but I know my limitations :wink:
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I count my steps with the music at times.... helps me get through the running part.... sometimes I find myself counting on my fingers... strange eh.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I sometimes jog out at night. during the winter when it snows I sometimes think about flying through space pretending I am the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars. I'll even listen to the Star Wars soundtrack on my mp3 player. ( yes I am a geek/nerd why do you ask? :bigsmile: )
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I try to think about how good running is for me, how great it's going to be to run my first 5k, what we should do this weekend, how it's nice to be out in the frest air.

    But I mostly think about how much how embarrassing it's going to be if I can't finish the 5k race, whether my lungs really will explode if I keep going, how hot it is, how can the wind be in my face in both directions.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I have a little coach in my head when I run LOL! I am always hearing "see that pool ahead, get there....faster faster" or "show that hill who's boss....thats right, your boss". Sometimes I think about how my legs feel stronger, how I look to people passing by....I make a point to smile because I always hear people talking about how unhappy runners look. I also try not to think about anything at all other than breathe and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement. So it really depends on the day and mood I'm in! :)
  • brasskim
    brasskim Posts: 39
    I'm in Wk 3 of C25k. At first I have all sorts of thoughts running through my mind and start to get into the music. Once running, I thinking about my stride, my posture and concentrate on that, not too much though and have to stop myself from doing that. I think "Wow, I am really doing this and it's not all that bad" I think "Hmmm, I wonder where the turkeys are (we live in the country) or hope I don't startle a deer that then startles me. I think "This sucks" sometimes. And many times I get lost in the music and start singing...Out Loud! hahaha!! There's a hill I run up and all I can think of is to stay on the shoulder because if a car comes over that hill, I'm done for! About half way through my mind clears and all I do is take in the music, my stride and just reveling in the fact that I am running and it amazes me and makes so happy.
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    I stopped running with music years ago and now I LOVE the quiet or running in the early morning, at sunrise. Sometimes even the birds are too loud for me and disrupt my "zen"! I like to look at peoples houses and critique their landscaping. Or look at other people's outfits and critique what they are wearing. On occasion, songs will pop into my head (most commonly being "baby got back"...yeah, not sure how that one started.) If I'm on a tough hill, I think about a previous half marathon I did with a HUGE hill smack in the middle of the race and remind myself that if I did THAT hill, I can certianly do THIS hill.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I think about my daughter, what I'm gonna eat when I get back, how great I feel, all good things! All the bad things just disappear :)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Usually the music, if I am ahead or behind time, is that dog going to attack me. That and I look like a mental case out here running in the cold
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I always listen to music when I run, because it gives me something to focus on (besides my breathing). Otherwise, with my ADHD, I can think about anything & everything & that in itself can get real distracting & annoying.
  • Frayed_Ends
    I listen to music so i dont concentrate on anyting but that. Its my time to have a clear mind. no stress from work or other people

    I do this too. My favorite song is 'This is Gonna Hurt.' If it doesn't I'm not running hard enough.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I pretty much think about the same things I think about all the time unless my Garmin is complaining about me. Races, work, school, home life, food. If my Garmin is complaining I have to figure out why so I can get it to shut up.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I always run with my dog...I attach her leash to my water bottle holder which looks kind of like a fanny pack. I usually am watching how much fun she's having and thinking of how adorable she is. ^_^ And also paying attention to the environment so I know if I need to remind her not to chase birds lol
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    just remember-your mind will give up way before your body will!
  • k1ngfl1pper
    k1ngfl1pper Posts: 46 Member
    I ask myself, when did the zombie apocalypse happen and how come I didn't know sooner??? (I only run when chased... bad knees...) :sad:
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    i think about everything and i nothing. I try to stay out of my head, I'll start getting thoughts of stopping.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I listen to music to try and distract myself but I am usually thinking about how far i'v gone, how much further I have to go, and how fast I am doing it. It's inevitable.