I've stuck with it for a month!!



  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Yay! Keep it up!!
  • Uhmanduh
    Uhmanduh Posts: 85 Member
    congrats!!! Good Job!!!
  • jlr05m
    jlr05m Posts: 35 Member
    Way to go!!! On January 14th, I hit the three month mark. As of today, I have lost 26 pounds without exercise. I begin exercising this week.
  • awesome, I just stared today.
  • tammiechiefwahoo
    tammiechiefwahoo Posts: 1 Member
    I Don't understand how to count your carbs, I end of over on carbs on goal for proteins, and lots of fat left...what should i be doing
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    congrats on your lose!! Keep up the good work!:drinker:
  • Just started this with 6 others we are all enjoying this and I find it inspiring. It really is an eye opener as what we are putting in our mouths. I am really hoping to write a good post at the end of a month... I will keep you poster... Good luck to all!
  • Hi everyone, I just started today....can u really loose by going by your calories it says to eat? I don't really have much time for exercise at the moment, can I still loose?
  • I'm super proud of myself! :laugh: I've been doing it for a month and have lost 12 lbs with out working out yet!! Awesome!! :wink:

    wonderful! it gets better from here :)
  • reemalaz
    reemalaz Posts: 4 Member
    I have been doing this plan for three weeks and not losing anything :(((
  • kellymarie111
    kellymarie111 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi all,
    I've been doing this for 1 week and Lost 1.5 kilos...yay! Though I'm
    Confused a bit with what I'm actually suppose to be doing...I no that might sound strange but I no that I'm counting my calories etc but I am suppose to be cutting back on anything in particular? I've cut out pretty much all carbs, I'm
    Not having any soft drink, Lollies and biscuits and I'm eating alot healthier...am I Doing it right, or is there another way to drop these kgs (also with excersising of course) ? And am I suppose to eat the exact amount of calories given for the day or does it matter if I leave some over? thanks all...all your stories are very inspiring :-)
  • I had to consult with a nutritionalist and Dr about this..only to realize maybe a registered dietitian would be better
    I've been on a month...run about 15 miles a week (depending on my long run) and have not lost anything....so I need to consult with a professional. Come to find out I am Vita D low...which inhibits weight loss.....more learning and changing to do.

    so....consult a registered Pro on that...I am told I need to eat MORE!
  • I have been at this for 2 weeks and I don't think I've lost anything yet. I'm working out and eating the right way in the right amounts. I'm getting discouraged. Can someone PLEASE give me advice!
  • My total calories say I've burned or shorted over 8000 cal. I should have lost at least 2 lbs. Nothing. I am wondering if the calorie intake takes into account age. I'm 44 so if I look at a cookie I gain. That's what they say right? I work out every day (400 cal) and eat about 1400 cal a day. Some sugar, but otherwise decent. Interesting to see the post below talking about vit D . hmm thoughts?
  • I find It amazing also that we're losing without even exercising:) keep up da good work!!
  • I have been doing this for 2 days I find it really easy at times , but have noticed I want chocolate more and I never ate it anyway.hopefully I start loosing some weight soon so it encourages me to carry on.
  • I have just started this on wednesday and have been working out everyday so far and I've lost a total of 2.5 lbs. I'm super excited and at first I was craving chocolate but now I'm so motivated I don't even want to touch it. My only problem is I don't eat meat except chicken. And I'm curious if that is going to effect my weight loss or health and no I can't stand fish or Hamm or anything except chicken so if any one has any tips or advice it would e awesome to get some feedback. Thanks :)
  • Hi. I started this on Tuesday and I am excited since I don't know how to count my calorie intake , however I am not eating all the calories that I'm supposed to eat because I'm afraid I'm eating the wrong thing . I am also feeling pretty full most of the time I am exercising but I am not sure if by not meeting the calorie daily it will affect my weight loss. I still yet to weigh myself I will be doing that on Monday to see if I have lost some
    weight this week
  • Congratulations. How did you stay motivated to eat less?
  • ashley8C
    ashley8C Posts: 1
    Congrats :D
    I've been doing this for a week and I'm always under my calorie goal. That is I eat around 1000 calories and burn 500 daily
    Do my net calories everyday are around 500 calories and I don't feel hungry to eat more
    So is that a very unhealthy calorie intake?? Suggestions please :D.