running vs walking at the same speed



  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    at the same speed? i dont think you're going to get as many benefits from running if it's at a speed that you can walk since it's not that difficult for your body.

    once you reach the walking/running threshhold it's harder for your body to walk since it's less efficient and therefore more calories burned. for instance my threshhold is about 4.8/4.9 on the treadmill. it's more comfortable for me to run it (gives me a lower heart rate) than if i were to power walk it

    That article did say that when you get to a certain speed then you burn more calories walking vs. running.
  • McKennaShephard
    Actually, they aren't. If you walk a mile, you burn 93 calories. But if you run a mile, you burn 135 calories.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Im not sure, if I can walk with a 10mph speed...

    Some people can. High level race walkers do a 20k in 1:20. That's right around 6:00/mile, walking...
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'm not sure how you're walking and running the same speed....
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I can burn more calories in a day's walking because I can literally walk for hours (and do so in the evening with my friend and my Mom who can't run because they have arthritis)...Running? not so much.

    I'm on the second week of c25k. I had started previously, got sick and am now starting over. It's amazing. You'll be alternating between walking and jogging (though, I pick up into a run during the jog part) and even after the cool down walk, I'd say squish in a little more walking.

    Again, can't stress how awesome C25K is. It helped me quit smoking and get back to running like an average non smoker.

    Are you using the program through your iPod? Before my Fitbit came this month, I was using an old watch with a hrm built in (though I barely used it) and eventually just started using Nike+ because it's free and seemed fairly good for tracking.

    Finally, if you like running, you should run. I do and it feels awesome when I do it. My friend on the other hand couldn't enjoy it if she were running to a giant brownie that was magically zero calories. She walks.

    I'm rambling. lol. I forget what we're talking about.

    Pick the one that feels right, and adjust how long you do it to fit your calorie burning needs. :)
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I can burn more calories in a day's walking because I can literally walk for hours (and do so in the evening with my friend and my Mom who can't run because they have arthritis)...Running? not so much.

    I'm on the second week of c25k. I had started previously, got sick and am now starting over. It's amazing. You'll be alternating between walking and jogging (though, I pick up into a run during the jog part) and even after the cool down walk, I'd say squish in a little more walking.

    Again, can't stress how awesome C25K is. It helped me quit smoking and get back to running like an average non smoker.

    Are you using the program through your iPod? Before my Fitbit came this month, I was using an old watch with a hrm built in (though I barely used it) and eventually just started using Nike+ because it's free and seemed fairly good for tracking.

    Finally, if you like running, you should run. I do and it feels awesome when I do it. My friend on the other hand couldn't enjoy it if she were running to a giant brownie that was magically zero calories. She walks.

    I'm rambling. lol. I forget what we're talking about.

    Pick the one that feels right, and adjust how long you do it to fit your calorie burning needs. :)

    I downloaded the one for android. Forget which one.
    I have never been a runner but have wanted to be able to run for awhile now so I'm finally going to give it a go
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Running builds endurance and stamina. Walking is great for burning calories but if you want to increase your stamina, see if you can get some running mixed in.

    This, plus a big one, running builds bone density and walking does not. I am turning 60 on my next birthday making me old enough to start thinking about bone density as I age, so it's a is a huge push towards running for me. It's also a issue for all women of any age.

    From what I have read, running only builds bone density in your lower leg bones. I also have read that the best way to build bone density in your hips is doing weighted squats. Admittedly, it has been a few years since I read this, and new studies are coming out all the time , so I could be wrong.

    It is untrue that running only builds bone density in the lower legs. I do agree that weigthed squats are great for hips, but running benefits hips (and the entire body) as well. My md advocated running to help heal a broken arm. Running benefits the entire muscular/skeletal system. Here is a link that touches on this issues. The article is more about alleged knee issues with runners but it does provide some info directly related to this discussion.,7120,s6-241-285--12232-0,00.html

    PS: In my original post I overstated in saying that running helps with bone density but walking does not. Walking does help, just not near as much as running.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Walking is better than running when done at the same speed (at a fast walking speed) because it is more intense, lower impact, and burns more calories. However I think most would be better off running, presumably if it is at a faster speed than they are capable of walking.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Actually, they aren't. If you walk a mile, you burn 93 calories. But if you run a mile, you burn 135 calories.

    But those burns are speed dependent. What we're talking about here is what happens if you walk at eg 4.5 mph for eg. 10mins compared with what happens if you at the same speed for the same time.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Wouldn't crawling be even better if you could do it at the same speed as walking? Then you get to work in arms amirite?!