I'm new, how do you stay motivated?

I am new as of today. I really want to lose weight, can't stand the body I am in anymore. I know I have the right mindset at this moment, but how do you stay motivated on a day to day basis? I also just moved to a new state so I don't have much of a support system. Anyone looking for a friend to keep track with, contact me. I can use all the help I can get.


  • piscula
    piscula Posts: 17
    I heard once (when someone was commenting that they just couldn't stay motivated) that being motivated was like being clean. You have to shower/bath every day and similarly you have to find something inspiring every day to be able to stay motivated effectively. Maybe thats supportive friends, pictures of you at your heaviest, pictures of women whos body you would like yours to look like (within reason), inspirational quotes, or whatever it is that works for you.

    I would love to friend with you and we can keep each other going :)
  • southpolechk
    southpolechk Posts: 2 Member
    ive been working with p90x and i stay motivated using this site and pushing myself everyday! i have a wedding coming up and couldn't take my body anymore! Once i started this program i knew i was making a difference by looking in the mirror everyday and I also had people talking me into NOT giving up and trust me it worked! I am also signed up at teambeachbody.com where there are message boards that include people from all over trying to make a better life for themselves! But, its a great support system i love it! I also post on fb everyday how many days are left what workout im doing and etc. If i can help in anyway please contact me! im here to help :)
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Keep coming back here....everyday and read the forums of people who have lost weight! That motivates me to no end and I love this site~ Keep coming back!

    also, ONE DAY AT A TIME.....just put One foot in front of the other! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Be kind and gentle to yourself and be your own best friend instead of your worst enemy~! And above all.........WANT THIS....want it more than anything...for yourself!
  • I find it helpful if you set little goals (like I am going to lose 5 pounds in 5 weeks) vs. I'm going to lose 30 lbs by July. That way you can see your progress sooner and that will movtivate you to the next five pounds.

    Good luck!
  • cjosenga
    cjosenga Posts: 37 Member
    Motivation is a hard one. I keep myself motivated by focusing on the positive instead of the negative. If I have a bad snacking day, instead of negative self talk I focus on what I did right, such as drinking water instead of a soda or exercising to reach my activity goal. I also don't focus on my scale either. I do weigh myself, but it is not what my focus is. I focus on how I feel and how much better my clothes fit!
    You can add me as a friend. I have lost most of my support group and am always looking for more people to join me on the road to better health!
  • Terajah
    Terajah Posts: 4 Member
    I am new as of today too. I just think that the idea that u have people right here is going to keep my inspired. I dont have any support system without this...so this is working pefect. I LOVE the analogy of having to take showers though...I am going to think of that every time I dont feel like getting up and excersizing.
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    I find it motivating to not think of it as losing weight from dieting but from changing my lifestyle! Because once I reach my goal weight I plan on keeping this up to maintain that weight so hopefully I won't have to make the journey of losing weight again!

    I also think you have to know what motivates you and what kind of rewards you are able to give yourself for reaching small goals, and those rewards shouldn't be FOOD! I usually use new clothes or new shoes, but most recently a new album or 2 of workout music from iTunes!

    I stay motivated by focusing on the little goals as well as the BIG goal at the end. Not every week will I make the progress that I want but I have friends here on MFP that remind me that even small victories are victories!
  • FreeTay
    FreeTay Posts: 18
    I definetly take it One Day at A Time. I start everyday day with the mind set of doing my best. If I happen to fall off a little bit, tomorrow is a new day and I get right back on track. I also look at all of the before and after pics on MFP of people who had the same build as me. It's possible just stick with it and don't give up.
  • bjc101
    bjc101 Posts: 25 Member
    I stay focussed by being sure I log in everyday. Read the posts and know that so many others are in this with you. I also stay focussed that I am doing this to improve my health! The weight loss will come in time, but improving my health in #1. Life is about choices, and choosing to eat healthier and exercise is one of the best choices you can make. Losing weight is a benefit, but stay focussed on the tremendous amounts of health benefits this will have for you.
  • i motivate myself by looking in the mirror every morning and knowing this body is not what i am suppose to have :)
  • Hey you can add me if you like. try and find an exercise you enjoy, don't give up if you have a bad day (we are only human) keep going and never give up. Also don't forget to treat yourself now and again.
  • :)
  • cenagle
    cenagle Posts: 2
    I find having weekly goals, in addition to the overall end goal, really helps. Also watching food and health documentaries, as odd as that may sound, keeps me on track and paying attention to everything I put into my body.
  • 198601
    198601 Posts: 33 Member
    Make it a part of your life and you will not even think about it anymore! It is a life style! Also, when you start seeing results you will be motivated trust me! You will not want to stop. If you fail for a day - no biggie - just remember the big goal and be happy with the small results too!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Because 34 months ago I made a lifestyle change, so everyday now isn't a diet or a battle against something... This is my life now so I just get up everyday and live it.......... Wish it was more in depth than that lol but it really isn't...... Best of Luck to you....
  • iam also in a new area and know no one i to am sick of my body i weigh more than i ever have in my life i am embarassed. and want to do this we could help to mototivate each other and helpone another along the with special tips one might know and the other not. my name is brenda please let me know if you would like to work together. anyone that would like to talk to each other and help each other out please contact i know if i have people to talk to it will help me from not cheating cause i know there will be people watching its the accountability
  • JennyT99
    JennyT99 Posts: 1 Member
    Great advise "be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy".... I needed that today :smile:
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    I stay motivated by the great friends I have on MFP. Feel free to add me Hun and welcome to a new life!
  • DGK12
    DGK12 Posts: 117
    I lost 4 lbs last week. THAT'S how I stay motivated. I lost nothing the week before, and I just kept eating right, and working out a bit. You have to remember; there are NO magic pills, or silver bullets. Your only option is to burn more calories than you take in. Making a lifestyle change is the only way to truly be successful and reach your goals. You CAN do this. Everyone can. It's a matter of your strength of will. Good luck :). We've got a great support system here, and you have nothing to lose - except the weight!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Your own results will keep you motivated. Fight hard at the beginning, come on these boards for motivation, keep going as long as you can, and by the time you start running out of gas, your own results should keep you going :)