Mandatory Flu vaccine?

I just found out today that my employer is mandating the flu vaccine for ALL employees, unless they have a medical reason to not get it. I personally do not get the vaccine, as I never get the flu. We risk losing our jobs if we don't get it. I'm pretty upset. They don't give an option of wearing masks, except to the ones who have a medical condition. I HAVE gotten it in the past, but personally don't like to get it. I guess I'm curious how many people out there think this is totally illegal and communistic....besides me.



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    It sounds illegal to me but . . . .

    No Betty! Zip it! Don't want to get this thread locked.

    I don't know what to tell you genma. I don't get the flu shot either and I don't what I'd do if I were in your position.
  • strawberry25shortcake
    I agree with mommared53....and like she said "i will zip it too". Personally, I think that flu shots are BS and don't work...but- that's just me. In my experiences people who did get the shot would get sick within a day or so.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I don't know what your line of work is, however the predictions by the cdc say employers will lose substantial productivity from their employees passing this flu around. It is the golden rule, He who has the gold makes the rules. Are you in a right to work state, or a state with Labor rules? That would be important, however in this economy many people are in line to get any job. Just food for thought!
    At least you have notice and have time to try to find a new job if you are totally opposed to vaccines.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I too was wondering what your line of business is?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    See if you can't get your family doctor to write you a note, stating you have a medical reason to not have it. (The reason, which won't be stated, will be your fear of the shot, or whatever.)

    EDIT - Not necessarily "fear" but..... displeasure with the forced nature of it all
  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    Consult your doctor. If s/he agrees with you thats a medical thing and get a note.
  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    Great minds think alike Lauryn1981 :laugh:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Can your doctor give you a "medical" reason not to have it? Often people can opt out of vaccines for religious reasons too. I know that many people use the religion excuse as their reason, even though they aren't in one of those religions but they feel strongly about some of the unproven side effects of some of these vaccines on children.
  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a medical assistant in a clinic. But they are mandating it even for the IS people, and those who have no patient contact. I understand about the risks of getting the flu, but when the flu vaccine doesn't protect against the current year's flu, because that strain is unknown, you still run the risk of getting the flu. I have never taken a sick day in the last 5 years, with the exception of my first year that I DID get it, and was laid up for 2 days with flu-like symptoms.
  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    CDC says allergy to chicken eggs or having had a severe reaction to vaccine in the past should not be vaccinated.
  • Sacredmaiden
    Hi there,

    Another "legitimate" reason you can often use to get out of the vaccination is "religious reasons." If that's helpful...

    I don't understand why so many business are flustered about seeing their employees vaccinated (I'm opting out at my workplace, btw). Viruses change with each host! So one ends up being immunized for ONE STRAIN and one strain only. Sure, your body build anti-bodies for it, but they are only good against that one strain. AND your system is in a weakened state while it fights off the virus, which opens one up for attack by other viruses one doesn't have anti-bodies for.

  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    Plus, it's the whole principal of mandating that we have a foreign substance pumped into our bodies 'or else'.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I work in a hospital but have no direct patient contact, but i do walk thru areas that do. I get a shot every year with no obvious side effects. But the shot out now is not for H1N1, so i'm curious that your employer is pushing it. My hospital isn't even offering the reg flu shots yet and no talk about the H1N1. I will get a shot this year and the other if its offered. I would not want to bring a virus home to my family.

    this is all the more reason for all of us to take care of ourselves, eat right and exercise!!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Does your employer have to pay you sick days? Imagine if everyone in your office got exposed, over a two week period. Half were mild, half were severe, even hospitalized, you employer would have to pay the sick pay as well as someone to fill their shoes while they were out. Lots of money and this flu has taken a few lives, perhaps your employer wants not to lose any of his or her employees to a flu virus that could kill. not defending the mandate, just trying to look at both sides.
  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    our 'sick time' is just lumped in with PTO pot of hours each year. So, no, they wouldn't have to pay any extra time off if people got sick. Again, it's the principal of not having a say in the matter. I don't work in an area where 'sick' people come. I work in a specialty area, and people normally cancel their appointments if they are sick, my exposure is very limited. I get more exposure shopping and going to church!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    our 'sick time' is just lumped in with PTO pot of hours each year. So, no, they wouldn't have to pay any extra time off if people got sick. Again, it's the principal of not having a say in the matter. I don't work in an area where 'sick' people come. I work in a specialty area, and people normally cancel their appointments if they are sick, my exposure is very limited. I get more exposure shopping and going to church!

    You are not in a right to work state,are you in a union? If so contact your union rep.

    Your last statement is proof you could get exposed like all of us in the world. People sneeze, cough and spit on the ground, hand washing seems optional to alot of people, I am shocked every time I use a public restroom how many people leave after visiting the restroom without washing their hands. I don't know if the vaccine will do any good at all, but I am sure there is no malice on the part of your employer! Often standing up for what you believe in cost something. You are the only one who can choose if your job is the price you want to pay for standing up. Good luck to you whatever you decide.
  • Solandra
    In a medical clinic, or school, or public library, or any high volume public-exposure facility, I can actually see flu shots being compulsory, even for folks who have no patient contact. If I as an IT associate was exposed to the flu by my kids, and then exposed my coworkers who do work with patients, then the patients are exposed, and their health is probably compromised to begin with (if they're coming into a medical clinic), etc. I used to work for a subacute rehab facility, and while I was there, hepatitis and flu shots were required and paid for by the employer, even if you never even spoke with a patient.

    It's something that I lump into the "objectionable but not awful enough to sacrifice my job for" category, like random drug testing, higher health insurance premiums for associates who are tobacco users (I'm not, but still), etc.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Genma, check your messages. I sent you a message re someone you could contact and see if they can help you.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    My husband is a Truck driver and has to submit to random drug tests all the time, his employer is a small company, to get cheaper insurance rates, he signed his company up for this program. My husband loses a half a day of work to comply, sometimes twice a year! yep it sucks, but not bad enough to lose his job over.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    big difference between making sure someone's not doped up while driving the company's truck, and forcing someone to inject themselves with a vaccine they may or may not want-- please-- :noway:

    What next? Your employer is going to mandate what you eat, too-- no sugar allowed on the job because it's not good for you? Only flax in your peanut butter?

    Mandatory umbrellas on rainy days so you don't get the sniffles?

    Madness-- I'd fight it.