what do you eat pre and post workout?

toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
are you ment to eat a protein rich snack pre and a carb snack post or is it the other way round ....?


  • jennifer783
    jennifer783 Posts: 86 Member
    wondering the same....
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    protein and carbs before and after... i usually have a smaller meal before and a larger meal after
  • jennifer783
    jennifer783 Posts: 86 Member
    So far, I have done carbs before and after....so much to learn, lol :noway:
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    Carbs before your workout (you need the energy), and protein after.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I would leave this up to personal preference and gym performance and I would be less concerned about the physiological reasons for either.
  • Carbs a couple hours before (and how much depends on length and intensity of workout) and protein after to repair muscles like a protein drink. Make sure you drink lots of water because protein drinks can be tough on your liver without enough hydration.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I prefer to work out before I even eat breakfast first thing in the morning. doesn't always work out that way though when you have 3 kids.

    I usually don't feel like eating right after, but I force myself to eat protein.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Protein and carb mix exactly 42 minutes pre workout. Use an analog watch and sip on the protein when the second-hand is at 15, and sip on the carb when the second hand is at 45. Try to finish it within 5 minutes, for optimal delivery of the nutrients into your stores. Exactly 9 minutes after the workout, have a 14 oz recovery drink which has been cooled to exactly 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Drink it in 3 even gulps of exactly 4.666666667 ounces each. Then finally, and this is very important, crack your knuckles and exhale purposefully.

    Just kidding. It doesn't matter.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Protein and carb mix exactly 42 minutes pre workout. Use an analog watch and sip on the protein when the second-hand is at 15, and sip on the carb when the second hand is at 45. Try to finish it within 5 minutes, for optimal delivery of the nutrients into your stores. Exactly 9 minutes after the workout, have a 14 oz recovery drink which has been cooled to exactly 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Drink it in 3 even gulps of exactly 4.666666667 ounces each. Then finally, and this is very important, crack your knuckles and exhale purposefully.

    Just kidding. It doesn't matter.

    You sir, win the internet.
  • kuhndog61
    kuhndog61 Posts: 23 Member
    caffeine and water pre workout (I work out at 5:30)
    protein oatmeal shake after
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I like to have something with protein, carbs, and some caffeine, too, pre-workout. My favourite thing for this is the 22 Days Mocha Mantra bar.

    Post workout I'll have either a meal with a balance of macros or a protein shake.
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    I don't eat pre-workout. It's much better to wait and eat after, because your body burns at a much higher rate afterwards. Try to eat protein after if you want to build muscle, but you can eat almost anything you want after a workout. Something to keep the energy up though, definitely. Try bananas or protein shakes! (bananas are better, according to me)
  • Small meal before, a combination of protein and carbs, for example a serving of greek yogurt and 15 almonds. Post work-out I'll have a protein shake, banana, and glutamine. A small combination of both before and after.
  • bambiemd
    bambiemd Posts: 14
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong and sometimes can be dangerous, and it frustrates me. But, and I've studied in sports nutrition, you need to eat a small meal 30-40 minutes before working out. Those who drinks their protein shake before working out will burn fat near double as much... And the PERFECT post workout drink is.... Chocolate milk! Because you need carbs AND protein as well, which you find both in chocolate milk. Recent studies proved that the protein found in milk is the best protein when it comes to losing BELLY FAT!! But for those of you who are lactose intolerant, consider coconut water or sports drink.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong

    With no disrespect intended, this is ironic.
  • bambiemd
    bambiemd Posts: 14
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong

    With no disrespect intended, this is ironic.
    How is this ironic?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong

    With no disrespect intended, this is ironic.
    How is this ironic?

    Since your response was bro tastic
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong

    With no disrespect intended, this is ironic.
    How is this ironic?

    Most likely, they are referring to the fact that your sentence made no sense.
  • bambiemd
    bambiemd Posts: 14
    I'm not gonna read the answer cause the people tends on saying things that are SO wrong

    With no disrespect intended, this is ironic.
    How is this ironic?

    Most likely, they are referring to the fact that your sentence made no sense.
    Maybe! I'm so french.
  • malibu5880
    malibu5880 Posts: 31 Member
    I work out really early in the mornings before work, and I'm generally not hungry until after I'm done and get to work. I usually eat a whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter, a banana, and a low cal/non fat yogurt. I tend to burn about 700-800 calories during my morning workout so my breakfast might look like a lot of calories! The peanut butter gives me energy till I have a snack mid-morning.