I hate water



  • AssembledIncorrectly
    AssembledIncorrectly Posts: 64 Member
    I hated water to..but when you only supply yourself with ONLY water you begin to tolerate it..I cut everything out but water about two months ago..it was harder for me then quitting smoking..but u can do it!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    This topic has come up multiple times (in just the short time I've been using MFP) look at some of the previous posts for some great ideas.

    First water can taste different. Tap water in different places and from different sources is different. So, don't just assume you don't like any water. (Where I used to live, the tap water tasted fine at home, but not at my workplace. Same city supply system. Go figure! Different pipes?)

    Try different waters. Tap, filtered, carbonated, different brands, etc.

    Second, water tastes and feels different at various temperatures. Many people who don't like water at room temperature are ok with it at a very cold or almost boiling temperature.

    Third, don't try to drink too much water at once. Your body handles it much better a little bit at a time. Try to keep a glass or bottle of water nearby and sip it occasionally throughout the day.

    Fourth, there are many no to low calorie flavors you can add to water.

    The responses below are compiled from some looking around the Web that I did and from previous responses to similar questions. Good luck!


    A little lemon or lime juice can make water much more palatable for people who don't like plain water without adding many calories. I also find that cold water sometimes tastes better.

    Also, be aware that some bottled waters add salt. If you're exercising and trying to regain salt as well as water, that may be good, but for people watching their sodium or salt intake, check the label. (Sometimes the big advertising words say "minerals"... remember salts are minerals.)

    Oh, and too much water or too fast can be very bad for you. If you haven't been drinking your water all day, don't try to "catch up" by drinking 64 oz. before bed.

    You're probably ok... just don't drink multiple glasses quickly. As someone else suggested, keep water handy and drink it a bit at a time throughout the day. In addition to the water intoxication or poisoning (see links below), you can stretch out your stomach. I know a woman who got an infection due to the regular stretching and then folding of her stomach when she was drinking about 32 oz each night to "catch up" on what she was supposed to eat during the day. Like anything... food, sleep, exercise, the key is finding the right balance for your body instead of doing crazy-extreme things. As the articles below suggest, part of the problem with too much water can be the watering down of other necessary nutrients or electrolytes. As with all health information, consider the source and be careful.


    Also, keep a shot glass in kitchen, every time you go by, take a shot. Gets it down without having to face the whole glass.
    Good luck! Remember that juice and liquid in foods (stew, smoothies, etc.) help keep your body hydrated too.

    Most of these suggestions have already been made, but...

    * try different temperatures
    - some water that I hate at room temperature is ok with ice or chilled
    - or try heated with tea
    * filter your water
    - where I grew up there was lots of iron in the soil, and so in the water. It had a horrible, metallic taste.
    - some people are more sensitive to the taste of additives they put into drinking water to make it safe or protect your teeth, like fluoridation
    - in some places, even the tap water is a bit salty
    * try no or low cal flavorings
    - you don't like lemon, do you like other citrus (I prefer lime.)
    - or do you like mint? A bit of crushed mint can add a nice flavor.
    * try smaller quantities at a time
    - just sitting (or better standing) there drinking water is not many people's idea of a good time, but...
    - keep a bottle or glass of water by you and sip it while you're doing other things, and you may not notice the taste as much
    * try carbonated water
    - there are many different kinds so check out a few, but be careful, some add sweeteners or salt (which can be good or bad depending on your situation)
    - I started with the Cap flavored water, but eventually got used to plain water and actually prefer it now.
    Remember that as you get used to different food (and drinks) and ways of eating your sense of what's good may change. I know that once I take some of the super-sweetened things out of my diet, I become more sensitive to the sweetness in other things. So give yourself a few days to get used to the change. Like any other habit it may be hard at first.
    Good luck!

