Breast implants after weight loss...anyone?? :(



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    So im only 25...but losing 1/3rd of my body weight has left my once big boobies into deflated versions of their former selves :( i busted my butt to get to where I am only to now feel just as bad about a new problem with my body...*sigh*

    Does anyone here have implants? Are you happy with your decision?
    I hate to admit it, but the taboo still scares people will look down on me for having "fake" boobs...but the way they look now when i bend forward almost makes me wanna cry...the money is also a factor obviously...but I feel it may be worth the cost to finally feel comfortable in my own body.

    I don't see a problem with getting them as long as you're comfortable with it.

    I will probably do the same if mine get any more saggy than they are. I've only lost one cup size but they look so old and saggy now.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I have thought about this as well. If it makes you happy who cares what anyone else thinks. I plan on getting a lovely set as soon as I hit my goal. I say go for it!
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 339 Member
    I fully intend to take care of the girls once I hit my goal. I don't care what anyone else thinks. This would be totally for me!

    If you feel that strongly I think you should do it.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    One of my best friends lost quite a bit of weight and got a breast augmentation. She went tasteful to a C cup, and hers look AWESOME! She did it 100% for herself. Hers look very natural and don't look disproportionate to her body or anything. I've already decided that when I'm at goal weight and done having children, I'm getting some work done on the girls....FOR ME.

    That's one big thing that bothers me, when people get them done because of what somebody else thinks. Eff what anybody else thinks, if it makes YOU happy and you're doing it for your own personal benefit, then go for it! I don't think plastic surgery is something to be "looked down on", although I will admit there have been times I've seen a woman with overdone huge implants, or a really obvious bad nose job, or whatever and thought "why?????"

    Research your surgeon CAREFULLY and remember, you pay for what you get. Plastic surgery is SURGERY and researching the right surgeon is extremely important.
  • michele_lynn
    michele_lynn Posts: 66 Member

    I'm in the same boat. Finally reached my goal weight, but went from a 36C to a 32A/B. My (soon to be ex) husband HATES fake boobs, but he has decided to leave me for a girl 8 years younger. (I'm 27, she's 19. He's 32.. yeah, gross.) So now I have a nice, slender body, a fresh single life, and I'd LOVE to not look like I have deflated balloons on my chest when I lean forward. Ugh.

    So not in my budget at the moment, but definitely something I'd want to look into.
  • Lynvincible2012
    Lynvincible2012 Posts: 28 Member
    Well I think you look amazing in your pictures, and hope to get even half as toned as you are! :)
    I think implants would be a big mistake, you disliked your body and made a decision to change, which you have done, now you just have to find the confident thin girl that was hidden away underneath. It's prob a case of you're so used to complaining about your body that you are still stuck in that mindset, i'd definitely get chatting to a few close friends and let them tell you how great you look, build yourself up and learn to love the body you worked so hard for :) xx
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    I am neither for or against implants - do what you think is right for you.

    But PLEASE consider first whether you plan on breastfeeding babies in the future - and if you do, wait til you're done with the babies.

    A lot of women successfully BF with implants - but what if you're not one of them? It would be a real shame not to be able to feed your babies as nature intended. So if you think you might - I would caution you to wait.

    Trust me - it's worth it! (And you'll have big cans while you're pregnant and nursing any way!) :bigsmile:

    I was so hoping for big pregnancy boobs...I did go from an A to a little bit bigger A or (dare I say it) a small B! I think my hips took the added boob fat for their own use during pregnancy :tongue:
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Do what ever you want.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I lost around 50 pds and yes my boobs do sag now and I am even more worried about my body image than I was before. My breast were a 40DD and are now a 32D sometimes C and I hate the way they look but my partner still like them - the one thing that makes me extra crazy is losing my butt - I'm flat now and my mother points it out all the time but, I'm slowly getting comfortable with it all. I think you should just give it time - I hardly think about it now compared to a few months ago it was always on my mind and I'd be looking in the mirror and crying. I understand how you feel and this is your decision, think it through and go for it if it's what you desire.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I breastfed 6 kids from 14 months-2 1/2 years. I went from an A to a DD 6 times. That does a number on your boobs. If my boobs had gone back to my pre-baby cute perky As, I would have left them alone. But, no such thing happened.

