Do you weigh yourself everyday?



  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Normally, no. I usually weigh in every Tuesday morning. But, if I had a bad day food wise, I weigh myself the next morning. Seems like its never as bad as I think it will be and that makes it easier to stay on track. I have noticed before that if I have a bad day. I tend to go downhill for a couple days because my brain is on negative mode. Better for me to face it and then move on.
  • Nope, once a week on a Friday morning before brekkie
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Yes, I do. But I'm also consistent with what I eat and how much water I drink, so my weight doesnt fluctuate too much.

    I dont weigh myself around my period because I know I have excess water weight.

    I find weighing myself every day gives me motivation for that day. Even if I had a bad day before, stepping on the scale and realising I haven't gained is a huge winner in my book.

    Do whatever you want. Youre going to be losing weight no matter how many times a day/week/month/year you weight. Daily just works for some people.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    "Do whatever you feel comfortable with, everyone is different. "

    I do it every day in the am and don't stress out with the # as the scale is my friend, a guide and not the enemy :)
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Yes. I weigh every morning but I dont "go nuts" over the results. I knew the logic behind NOT doing it but I changd my opinion after seeing Ben on blogging about it (note: great weight-loss story on youtube if you havent seen it). His point (I think)is its just all part of the weight-management mindset.
  • Sazzle_1979
    Sazzle_1979 Posts: 4 Member

    I try and weigh myself once a week in the morning on the same day to try and get as accurate a reading as possible

    Good luck
  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    Your weight fluctuates everyday due to water and what not, so it's best to weight yourself only about once a week. Also, when you weigh in keep the time you weigh in consistent - for example, every Saturday morning before breakfast.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've just started and its so tempting to weigh myself after a few days but so far have been good. I'm also looking forward to my weekly weigh in as I know I Will have at least a couple of pounds and its more of an incentive to loose 2lb in one way-in than 1/4lb each day.
  • Angelgirl040688
    Angelgirl040688 Posts: 56 Member
    i try to weigh my self only once a week but sometimes i get curious and weight myself 2x a wekk.. i usually do it on wensday and saturday... dont ask me y i choose those days but i just did
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I weigh in every morning and log it as a food note. It actually stopped making me crazy because I could see the daily fluctuations and I love being able to go back and see the ups and downs. As long as you don't let it affect your moods and motivation it is helpful (in my opinion)
  • kobashi
    kobashi Posts: 164
    I do. It's my obsession.

    Everyday I weigh myself but if im up, I rarely let it get to me though.
  • tmwilcox
    tmwilcox Posts: 2 Member
    I know its not recommended, but we do. More for the fun of it.. "What's your digits?" is our new game. Yes it fluctuates, but that doesn't really bother us. we just look at the trends, which had been pretty good for the both of us.
  • mroger801
    mroger801 Posts: 91
    While I weigh myself every day, I only log twice a week. My log-in days are consistent from week to week (I do Tuesday and Friday), but I like to know vaguely where I am every day. I found it helps me stay true to where I need to be or feel better if I've gotten slightly off the wagon. Its important not to read too much into each day's weigh in, but it certainly can help keep you motivated.

    On a side note, my cousin weighs herself each morning and night, which I think is just crazy!
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    I do, but it doesnt make me feel terrible for the rest of the day if I am a little bit up. I just like to see how the body fluctuates and it helps me stay on track eating wise. Sometimes I weigh every day, sometimes once a week. If it puts bad thoughts in your brain, like it does my mom, take the batteries out!
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Every day! I made a spreadsheet that calculates the moving average for 10 days. I also put my caloric intake and exercise into the sheet as well with a 10 day moving average.

    This allows me to look at the trends and not worry (like a LOT of people) about 'OMG! I ate an extra slice of Pizza... What do I do?!' I see that I plateau, then I loose some more and catch up to where I want to be, even when I am loosing too fast and need to up my intake a little bit to control the decent.

    Bottom line- if you freak out over the daily number, weekly is best for you. But if you are logical and can accept ups and downs with a number as long as the average is going in the right direction, then there is nothing wrong with daily weighing.
  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    Most days. If I don't, I tend to gain weight, I get too careless.
  • I used to weigh myself everyday, and I find it to not be uplifting if I have not lost any weight. I try to do it once a week, that way you see what you have lost for the whole week.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I personally weigh everyday. Doing so has taught me about my body's normal fluctuations. It has taught me how different foods, exercise, water intake, hormones, etc affect my body. I have learned what is a normal range for me and I don't freak out when I see a gain on the scale. Weighing everyday drives a lot of people crazy.. I personally think it has been very beneficial to my weight loss.

    I think the key to doing it is to use it as a learning tool and NOT something to control your life, your moods or your day.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    I weigh every day. I do eat healthy and exercise, so I realize I might be up a few pounds from the day before. It doesn't freak me out anymore. The scale is a motivator and has helped me to not make bad eating decisions. Because every morning I have to "check in."
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I do, because I don't like surprises. I expect the fluctuations, and don't let it worry me overly, but I think I would be a lot more upset if I'd been good all week, was expecting a big loss, and then saw no loss or a gain. Weighing every day means I know roughly what to expect.