    Licorice tea - Stash makes a nice licorice spice caffeine free herbal tea. Licorice is a natural sweetener, so the tea needs no sugar. It's very sweet.
    herbal teas, several people recommended hibiscus tea
    Black, green and white teas all have varying amount of caffeine, and caffeine is a diarrhetic, so it dehydrates you off-setting the value of the water.

    a tiny (and i mean tiny) bit of no added sugar cordial

    distilled water

    stem of rosemary (soak for awhile), sprig of mint
    strawberries, orange slices, watermelon, blackberries, mint leaves

    Italian sparkling water - flavored,
    flavored seltzer

    Caveats: I have no association with Stash except as a happy customer. Stash warns that, "Licorice root is not intended for use during pregnancy and while nursing, or if you have heart disease or high blood pressure."
    I see a few people suggest "chugging" water. That can actually be dangerous and bad for you. Ok, probably for a glass or two, but not these folks who try to drink 32, 64 or more ounces at once. (See the postings from yesterday on water - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/529815-water)

    Another thing... someone mentioned drinking water out of a container you like. That can be very important. Water out of a metal glass may taste metallic. Water out of a glass that still has some dishwasher detergent residue in it tastes awful! I prefer a clean, clear glass or a ceramic mug (sometimes chilled), but you may like something else. Try a few things and see.

    I like the slice of ginger idea!
    I've also heard of using almond extract.
    frozen or crushed fruit - frozen rasberries or cranberries.
    Honey's nice, but it adds some calories too.
    Almost any crushed fruit... plums or cherries can be nice too.

    I've also heard of using almond extract.
    Honey's nice, but it adds some calories too.
    Almost any crushed fruit... plums or cherries can be nice too.


    I see a few people suggest "chugging" water. That can actually be dangerous and bad for you. Ok, probably for a glass or two, but not these folks who try to drink 32, 64 or more ounces at once. (See the postings from yesterday on water - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/529815-water)

    Another thing... someone mentioned drinking water out of a container you like. That can be very important. Water out of a metal glass may taste metallic. Water out of a glass that still has some dishwasher detergent residue in it tastes awful! I prefer a clean, clear glass or a ceramic mug (sometimes chilled), but you may like something else. Try a few things and see.

    Also, stop reinforcing your current dislike by telling yourself things like, "I hate water." or "Water tastes bad to me." Many tastes are acquired and can change. In the meantime, find things that are better for you and try to make the experience of drinking water enjoyable.

    Try True Lemon products. They are sugar and artificial sweetener free and they have lemon, lime, orange and other flavors.

    You could also try sparkling water, my favorite is La Croix. They have lemon, lime, berry, grapefruit and a couple more I think.

    Bottled water in plastic, in the heat can pick up an odd taste, and possible some odd chemicals from the warmed plastic.

    I don't like artificial sweeteners or flavors, but if you're ok with them…
    Crystal Light
    Smart Water.
    Archer Farms natural drink mix packets ?
    MIO ?
    Fiji, Smartwater, and Pellgrino (carbonated)
    Dasani water (has salt)
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    I do sometimes drink Crystal Lights or diet drinks, but not more than 1 a day because of the fake sugar - gives me a headache. I prefer to squeeze some RealLemon juice in my water - no calories. You can add Stevia or a little honey if you prefer sweetness.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I hate water too. I almost never drink plain water unless I'm REALLY thirsty. But I drink LOTS of liquids! I drink Crystal Light. My favorite is the grape flavor. By the end of the day, I've downed about a gallon, sometimes more. I often think I better wean myself off because it can't be good for my kidneys, but at this point, I'm more concerned with getting enough liquids.

    I used to add lemon juice and sweetener to my water, but with the amount that I drink, I worried about all the acid on my teeth.
  • debydeb57
    debydeb57 Posts: 53
    i also have a problem with drinking water.... i find that the only time i actually drink it is if im really thirsty...which means im dehydrated... so im just trying to add more water to my daily intake....

    i cant do those crystal light or flavored water pkgs...they taste awful.... i do drink alot of coffee or diet dr. pepper or snapple iced tea...but those dont take the place of water......
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I add drops of flavored stevia to my water. I get my sweet fix and keep hydrated. Sweetleaf makes them and they aren't very expensive.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Juice, milk, tea, coffee... all almost just as good as water. They will all hydrate you. Drinking coffee and tea will not dehydrate you - the mild diuretic effect will not result in overall fluid loss.

