What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Don't do it. Just don't.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Ditch the perm - you're gonna hate looking at pictures later.
    You're not fat! But you will be if you don't change your habits now.
    Make more friends, your best friend will drop you in a year.
  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    C's and D's are not acceptable grades. Apply for that scholarship early and don't let anyone tell you no.
  • Trilaina
    Trilaina Posts: 61
    Dear 16 Me-

    Talk back a little more, it will make things easier in the future. Stand up for yourself- you're worth more than being a door mat!
    That guy you just started dating? Don't worry about it so much, you'll still be with him in ten years, and he'll still light up when he sees you (and he's still amazing!). Don't worry about not having many friends, in a bit you're going to have friends who understand what it means to watch a friend's back, and will be there for you in the bad times AND the good. Oh, and Pink is going to come out with two songs- F*ckin' Perfect and Raise Your Glass. These will be your anthems and you should take them to heart. You are beautiful, smart, funny, and so much more. Stop beating yourself up over little things that don't matter.

    Most love,
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Dear 16 year old me -

    Learn to keep your innocence when you become 17. Don't date Daniel again, he didn't change after you broke up with him. Nobody hates you. Don't get so angry at Mom. High school is fun, don't get too down. College will be the best. But the most important thing is to be yourself. Don't hide things. You know what I mean...

    And hopefully, if time works out like I wish it would because of all this temporal change we are talking about, you will meet Bobby still, and he'll be more wonderful than anyone you have ever met. :)<3

    Also... just in case what I said about Daniel doesn't affect your life in the future for better, then don't EVER hang out with a guy named Aza. It will hurt you badly if you do.

    I love you,
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    dear 16 year old self start looking at what your eating, don't copy what other people eat. Don't worry about boys you'll meet an awesome guy in 4 years. Keep going to the gym, don't fall for adam. Don't let mum get you down, she's more supportive and misses you at 23
  • redsonja1313
    I am 16 :laugh:

    Clearly the overwhelming messages here
    the earth
  • verdammtwenig
    Lighten the **** up. Start cursing. Start dating cute boys. Maybe go to a party every once and a while. Cut your hair short. Start seeing a therapist. Care about what you wear. Let the Jesus thing go, you're going to in a couple of years anyway. Start reading feminist literature. Work during the summers and buy yourself a nice guitar and lessons. Or buy a nice bike.
  • courtcourtfnp
    courtcourtfnp Posts: 134 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    1) Don't quit soccer...you WILL regret it.

    2) Spend more time with Kayla, she'll be gone in a couple of years & you'll regret all the times you took the time you had for granted.

    3) Give J a chance...because when you decide you want to give him a chance during Senior Year, he's kind of over it.

    4) In a couple of years when you & Krystle get in a big fight...cut her a break, she's going through much more than you realize & really needs your friendship even though it doesn't seem like it at the time.
  • Lovinglife12
    Dear 16 yr old me,

    The "cool" guy is NOT better than the nice guy, stop looking for something you already have. Don't over tweeze your eyebrows and do not dye your hair blonde, it does NOT look good.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Awww you guys, you're making me cry. <3 I wish we could go back in time...
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Listen to that little voice in your head. You are already thinking it. You already know it. You have studied it. You know it only takes one....WEAR A CONDOM....

    Actually... then I wouldn't have my son.... so maybe....

    Stop being shy.... but then I might have more kids..... so maybe....

    Stay away from the Red Haired girl.... but then I might have never gone to Egypt..... so maybe....

    ...maybe I wouldn't really change anything, heartbreaks and all.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Don't conform to pressure from your parents and go to sixth form for A-Levels, you'll end up making yourself ill with stress and spend the next 20 years in Admin jobs that your heart really isn't in, follow your heart and travel.

    When that guy comes along to ask you out in 3 years time....run a mile. All he will do is leave you with heartache and a heap of debt. The guy you're meant to be with is closer than you realise.

    Other than that, while you will never be rich, your life is pretty good and you will have 2 beautiful children who will bring you more joy than you can ever imagine and you head into your 40s in decent shape
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Dear 16-y-o me.

    You're a little chubby right now, but it's puppy fat and it will melt away at college in a couple of years. Speaking of which - you will look HOT in college, please realise it and be a bit happier with your body, because 15 years after that, you'll be looking back at photos of yourself and realising how great you looked. Keep up those activity levels from college because lugging stage weights around and doing all those dance classes and rehearsals are gonna keep you trim. Don't be afraid to cut loose once in a while - you're far too sensible for your age - you don't always have to be the adult one - be young and have fun! Don't waste your time with that guy when you're 18. You already know he has a rep for being a cheater - you cannot change him! Don't get engaged in Turkey - it'll last all of 5 minutes. The guy you get together with in March 2000 is a keeper. You're going ot marry him. I know you don't think you ever want to get married, but you'll ant to marry this one. And don't wait to so long to have a baby. I know you said you never wanted to have any children, but you're going to have a gorgeous little boy and you're really really REALLY going ot want to have another one and hope you haven't left it too late!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    don't worry about being short and fat, over next summer you'll grow 5 inches taller and your weight will end up in your chest and shoulders. don't sweat dating that 27 year old because it'll be awesome.

    don't graduate early, your friends need you at the school. just by being there one of them will not get raped and killed and another will not end up deformed through violence.

    you're family is wrong about college, you'll do well and continue through a masters degree.

    both of your girlfriends will dump you for your younger brothers, the twins, the other goes to prison.

    When your parents divorce, don't take it personally and don't let your Dad marry the crazy lady, she ends up killing him.

    and lastly, wait til your 23 to marry, and marry Stacy, the other girls are a lot of fun but she's the one that needs you. your marriage will be rough at times but worth it.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Dear 16 Year Old Self,

    First, wave goodbye that guy you're with. He's not going to change. He's even more wounded than you are but will die before he gets past it. You are not indestructible. Don't act so tough, go to therapy and get over it. PLEASE don't EVER start smoking. Stay away from drugs, seriously. Learn how to follow the damn rules, quit being so defiant and learn what accountability means, because jail sucks. You're a lot better off than you think you are girl. Your mind is cluttered, not your heart. Practice being kind to yourself by being kind to others, I promise it works.
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    Dear 16 me- Don't marry the Douche-bag u will date in two years- actually avoid him at all cost and go meet your real soul mate (my husband now!)
  • erinfalcon
    I'm thinking of my daughter as I write these. I didn't have anyone to tell me these things. I had to figure it out all by myself....the hard way!!!
    Love yourself and fnd someone that love you just as much!
    Realize your self worth and don't ever let anyone take advantage of you...especially men!!!
    Don't ever stop trying to better yourself!
    Much Love,
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    In ten years you will be a college graduate who decided to continue her education in freaking MIAMI BEACH to pursue a career in advertising. You will have an amazing group of friends who add greatness to your life. You will be an auntie to the most precious girl ever. And you will become a more confidant and happier being. But for the time being it's okay to feel the way you do. Don't feel guilty for feeling the emotional pair you do and stop turning that emotional pain into physical pain. Embrace the now and look forward to the future.

    Your 26 year old self.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    1) Lose some of that weight.
    2) Have more confidence in yourself.
    3) Stop procrastinating.
    4) Stop caring what everyone else thinks.
    5) Stop worrying about your height; you'll end up fine.
    6) Try to be more out going.
    7) Stop drinking.
    8) Listen to your parents.
    9) Don't get so angry.
    10) And for god's sake ask out Karen ,it turns out she actually likes you too...