Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: Joe Cross Juice Diet



  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    My dear lord a whole ton of naysayers here whom I believe haven't experienced it/tried it on their own and come to their own life experience conclusions. I don't care what your medical or nutritional background is to be honest, learn from your own experience(s) not from what books/people tell you, especially when the majority of these people/books in the medical field have something to gain by you buying into what they believe.

    Absolutely! Like someone selling a book+dvd+juicing machine+other dieting products... oh wait...

    And for learning from your own experience, if we were still at that point, everyone would die from jumping in a fire to see if it really burns like everyone has been saying. "Learn from other people's mistake, you won't live long enough to make them all yourself". That's why people do research. That's why over the past 10 years, research shows that 1% of people buying into any type of dieting products really lose weight and keep it off for good.

    http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file=/BJN/BJN92_S1/S0007114504001680a.pdf&code=991f0bd678e942031339879b90c07d0c Rellay read that one. To spoil the end for you, they conclude that no, dieting doesn't make you fat, but that the whole dieting industry is incredibly good at selling things to fat people, but sucks at helping you lose weight in fact. The dieting industry is just as prolific today as food industry or pharmaceutical industry you seem to despise.

    Also, those raw only athletes eat more protein than you could possibly imagine. Protein != meat ... So if you pursue your fitness/weight goal while changing your relationship with food, change your lifestyle, you will succeed wheter you do any type of diet or not, just like you will fail if you don't, whether you use dieting "gimmicks" like the juice diet or not.

    There are no shortcuts... And that's true for everyone on the planet.
  • Aubzamzam
    Aubzamzam Posts: 2 Member
    I am on day 3 of my juice fast. I know at least 4 other people who have done it or are doing it. I am getting about 1200-1500 calories a day on the juice that I drink. This is the same amount of calories MFP told me to eat when trying to lose 1 lb a week. So I am getting the same amount of calories, but these calories are far more nutrient rich. This seems like a pretty healthy way to jumpstart eating healthy and right. There are tons of recipes to experiment with and my adventure has been really yummy so far!

    To those who say you gain weight as soon as you introduce solids....well that is wrong. After fasting your stomach has shrunk. You eat far less than you did before (I was overeating) and continue to lose weight even after the fast is over. Of course if you immediately return to your OLD eating habits you will put the weight back on. The point of the juice fast is to jump start your body in to high gear and prepare yourself for new eating habits.

    For me, it hasn't been that hard not eating. But the preparation and time it takes to prepare and juice every single meal is really starting to annoy me. This is by no means "the easy way out".
  • Beesting83
    Beesting83 Posts: 1 Member
    I have to say, I just started a juice fast myself and after reading through all of these responses I feel like I'm ready to take on any nay sayers that I encounter. I'm doing this as a way to feel better and to detox, the weight loss, if any, will be secondary. There are many benefits to fasting and not all of them are physical. I'm looking forward to clarity of mind, a sense of well being, not to mention feeling less toxic. I plan on doing 60 days, so we'll see how that goes. I'm doing well now though!
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    It's not a diet. It's a fast. Usually, there is more at stake than just weight loss. There is something to be said to eliminating all solid food and additives from the body for a period of time.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I think this is one of those threads where we have 2 opposite sides. I have never done this and probably won't. However, if the person doing it is getting the proper nutrients for his/her body, no one is going to change their minds. My concern is why everyone is so into this cleanse issue? Your body will cleanse itself if there is nothing wrong with your liver and as for colon-rectal cleansing I really don't think that is meant to be sparkling clean. Everyone should get their annual physicals. Our bodies are unique creations and really does know how to clean out its systems(unless there is an illness). As one RN said to me she has problems when something it to retrain you system when it already working just fine.
  • p02mk
    p02mk Posts: 2
    I did it for 7 days and lost 8 pounds back in March. Over the next month and a half I ate a ton of junk food and lost another 1.5 pounds. I'm trying to do it for the month of June but have cheated twice. I should mention I had a 20 oz cappuccino every single day of the 7 days too. Good luck, the first 3-4 days are rough but it gets way easier after that.
  • p02mk
    p02mk Posts: 2
    I double the recipe I use and pour it into empty water bottles and freeze them immediately. It tastes exactly the same after it thaws and easier to drink when it is ice cold. I only have to juice every 3 days that way.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Juice fasts generally don't work too well for most people trying to lose fat weight.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'd rather get my calories from healthy food, but that's my opinion.

    Ummm...what's unhealthy about whole fruits and vegetables? It's not store bought juice...he juices it all on his own.

    Fruit is sugar and fiber. You juice it and it is just sugar. You are drinking sugar water at that point. I mean juice tastes good and all but surviving off juice is basically saying "I'm going to ingest nothing but sugar for 10 days, wish me luck"
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    ...and suckered in by an ancient thread.