    Also, it's a myth that people are chronically dehydrated and need 64 ounces of water a day. It is also a myth that drinking lots of water "detoxifies" the body in any way.

    If you are in a situation where you might rapidly lose significant amounts of fluid - like hiking in the desert - then you may need to make a conscious effort to drink. Otherwise, just drink when you are thirsty.
  • SoxxEBeotch
    SoxxEBeotch Posts: 17 Member
    I don't like plain water, either.... I add Mio water enhancers and I'm good to go!!!
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Key word being "healthy" people :)
  • CapriceD
    CapriceD Posts: 23 Member
    Water is boring...I drink 6 gallons (at least) a day. I wish there was something that good add flavor.
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Caffiene will assist in dehydrating you. For every glass of something you drink with caffiene in it, you should add back that much to your total fluid content. That is coming from a physician.


    An extract from that article:
    Do you have to drink only water to stay hydrated?
    All liquids help you stay hydrated. Water is usually the best choice, because it’s free (if you’re drinking tap water) and has no sugar or calories. But most healthy people can get enough fluid through the beverages they consume every day. These can include water, fruit juices, coffee, sodas, iced tea, and other drinks.

    Experts say that it's not true that beverages that have caffeine-such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks-always dehydrate you. Healthy people who consume moderate amounts of caffeine don't lose more fluid than people who don't have any caffeine.1 A moderate amount of caffeine is about 200 to 300 milligrams a day. That's about two to four 8-ounce cups of coffee.

    Key word being "healthy" :)
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Water is boring...I drink 6 gallons (at least) a day. I wish there was something that good add flavor.

    I must have missed the joke here...

    You drink 6 gallons of water everyday?
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I hated water too. Forced myself to drink at least 16oz a day at first and like everyone said your body will start to crave the water. If I havent had water yet for the day, you can tell a difference. I have started drinking LaCroix sparkling water. It has zero everything, no sweeteners, just water with bubbles. But they do have different flavors. Amazing. Try it!
  • BOATS52
    BOATS52 Posts: 46
    You hate water try living without it ! Not a good thing....
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Why, it's delicious!?

    In the summer, I like to freeze lemon slices in water in muffin tins to use as big ice cubes in a pitcher of water.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Water is boring...I drink 6 gallons (at least) a day. I wish there was something that good add flavor.

    I must have missed the joke here...

    You drink 6 gallons of water everyday?

    I can't imagine that's healthy...or possible.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    i also have a problem with drinking water.... i find that the only time i actually drink it is if im really thirsty...which means im dehydrated... so im just trying to add more water to my daily intake....

    i cant do those crystal light or flavored water pkgs...they taste awful.... i do drink alot of coffee or diet dr. pepper or snapple iced tea...but those dont take the place of water......

    The only flavored packages I can do are the 4C zero-cal iced tea packets. Crystal light gives me migraines, but the 4C is okay (so far. . .I've only done a few of them).
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    This topic has come up multiple times (in just the short time I've been using MFP) look at some of the previous posts for some great ideas.

    First water can taste different. Tap water in different places and from different sources is different. So, don't just assume you don't like any water. (Where I used to live, the tap water tasted fine at home, but not at my workplace. Same city supply system. Go figure! Different pipes?)

    This is a great post! I have a hard time during water too. I usually have a bottle at work that I try to fill up three times during the day. Once it's filled up, I let it sit until it gets to be about room temperature then I can drink it. I have sensitive teeth so the coldness gets to me. I also try to drink a glass of water with my meals.

    Also, the tap water at my work seems to taste so much better than our filtered water at home.

    I'm not a big fan of the flavored water crap. I'd rather just have a diet coke.
  • Carolw12
    Carolw12 Posts: 36 Member
    I sometimes add a packet of crystal light to my water. You can buy them in the supermarket or in a convienence store in little bins where the water is. My favorite is fruit punch.