Single ladies (single girls AND girls in relationships).



  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I have nothing against weddings, I love attending them, but it's not for me. I'm single and if it was really important to my boyfriend to get married, I would, but I don't see the importance (for me). And if I was to get married, money would be spent on the party and guests: I would not want anybody to have to spend money to come and celebrate with us and I'd rather clear my mortgage than spent a few thousands on one day.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    HELL NO!!!

    I don't even look at rings! lol
  • aimesylou
    I'm single and I do this so bad isn't it? I'm not really planning just imagining, a girl can dream right? Pinterest is sooo addictive when looking at wedding stuff.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    As I am not working at the moment, I like to have a bit of background TV on. In the UK at midday there's a bit of 'Don't tell the Bride' on followed at 1 by '4 weddings'.
    It's hard to watch that and not think about how you would do things, better of course!
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I used to. Had that fairytale wedding in my head...the dress, the ring, the cake.

    Then i realized there's much better things I would waste my money on.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    Not even as a child. Still have no desire to get married.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    honestly not much. At least not on my own. When I am with friends and the subject comes up I'll throw in fun things like the R2D2 robot being the ring dude and how the party will be the best. I have never been in a rush to get married or the girl that dreamed of the gown, etc. If it ever does happen, the ceremony will be 10 minutes max and the rest will be a party full of fun, unique things with friends and family. No crazy guest list or expensive anything!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    when me and my boyfriend were in HS we used to go to barnes and nobles all the time. he'd look at car magazines or science book and i'd of course look at wedding magazines and cosmo!

    i used to want to plan everything out extravagently and i LOVED it! :laugh: now that we've been together for 6 years and will get married in the next few years we are sort of going toward a small wedding. :smile:

    however, i do like to watch "say yes to the dress" and i do tear up sometimes when they find the perfect one. :blushing:
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Not even as a child. Still have no desire to get married.

    I am on the fence now since my current relationship is heading that direction and I know he wants it, but I agree. Marriage was/still isn't a priority!
  • taylmarie
    taylmarie Posts: 161
    I never really looked at wedding stuff. Now that I have been married 5 years, I notice weddings and wedding related stuff way more; like, "ooh, I wish I had thought of that" lol.
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    Truth be told, I looked at dresses once a few years back. I got this idea in my head that my boyfriend was totally going to propose soon, which I have no clue how I even got that idea in the first place. Then he didn't propose and I stopped looking. Fashions change and sometimes what one place sells now, they don't sell a year later, so I figured it would be best to look around the time I'm for sure going to get married.
  • xxxhelenaxxx
    xxxhelenaxxx Posts: 61 Member
    So, I actually am going through a divorce... with my ex husband, I didnt want the headache.. we all but completely eloped... but there was lots wrong there also...

    With my boyfriend, its kind of weird because I'm pretty sure I married my ex so that I could find him.. I was never as close to my ex husband as I am with Phil. I havent "planned" another wedding in my head, but I have thought about the things that I want.

    I accidently picked my dress out. I saw it in a window on my way home from Phil's house and I am telling you... its fate.

    *sorry for the cheeseyness guys!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's funny, marriage freaks me out, and I used to roll my eyes at single girls planning their wedding. However, I'm nearing the end of college and a bunch of my friends have gotten engaged. Hearing about their ring cuts, bridesmaids dresses, ect has made me think about what I would want. And I'm on pinterest where there is wedding inspirations galore haha
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I'm that girl....yep. I saved my wedding dress and now that I've lost some weight am dying to try it on again. But I want to be alone when I do because I'm afraid it won't fit (lost weight but not in the right places)! Have been planning a renewal ceremony since we came home from the honeymoon :)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Not me....Not sure why either....I am 37 and never been married...Came close a couple of times though - way in the past....I am pretty sure that I am more like a man b/c I have issues with commitment I think...Not sure what is wrong with me b/c I am not like most girls/women who love all of the wedding stuff - never have been - Maybe that is why I have also never been married. I am not opposed to maybe getting married someday but I would just go to the Justice of the Peace or something like that. :)

    You're not alone. I am 32 and never dream of a wedding or get tempted to look at bridal magazines, dresses, etc. It is not something I drool over. And for me, I also take it one step further and do not have the urge to have a baby, either. I don't get excited about babies or wish I had one. I've also wondered if I'm "normal" or not. I would like to get married and probably have a smaller wedding, but I have no idea what I'll end up having in the end, really. I'm not a party person and I don't like to shop. I don't date often or yearn for relationships. I don't know why I'm not more like other women. Oh well. I guess I'm just me and that will have to be good enough!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Well firstly thanks to this thread I took myself off for a couple of hours to look at wedding stuff, but it's no good, I can't get excited about stuff although I do get excited about looking at menu options!!!!
    However off line I do know what my first dance song would be if I ever got married. I know what kind of wedding dress I'd like but that's only because you walk past shops and it's hard not to look and say "god that's awful" or " that's alright" etc. And then the quote below sums it up for me. I watch these shows and know what I WOULDN'T do and what what I could do better ha ha!! But when it comes to rings etc, well it's pretty much up to the guy to buy me what he would like to see me wear or thinks would look good on me.
    As I am not working at the moment, I like to have a bit of background TV on. In the UK at midday there's a bit of 'Don't tell the Bride' on followed at 1 by '4 weddings'.
    It's hard to watch that and not think about how you would do things, better of course!

    Don't tell the bride is one of my favourites because it's where the groom has three weeks to plan the wedding and the bride can't no ANY details including what the wedding dress will look like! It's great because these women try on dresses "just to imagine" and say they'd hate a certain type of dress. The groom inevitably gets the bad dress and they end up liking themselves in it. I think this would be the case for me, I'd like to see what he thinks I'd look good in. It's our day.

    I do want to get married, I wish I could be blase about it but I just can't. I don't want expensive but I do want a day to celebrate our love with all our loved ones there seeing how well I did in finding my man!! ha ha!!!
  • DevilishDessert
    IV been married almost 4 years, and yes we looked at the cake , honeymoon, and limos and al that stuff, but even if i could not afford the wedding i would have still married her,
    im from uk so its classes as cival partnership but same rights same love, just same sex
    i also kept my dress, im hoping to be to thin for it come june when i put it back on to go clubbing in to celebrate our anniversary
    :tongue: i guess you knw when you have found true love, :bigsmile:
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I was *thisclose* to planning a vow renewal, but decided to just have a kickass Halloween party instead.

    I like your style! :-)
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I am getting married this year and I am having a simple wedding at my fiances grandmothers home. I would be happier getting married at sunset on the beach or at the end of a pretty pier. ( I live in Key West) But then this is the 2nd time out for me. For him its a first and having his family there is important. So Cali it is with his family and friends and knowing that he is going to be happy makes the planning worth it for me right down to the last detail. :) First time out I was not marrying for the right reasons but spent hours digging thru the magazines going out of town spending more hours looking for dresses for both myself and my bridesmaids and then MORE hours planning where to have the reception and who the DJ and Photog were going to be.. So yea the picture perfect thing was on my mind but with the wrong person. Now I am with the right person and IDC when, where and how we get married. Just being with him is all I need. :heart:
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    My friends have called me out on not wanting to. When they pull out wedding magazines or when we're shopping and they stop to look at rings, I tend to walk away. If I end up getting married, I really don't want to think about that stuff until I'm engaged. I have friends my age who have already planned every single detail of their ceremony and some even planned the date (despite being single). That really creeps me out.