gaineddd five lbs..

eating 1400 cals a day running everyday insanity every other day no new muscle no new fat where is this weight coming from and is this normal?


  • I always lose weight and then gain it right back. I am up 3 lbs from last month and have lost inches. Are you measuring b/c the scale is certainly not everything. If you are on track then you know you have not gained fat and it is normal water weight and other normal fluctuations.
  • Jackiales
    Jackiales Posts: 24 Member
    Sorry to be too blunt. But! I just had to go to the bathroom. I ate right, excercised, wasn't starving and too gained weight. I read other treads on this site about gaining weight and sometimes it fluxes. This weekend I felt terrible because I gained five lbs and looked out of shape again. But seriously I went to the bathroom (hadn't had too much come out over 5 days which wasn't normal) and now I feel great again.
  • yeah just on the scale and i didnt have to go number 2 lol maybe it was just water weight ill check again next week <3