How to boost metabolism?



  • ValiCaly
    ValiCaly Posts: 111

    FISH OIL: EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found only in fish oil, may have the power to dramatically boost your metabolism -- by about 400 calories per day, researchers from the University of Western Ontario report. Fish oil increases levels of fat-burning enzymes and decreases levels of fat-storage enzymes in your body. For the best metabolism boosting benefit, choose capsules containing at least 300 milligrams of EPA and DHA total.

    I take this for depression. I have, uh, oily stools. I don't know if my body isn't absorbing the pills or other fats I'm eating.

    You might want to look up info for the enzyme Lipase.
    My youngest son was having this problem for awhile. The lipase helped him greatly.
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas eveyone, your all stars.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    bump! This is great!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    A lot of these are tried and true methods. Decently reliable information!
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Bump. Interesting stuff.
  • Creativeballance
    Good to have all of those in one place!!!
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks for some great info!
  • djatk
    djatk Posts: 9
    Don't get me started on Fukushima. I was living in Tokyo during the great earthquake and managed to get my family out quickly after the meltdowns. As for food from the Pacific, contamination is a worry today mostly for people eating fish caught near Japan. The farther out the more dilution has occurred. However, prudence dictates avoiding species at the top of the food chain since they act as bio-concentrators: all the contaminants eaten by whatever they eat (smaller fish on down to the lowest level) are mostly retained. The good news is that most fish oil supplements are derived from sources very low on the food chain so there should be very little if any contamination of this type.
  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks djatk. I knew about all of them apart from melon and fish oils. Its good to know that they can boost metabolism as well. Its great to have all this info in one place for reference purpose.

    A few points about chillies. They not only increase metabolic rate but also cause early satiety so that you do not eat more. Bland food does not cause satiety and you have to eat more of it to feel full. I normally use jalepenos in almost everything that I eat (apart from cereals).

    I am surprised to read that one of the posters has said that they have been prescribed phentermine for weight loss. Over here in UK it is not recommended at all. So I wonder what is the rationale for it being prescribed in US.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I am surprised to read that one of the posters has said that they have been prescribed phentermine for weight loss. Over here in UK it is not recommended at all. So I wonder what is the rationale for it being prescribed in US.

    I have family members who have been prescribed it as well. It is supposed to be for people who can't lose weight even though they have tried everything including exercise.

    I admit I tried a couple from one of my family members before I found MFP. I ended up with heat stroke symptoms even with downing close to 8 cups of water one day while taking it and felt like I was going to die. I still believe that it was a side effect from one of those pills because I have been out in the sun for longer with the same or less amount of water and only got a nasty sunburn. I didn't have a sunburn from this time at all.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I've been researching different ways of increasing my metabolism so that my net calories are reduced. It definitely matters what you eat and drink. A calorie is not just a calorie! I'm a scientist by profession (although not in anything relevant to weight loss), so I've looked for info that is well justified by scientific experiment.

    Here is what I've found. I hope that all of you will add to this list and/or ask good questions that lets us zero in on a great set of techniques for increasing our metabolic rate. For brevity, I've left out sources. If anything is unclear, please ask! Good luck to you!

    Boosting metabolism
    Exercise in morning increases metabolism for hours

    Green or oolong tea (caffeine and catechins), two to four cups/day = 17% more calories for short period of time

    Black coffee = short term boost of metabolic rate

    Protein: requires almost 25% more energy to digest compared to fat. protein can up post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent. 1 gram per pound of body weight. Add a serving, like 3 ounces of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, to every meal and snack

    Chile pepper: 1 tablespoon of chopped red or green chile pepper can boost metabolic rate by 20%. The effect lasts 1/2 hour. Recommend take 20 minutes before eating. The "hotter" the better. Chile pepper causes a thermobaric reaction — that's why you feel hot. It burns calories to make you hot!

    Eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours keeps metabolism cranking so you burn more calories over the course of a day.

    Ice cold drinks prompt body to burn more calories during digestion. five or six glasses of water on the rocks can use up to an extra 10 calories a day. drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that's 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily

    Body needs water to process calories. Drink a glass of water before every meal and snack.Those who drank either eight or twelve 8-ounce glasses of water a day had higher metabolic rates than those who had four.

    High intensity workouts gives bigger, longer increase in resting metabolic rate than low-= or moderate- intensity workouts. Short bursts of jogging while walking are great

    Add muscle: each pound of muscle uses 6 calories a day just to sustain itself.

    Fiber can rev your fat burn by as much as 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time. Aim for about 25 g a day—the amount in about three servings each of fruits and vegetables.

    CALCIUM: consuming calcium in dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt may also reduce fat absorption from other foods.

    Watermelon: The amino acid arginine, abundant in watermelon, might promote weight loss, according to a new study in the Journal of Nutrition. Researchers supplemented the diets of obese mice with arginine over 3 months and found that it decreased body-fat gains by a whopping 64 percent. Adding this amino acid to the diet enhanced the oxidation of fat and glucose and increased lean muscle, which burns more calories than fat does. Snack on watermelon and other arginine sources, such as seafood, nuts, and seeds, year-round.

    FISH OIL: EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found only in fish oil, may have the power to dramatically boost your metabolism -- by about 400 calories per day, researchers from the University of Western Ontario report. Fish oil increases levels of fat-burning enzymes and decreases levels of fat-storage enzymes in your body. For the best metabolism boosting benefit, choose capsules containing at least 300 milligrams of EPA and DHA total.

    Actually, to boost metabolism you simply need to be more active and if trying to lose weight be sure the deficit isnt too extreme.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member

    No idea why that posted twice! Lol!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    bump to read later!
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    Help ! MFP has my recommended percentages to be: Carb: 55%, Protein: 15% and Fat: 30%.

    I know those have to be off because even a small amount of protein (eg, chicken) takes me over on protein. What's a good /recommended breakdown of these numbers to get protein up and carbs down? I don't want to make my carbs too low though because - well because I love me bread and popcorn, and if I try to give that up I will end up gorging on it later.

    Any advice is welcome.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    thank you great info
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    Very interesting, thank you for the information.
  • StephyJarn
    StephyJarn Posts: 34 Member
    Amazing! thank you so much
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    Help ! MFP has my recommended percentages to be: Carb: 55%, Protein: 15% and Fat: 30%.

    I know those have to be off because even a small amount of protein (eg, chicken) takes me over on protein. What's a good /recommended breakdown of these numbers to get protein up and carbs down? I don't want to make my carbs too low though because - well because I love me bread and popcorn, and if I try to give that up I will end up gorging on it later.

    Any advice is welcome.

    Personally, I swear by 40/40/20 carb/protein/fats respectively. I find that to help IMMENSELY in not only increasing metabolism and weight loss, but also in building lean muscle. You can change it in your goals page, just check custom and change the percentages. :) Hope that helped!