trying 1 month and no weight loss!!!

ABHY7 Posts: 70 Member
I need help folks..i've been going to the gym the last 6 weeks, doing weight class and strider and treadmill. I've stuck to a 1400 calorie a day diet and STILL cannot lose any weight (besides 1lb). I've toned up alright, but i still weigh the same. What am i doing wrong???


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    My guess without even asking to look at your food log is not eating enough. Like countless others.
  • AEJhoi
    AEJhoi Posts: 36
    Maybe you are building muscle, or you should check you BMR, it really helped me!
  • sa7toot
    sa7toot Posts: 10
    I'm not a doctor, but I guess you are gaining muscles weight as well. Again.. check your diet and make sure that you are burning enough calories..
    I don't mind having a muscle cell instead of each fat cell i got. :tongue:
  • I've only lost about 3.5lb since January- it's really frustrating- but if you're going to the gym that much, it's probably that you're building up looooads of muscles which are heavier :) Have you checked your measurements instead? I do waist/hips/chest/bicep/thigh. If it is that, you'll see the difference there instead.

    Not all about the lbs as I'm often told, but I can understand your frustration, I'm in the same boat.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    You have said you have toned. you may be building muscles and so you wont be seeing a difference on the scales. record your inch loss. also ensure you are getting a net of at least 1200 cals a day!
  • ABHY7
    ABHY7 Posts: 70 Member
    ok not eating enough...I have a full breakfast (boiled egg, 2 slices of whoelgrain toast) and tea, then lunch i try to have dinner - spag bowl or meat, spuds and veg) and fruit. Then tea fishfingers & veg or beans on toast. Because I go to the gym in the evening i thought it best to eat earlier. Is this wrong?

    Thanks how do you check your BMR?
  • youknome
    youknome Posts: 63
    Have you also kept measures of your waist, hips, chest etc ? That's a better indicator of weight loss more so than the scale.
  • ABHY7
    ABHY7 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for replies, i'll check my ratio measurements...very frustrating!! I hate the scales!!
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Theres a BMR Calculator on this site- under the Tools Heading I believe.

    If you want proper advice then make your food diary public. My guess is youre not eating enough for the calories you are burning or you are building muscle. Again it depends what exercise you are doing what you are eating..... do you eat a lot of processed food?

    Are you following a diet that someone at the gym has put together for you? Sometimes they are designed specifically to help you build muscle without weight loss???

    Muscle weighs the same as fat everyone.....!!! lol just less dense, takes up less space pound for pound.....

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member BMR tool, another number to confuse you with ;-)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    Muscle weighs the same as fat everyone.....!!! lol just less dense, takes up less space pound for pound.....

    err, it's MORE dense as it takes up less space per pound
  • tashajo414
    tashajo414 Posts: 21 Member
    I have always been under the assumption to eat after working out because your metabolism is still working hard...maybe rather than eating your dinner at lunch time, have a small portioned lunch and eat the dinner after your work out...
  • The first time I tried to lose weight after my daughter was born, it took 2 months for anything to happen at all, despite doing everything right. Then I dropped 12 pounds in a week. Stopped for a week. Dropped another 12 in the following week. It all happened so fast that I was worried I had gotten sick! Went in for blood work and all was fine. I settled into a nice routine and kept the weight off for years until a surgery kicked me out of the gym for 6 weeks, That was 6 years ago...just now getting back on track. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    My guess without even asking to look at your food log is not eating enough. Like countless others.

  • AEJhoi
    AEJhoi Posts: 36

    I also found this one helpful. Try not to eat less than the extreme fat loss.
    If you are going to eat some extra calories you can always make then without fat , or maybe drink them

    When you calculate your BMR eat atleast that and even some more because you are working out so much, that way your body has enough energy. In my first week i was eating below 1200 and exercising every day, and I even gained a pound, then the second week I ate my BMR, some days more, and I was almost 2 pounds below my initial weight, so I lost about 3 pounds in total. Hope this works for you aswell.
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    Don't know how much gym work you are doing but you are probably losing fat and converting it to muscle. You say you have toned up. Last spring I went to the gym 4-5 times a week for several months and hardly lost any weight at all but I toned up loads. I have since learnt since then that I probably wasn't eating enough, you still need to fuel your body to do all that exercise.

    I have also been told that its best to eat after exercise but also to eat something before your workout too. You should also weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace fluid losses. Drink 20-24 fl oz water for every 1 lb lost
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Muscle weighs the same as fat everyone.....!!!

    Not true...ever...
    lol just less dense, takes up less space pound for pound.....

    Also not true and, yet, somehow...still manages to be contradictory to your previous statement.

  • ABHY7
    ABHY7 Posts: 70 Member
    Wow thanks for your replies...i feel i have toned and gained muscle - hence the scales wont move! I'll try eating my dinner after the gym, although it would be late at night - much advice here - its great!!! Thank you all
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Have a look at this

    It helped me a lot in terms of getting the numbers right. I go with the lowest number and eat some of my exercise calories.

    I would agree with the other replies - if you are working out a lot then you will be changing shape and replacing fat with muscle. Fat loss doesn't necessarily mean weight loss!