MyFitnessPal vs WeightWatchers?



  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    The only thing I like about Weight Watchers is the meetings and weighing in with someone weekly. I seemed to work harder knowing someone else was weighing me and I didn't make excuses to not weigh in that week. I'm trying to have the same attitude without it. I think I need to start coming up with intensives for myself.
    I did like the charms and stickers you got at WW and even though I have close online friends with MFP, it's different when you see it in person.

    I remember crying with a woman who lost 200 pounds on weight watchers. I will remember that meeting for the rest of my life. I read success stories here and I'm like oh that's great, but I don't get anything out of it. (unless they have been long time MFP friends)
  • ChefTamiCinNC
    ChefTamiCinNC Posts: 39 Member
    Good point made in earlier post about adding food before you eat. At least until you have been on MFP a good while. I constantly add and take away before I eat until I get the calorie combo that I need. I lost weight on WW and it was easy. Just not a big fan of the once a week meetings and the fees. I might need support at 2am and I know I can log on and read success stories and look at pictures for inspiration. I like MFP much better and I think you will find it is a little easier to eat what you want.
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Success doesn't come from some tool or program. It comes from within.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    What I have observed with ww is those people who have stopped doing the program end up gaining some if not all of the weight back.. I'm not sure if it is because they lose the support when they stop paying for it or it's because everything is done in terms of points instead of learning what is in the food you are eating that could be impacting your weight. MFP is free and if you use it regularly it is a great way to track yourself and find some great support.

  • Bethag80
    Bethag80 Posts: 2 Member
    I wanted to join WW and then my husband told me about this site, I am glad I found it saved myself some $$. Also I have been learning so much about food, its a tool that I continue to use.
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I was so hungry on WW. I feel best when I have a bit of protien and good fats at every meal, which ate up all my points. I wasn't recovering well and I was exhausted.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I left WW when they started the "Free" foods BS. Didn't lose anything eating my weight in fruit every day.

    Zero points does not mean zero calories. It seems this has not been adequately explained to WW members.

    The fruit was designated 0 points merely to get people to eat fruit. WW does say that you are supposed to eat fruit "to satisfaction," not to gorge on it. And you are not just to eat 0 points foods to the exclusion of foods with points. Ideally, you should be eating from every food group, and WW does have guidelines for doing so.

    If you follow the program correctly, it does work and it is safe and healthy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I left WW when they started the "Free" foods BS. Didn't lose anything eating my weight in fruit every day.

    Zero points does not mean zero calories. It seems this has not been adequately explained to WW members.

    The fruit was designated 0 points merely to get people to eat fruit. WW does say that you are supposed to eat fruit "to satisfaction," not to gorge on it. And you are not just to eat 0 points foods to the exclusion of foods with points. Ideally, you should be eating from every food group, and WW does have guidelines for doing so.

    If you follow the program correctly, it does work and it is safe and healthy.

    I did the Flex and Momentum plans and had great success, but I did take issue with the 0-point fruit. The veggies I was OK with because it takes a LOT to add up in calories and they're supposed to be considered in the formula.

    But think about it with fruit. WW builds 250 free food calories into the plan. One banana can be 100 calories. So just two bananas a day takes up nearly all your "free" calories. An orange or apple are about 60 apiece. I make a smoothie each night that's 5 points worth of calories/fat/fiber, but on PointsPlus is only 2 points. That's about 200 calories worth of fruit in there. It adds up quick, even if you're only eating it to "satisfaction."

    I really think WW missed the boat with that.
  • michellecorvin
    michellecorvin Posts: 36 Member
    I have done both. We I am honest, I do well on both. This is free though so it wins. ;D
  • britcurl
    britcurl Posts: 110 Member
    I did WW and lost 30lbs no problem! I was using WW and MFP together and saw that my daily calories were pretty close to my points allowed. I have just now today started using MFP alone. I like it better because I can keep up with everything in one place. Both are great products and I still will testify to WW any day of the week. (Plus, MFP is Free )
  • Hello, I also join WeightWatchers twice the first year I was so happy that I lost about 40lbs. The second year was when the point system changed, I did not like the change, ex: (when fruits were counted) but the trick to WW is that you must track your foods to maintain your weight. Also, you need to keep record of your food intake with myfitnesspal the difference is that myfitnesspal calculate as you eat and it's a teaching tool if you learn to eat in servicing or portions sizes you will maintain and control your weight. I love myfitnesspal I can eat anything I want, also I have a purpose for losing weight.
  • peluzuff
    peluzuff Posts: 11 Member
    I have had much greater success with MFP than WW. I lost 10 pounds at WW, then plateaued. Then I quite WW and gained 8 pounds back. Then I joined MFP and lost 24 pounds. I think its really a matter of "fit." Things I did not like about WW - there was a huge emphasis on how to "beat the system." I found everyone talking about the latest and greatest low calorie dessert rather than emphasizing overall health and good decision making. Also, there were many long-timers in WW ... people who go for the social piece, but never really lose weight, which was always discouraging to me. Also, while they encouraged exercise, there was not a huge push for it. I love that MFP shows you in a very concrete way how calories and in and calories burned affect you weight loss. I love that the community is focused on health and exercise. I like that I do not have to pay and that I can do it on my own time, while also having a sense of community support, since a few of my friends are doing it too. I really encourage that part. It has been essential for me to have MFP friends! That's what works for me. Hope that helps!
  • keoh52
    keoh52 Posts: 1 Member
    I did WW for years and joined TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly), because it is only $26 a year plus a very small weekly fee (my chapter is only $.50 a week). We also have weekly weigh ins and the support of a group. I liked WW, but needed to save money. I just joined myfitnesspal at the recommendation of a few TOPS members. I like the tracking on here and will see how I do, because I am kind of needing something to help me keep track of what I am eating. Look for a TOPS chapter near you.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I know WW works for a lot of people. I did WW long ago and did lose 30 pounds. However, I like MFP more because I feel like I'm accountable to only myself and can be as private as I like. I felt like my particular WW leader was a bit condescending. I know there are great leaders out there, but mine just wasn't so hot on the interpersonal part...I wasn't looking for a friend in her or anything, but she sure wasn't discreet if you had a gain week or a plateau week, asking loudly, "Give me your journal...what did you do WRONG?!?!?" when I'd already done a great job of beating myself up.

