**READ THIS** Figuring out your calorie goals



  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    Reni thats what my beachbody coach told me just put in your actual calories dont log in exercise makes it easier for me.
  • Lattegurl
    Lattegurl Posts: 67 Member
  • Icandoit66
    Icandoit66 Posts: 74 Member
    bump for later
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
  • My first post here. I hope its okay. o.o; (lurker)

    First off i'd like to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this!!! Numbers are usually so confusing and evil for me, but this all kind of makes sense...

    Question though (and this probably has been asked over and over and.. SORRY >.< )

    So i eat over my BMR but under my calories per day goal thing? Mfp usually tells me to eat 1690 and i usually average about 1300/1400...

    Heres the stuff from fat2fit

    Neck 15
    Waist 39
    Hips 49

    Body fat # 55.7%
    My BMR - 1224
    Goal Body Weight- 110 (i thought i had to aim higher? o.o;)
    I am lightly active so it gave me 1733....

    But lightly active because i work as a cashier at a grocery store.. So i am walking back and forth to get ciggerattes, put away back stock... Moving by ringing up customers and cleaning. That's the right one, right? I am only part time, so its only about 4 times a week (sometimes five) and thats anywhere between 4-8 hours a day.. Depending on the day/week everything changes. >.< I try and do work out during the week but i kind of suck at that.

    ...Help? Sorry, i am needy.

    the number the chart gives you on fat2fit is what you should eat. this is the TDEE for your GOAL weight, to get your current TDEE, multiply by 1.2.
    Eat between your BMR & current TDEE, ideally at the level on the chart.
    just based on your job with no official exercise, go for lightly active.
    If you exercise as well, go for next one up.

    Thank you so much!!!!

    Another question, if thats okay... Should i change my numbers on mfp to reflect what i got from fat2fit? Or should i just use it as a base line and stick with 1690? Or should i be eating 1733?

    Are you saying when i reach my goal weight i should be eating 2079 (.6? lol). I'm really sorry.. I'm kind of really math dumb..

    there's not much difference between 1690 / 1733 so it doesnt really matter either way.

    The number in the chart is TDEE / maintenance for your goal weight.

    Thank you SOOOOO much! I know its kind of dumb but its like a light bulb went off. Thank you for taking the time to teach me. :)
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Love this info thanks
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    So I wore my "FT7 for 60 minutes just working and having lunch and it said I used up 79 calories (my heart rate was from 52-74 the entire time) and when I walk for the equivalent amount of time with my HR from 74-85 I use 100-120 calories depending on how I am feeling I guess. The walking therefore only adds 20-40 calories per hour over sitting on my duff. Interesting information. Guess I am going to have to call myself lightly active or buy one of those things that really measures your TDEE (any recommendations for which is the best and how accurate they actually are?).
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member

    Sorry to be daft, but is the BF related to BMI? If so, it is 31% right now (dang!!!!). I haven't really looked at BF yet. I am doing a comparison test on my HRM as to how many calories I burn not walking and just working compared to how many I do in the same period walking. Will be interesting to see the difference, because if it isn't much, that pretty much answers some of my questions as to how to count this.

    BMI is just calculated based on height & weight. It doesnt take into account body composition at all and a lot of super fit athletes are classed as obese by BMI standards!
    Its good to see if your BMI is going down, but dont worry about it too much, fat % is much more important as its carrying excess fat that causes health problems. Having a high BMI due to lean muscle mass is fine.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I just got the F2F book and I have not started reading it yet, so I was wondering if I need to re-do the calculations again after I lose say 10 lbs?

    Or should I just keep eating the same calories that the chart on the F2F site says to eat for my goal weight?
  • MFP says my bmr is1440 so puts me at a 1470 daily goal for calories. However fat2fit says my bmr is 1558, so at present I am eating less than that daily to stick to MFP goals, I have deficits with exercise and eat back the majority of those calories, what should I be doing?
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I just got the F2F book and I have not started reading it yet, so I was wondering if I need to re-do the calculations again after I lose say 10 lbs?

    Or should I just keep eating the same calories that the chart on the F2F site says to eat for my goal weight?

    the calories in the chart should stay the same as they are based on your goal weight, but its worth checking say every 5-10lbs as your BMR & body fat will have changed as you lose.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    MFP says my bmr is1440 so puts me at a 1470 daily goal for calories. However fat2fit says my bmr is 1558, so at present I am eating less than that daily to stick to MFP goals, I have deficits with exercise and eat back the majority of those calories, what should I be doing?

    Which BMR calc is that on fat2fit?
    MFP uses Harris-Benedict which doesnt take into account body fat %.
    Katch-Mcardle does and is therefore more accurate.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I just got the F2F book and I have not started reading it yet, so I was wondering if I need to re-do the calculations again after I lose say 10 lbs?

    Or should I just keep eating the same calories that the chart on the F2F site says to eat for my goal weight?

    the calories in the chart should stay the same as they are based on your goal weight, but its worth checking say every 5-10lbs as your BMR & body fat will have changed as you lose.

    Thank you em9371!!!!! I will check it every 10 lbs just to be on the safe side!!!
  • MFP says my bmr is1440 so puts me at a 1470 daily goal for calories. However fat2fit says my bmr is 1558, so at present I am eating less than that daily to stick to MFP goals, I have deficits with exercise and eat back the majority of those calories, what should I be doing?

    Which BMR calc is that on fat2fit?
    MFP uses Harris-Benedict which doesnt take into account body fat %.
    Katch-Mcardle does and is therefore more accurate.

    Katch McArdle :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    MFP says my bmr is1440 so puts me at a 1470 daily goal for calories. However fat2fit says my bmr is 1558, so at present I am eating less than that daily to stick to MFP goals, I have deficits with exercise and eat back the majority of those calories, what should I be doing?

    Which BMR calc is that on fat2fit?
    MFP uses Harris-Benedict which doesnt take into account body fat %.
    Katch-Mcardle does and is therefore more accurate.

    Katch McArdle :)

    id alter your goals then as thats more accurate than MFP :-)
  • liz342
    liz342 Posts: 5
    Thank you for this information
  • Okay thanks :)
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