    So, I got implants 5 1/2months ago. I love them!

    I did not/do not need therapy!

    I did not get them because some magazine said I would look prettier.

    I did not do it for my husband. He actually is a butt man and really did not care if I got implants or not. But, he understood why I wanted them.

    And to those that say fake boobs look awful, well, trust me...breastfed 6 kids' boobs look way worse!!!

    Only you can make the decision on whether or not you should get implants. Do lots of research and KNOW everything there is to know about the surgery and your surgeon. Do it for yourself and get the size that you want...not what other people think you should do or have.

    And if some people cut you down for getting implants...who cares! It is your body!!! After 17 years of being pregnant and is fun to have pretty boobs back again!!!
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    Do it! People who have lost weight and therefore lost boobs are actually the ideal candidates for breast augmentation for a couple reasons:
    1. Healthy people are better candidates for surgery in general
    2. You have adequate skin and don't necessarily have to endure the tightness of skin stretching, it will be more like blowing a balloon back up.

    I know several people that have fake boobs. All of them are happy with their decision. Please ignore all the negative comments here, in the end, you need to do what is best for you.
  • WittneeT29
    WittneeT29 Posts: 47 Member
    I say get them if you want them! It doesn't mean you don't like yourself. If it makes you more confident then it is worth it!

    And as for what guys like!? Guys like boobs! Yeah, *some* may prefer real over fake, or say they do, but they still LOVE boobs. That is like saying guys prefer doggie style sex over missionary. That may be true, but they aren't going to pass up some missionary--and they will love it when they get it. In my opinion, boobs are the same way.

    I DO believe that guys are attracted to confidence. So, being proud of your body and being self-confident is a huge turn on and matters more than if your boobs are real or fake. With that said, you can't do it for guys. Do it for you!

    I have several friends with fake boobs who LOVE them and would not have done a thing different. I personally love my small boobs because I like the athletic look (on me). On other women, though, I REALLY appreciate big boobs :) Prob because I don't have any of my own!
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    some people on here need to get bish slapped. ANYWAYS, do what makes YOU happy....or will help get you there. I had mine done after i lost 30lbs. i never had any to begin with but once the weight was gone i was left with a flat chest a 26inch waist and 36 inch hip....makes for an odd shape. clothes looked horrible. whatever your reason may be for wanting them ITS ALL UP TO YOU. in my opinion, it was the best thing I EVER did besides losing weight and buying a great dane ;)
  • WittneeT29
    WittneeT29 Posts: 47 Member
    some people on here need to get bish slapped. ANYWAYS, do what makes YOU happy....or will help get you there. I had mine done after i lost 30lbs. i never had any to begin with but once the weight was gone i was left with a flat chest a 26inch waist and 36 inch hip....makes for an odd shape. clothes looked horrible. whatever your reason may be for wanting them ITS ALL UP TO YOU. in my opinion, it was the best thing I EVER did besides losing weight and buying a great dane ;)

    Not to hijack, but I want a great dane sooooooo bad! I may need you to tell my husband how wonderful they are, haha!
  • Karlalaland45
    Karlalaland45 Posts: 9 Member
    Do what makes you happy. I have had small boobs all my life and I never felt very womanly. I have thought about surgery as well, but honestly if I can lose 20 pounds and if by some miracle my boobs stay the same, then I won't get surgery. I am a 34A.

    From your pictures I think you have a great body (I wish my body looked like that) and if I were you I wouldn't change at all, but that is just me. :flowerforyou:
  • I plan to have a breast lift procedure done when I reach my goal weight... which will be a total of 60lbs lost ( I lost 40 lbs before joining mfp)
  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    After all your hard work? You totally deserve to do what will make you happy. Take it from me--boobs can make you very happy! Its all about confidence and your own happiness. Don't worry about what other people think.