    This site is great - it's free, offers more in depth nutritional calculations and lots of support, if you want/need it. Good luck to you, whatever you choose!

    p.s. it may be different now, but when I belonged to WW, you could eat a crappy meal that contained all your points during the day, and then eat "0 point" foods the balance of the day. While this may still be budgeting calories, it's not balanced nutrition. I find that by considering cals/exercise/protein/fats/carbs/etc. on MFP, I'm being healthier.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I think when you've got a lot to lose (like I have) you resent having to pay for what's going to be at least 2 years worth of dieting. I'm going to allocate the money I would have spent on weekly meetings to a special holiday fund and take a nicer holiday than I would otherwise go on when the money has accumulated - and use the hour I'm not wasting in a meeting waiting for other slimmers to be weighed in in the gym instead!

    I find points and syns etc too gimmicky. Why learn a new language for what is effectively calorie counting in disguise?
  • Crisark
    Crisark Posts: 7 Member
    I did WW before my wedding and lost 13.5lbs and 8inches total. But that also took me 8 months of fighting to stick to it. I just couldn't stay on the Points counting.
    Now, on MFP I've lost 6.5lbs in 5 weeks. I stick to it easier, I think, because of the app and also because my husband joined with me. He is awesome about keeping within his calories and if he can do it then I have no excuse.
    I all in all vote MFP but that's my personal experience.
  • karebear32505
    karebear32505 Posts: 47 Member
    This however is wrong... NO BODY tells you, you need to buy ww food! you eat whatever you want whenever you want... You just track it!

    I agree with Tricia, with WW, you eat a lot of their branded food, with MFP, you learn what you normally eat translates into calories and adjust portion sizes to reflect and generally eat more healthy and once you realise this is where you went wrong its can be easier to maintain.

    However if like me you binge eat chocolate cause its LUSH, then its just discipline, and MPF helps, record before you eat is the key, it will then stop you eating all you need is a phone and a 3G connection, and it can prevent accidents from happening.

    I think MFP is a great educator, whereas WW is a program you follow, then when you stop it ends, ... hence why people keep having to go back.

    You either give people water who need it, or give them a means to save their own, this is a tool FREE so you can do it yourself!!!

    Happy days ... love it! MFP all the way baby!!
  • karebear32505
    karebear32505 Posts: 47 Member
    Weight watchers 100% I Love what they have done for me 35+lbs i track there and here i come for extra support... I love them both but if money is the issue then i would say MFP! both you track and can eat whatever you want.... WW works if you do the program
  • ChristinaOlliver
    ChristinaOlliver Posts: 57 Member
    I switched. I used WW for a while. I had success with them... but this seemed more real. I am losing little by little here. I felt like I lost faster with WW, but as soon as I went on my own, I gained weight back. To me, this site seems more like everyday life. You just watch your calorie intake and workout.

    This exactly. Plus, the MFP forums are so much better! Filled with lots of lovely people :)
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    WW has worked for my SIL, that and the gym have helped her lose her 68lbs since last fall. But she was so totally committed to it, she made it look so easy.

    Now I have tried to follow the WW plan alongside my SIL and even have the app to calculate points. It's fine and the app was free, but I stalled after losing 28lbs.

    I'm hoping MFP will help kickstart my weight loss again and again, it's FREE :) for the ipad, phone and computer. MFP helps you track what you eat and when you workout and how it all plays into the weight-loss game. It's real food, real life and (I'm hoping for) real results that will last.

    Good luck, I think MFP is the right answer, especially if money is an issue (for me it sure is).
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