I should be dropping pounds a week



  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I am in the EXACT SAME POSITION and I'm SOOOOOO frustrated.

    I used to eat pasta and rice and bread every night...not kidding....and at least pizza twice a week.

    NOW I am watching EVERYTHING I eat and have DRASTICALLY changed my diet...I also weigh everything so that it is accurate.

    This week I seen a two pound gain and yes my clothes do feel a little lose but at 213 lbs I SHOULD definitely be seeing a loss.

    I am extremely frustrated and ready to throw in the towel.

    OH...and I work out for about 1 or 1.5 hours 6 days a week at the gym ON TOP of Jillian Michaels 30DS (Level 2 Day 5 today) I do it everyday with a break once maybe twice a week. I'm SUPER annoyed.

    well do not throw in the towel! We are now the same weight...look how much you lost already!
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    Girls, what is the pattern to your weight loss? I mean as girls we are especially sensitive to hormone changes, and from years of tracking my weight daily I can tell you right away that around ovulation and around menstruation, I don't lose anything, I gain weight. There are so many reasons for a "stall" or a weight gain on the SCALE. It doesn't show the whole picture and it's NOT telling you if you're losing fat or not. For all you know, You're losing a pound of fat a week and retaining a pound of water a week. I've lost like 7! pounds this week. But for the previous weeks I had been bouncing up and down the same pound or two. I was BLOATED. Hormones and such. Maybe a bit too much sodium on some days too. Well whatever the reason, it's not that I wasn't meeting my calorie goals or exercise goals, so stick with it... if you're honest with yourself and you're truly doing what needs to be done, then you're going to get there. Don't only go by the scale! It can be such a liar! :)
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Diary is inconsistent.
    1k days up to 1800 days.

    Pick a calorie and stick to the macros daily.
    Work out 3 times a week.
    Clothes get bigger even if the weight doesnt drop quickly.

    I disagree with this. It is not necessary to eat the same number of calories every day. You just need to meet your calorie goal on average. I often have low days because I like to have high days. But mine average out over 7-10 days. I met my goal in this manner and have maintained it for over 8 months.

    I agree. I lost over 100 lbs in less than a year by saving up cals 100 a day to have a snack or a couple of beers every now and then. You need to be consistent over an average, however, I do think varying by 800 cals a day is a bit extreme and might be backfiring.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Girls, what is the pattern to your weight loss? I mean as girls we are especially sensitive to hormone changes, and from years of tracking my weight daily I can tell you right away that around ovulation and around menstruation, I don't lose anything, I gain weight. There are so many reasons for a "stall" or a weight gain on the SCALE. It doesn't show the whole picture and it's NOT telling you if you're losing fat or not. For all you know, You're losing a pound of fat a week and retaining a pound of water a week. I've lost like 7! pounds this week. But for the previous weeks I had been bouncing up and down the same pound or two. I was BLOATED. Hormones and such. Maybe a bit too much sodium on some days too. Well whatever the reason, it's not that I wasn't meeting my calorie goals or exercise goals, so stick with it... if you're honest with yourself and you're truly doing what needs to be done, then you're going to get there. Don't only go by the scale! It can be such a liar! :)

    I was thinking this too....
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    but I'm done whining...heading off to the gym now...
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    Maybe try this: everyday for one week keep your sodium count below 2000 mg. Not 2500, below 2000. Many people are very sensitive to sodium and need to keep it as low as possible. I do. Once I started keeping my sodium below 2000 mg/day I lost the excess water weight I was carrying and it became much easier to track my weight loss progress.

    I agree with this also. Once I added my sodium count into my diary, I started dropping quicker. I am one that retains water like no ones business and if I keep it no higher than 1500, I am good. I feel it right away in my rings, so I know if I am retaining.

    I would definitley start with watching your calorie intake. If you want to lose the 2 poundsa week.....stick around 1200 calories and try not to eat back all your excericise calories. I was orking my butt off for a month with spinning and gaining weight!!!! I came back to MFP and started logging last week and I am dropping the wieght now. I have lost 7.6 pounds in a week....granted I was retaining ALOT of water weight and couldn't figure out why.....surfed MFP and figured it out and BAM, down 5.2 pounds.....Good Luck and stay focused!!!!
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    Diary is inconsistent.
    1k days up to 1800 days.

    Pick a calorie and stick to the macros daily.
    Work out 3 times a week.
    Clothes get bigger even if the weight doesnt drop quickly.

    I disagree with this. It is not necessary to eat the same number of calories every day. You just need to meet your calorie goal on average. I often have low days because I like to have high days. But mine average out over 7-10 days. I met my goal in this manner and have maintained it for over 8 months.

    But for someone new who needs a routine...
    Shes just eating one day and saying "I'm not losing any weight so I wont eat tomorrow...."
    And what about on a hormonal level?
    She needs routine with eating.
    This....this isnt routine.

    The general advice seems to be that its a better idea to keep your body guessing is better than having it know what to expect. I've switched my calories up a lot and experimented with what works for *my* body. I think for women, that is even more important since we seem to stall out much more than the guys.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    OP, if it's been a while that the scale hasn't moved, try eating at maintenance or close to it for a week. I know this has worked for a lot of people.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    You sound like you've set your expectations too high and are expecting quick results. Perahps re-adjust your expectations and you'll be happier with the results.
  • elynnuh
    elynnuh Posts: 50 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have at least 70lbs to lose and I haven't been dropping near as fast as I have in the past. I get on the scale one day and I'll be down 2lbs, get on it again four days later and I'm up another pound. It is really frustrating. I'm starting to wonder if my thyroid levels are off (I had a partial thyroidectomy last month). Anyway, keep plugging away at it, and try not to get frustrated. I keep going even though I'm not seeing immediate gratification. I know there has to be progress being made...somewhere! :flowerforyou:
  • vsowell86
    vsowell86 Posts: 8 Member
    What I try and do is burn as much calories as I can and only eat 1200 calories a day or a little more no more then 1300 and my net calories at the end of the day after burning calories is anywhere between 100 to 500 calories at most and it is working for me I;ve lost 28 lbs in almost three months. there is a week a month that I seem to gain about two lbs back and stay at a stand still for five days but then I start losing again. It all is based on what you are eating if it is high in fat at night and how much your are working out. I use the Active personal trainer and the free step on the wii fit on the Wii at night and it seems to help me out a lot. I hope this helps
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    It should make absolutely no difference if the food you eat is late at night or high in fat at all.
  • hounds726
    hounds726 Posts: 63
    Simple advice but give it AT LEAST 2 weeks:

    --NET at least 1400 calories a day
    --Get a HRM ($$ but worth the investment, I promise! MFP and machines over/underestimate)
    --Eat back a good amount of your exercise calories.

    I was in your position as well, like many others. This has worked for me. It may not work for everyone but it is what caused my scale to start moving again.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Track your sodium levels. Even at the recommended 2500mg, you could be retaining water. If you're higher, more water retention. If this is you, for one week eat clean: whole, natural foods, unprocessed foods, non restaurant foods. Keep your sodium as low as you can, strive for 1500mg or less. At the end of the week, you'll see that retained water come off, it will register on the scale and it might be the kick you need to keep at it.
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    Same thing has happened to me! I have struggled to lose 19 pounds in 4 months when a couple of years ago I would have lost that in two months. I have tried more exercise, less exercise, more food, less food, nothing has helped. All we can do is keep plugging away at it!

    I just tell myself at least I have lost a little weight, which is better than gaining!

    Good luck to you!
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    What I try and do is burn as much calories as I can and only eat 1200 calories a day or a little more no more then 1300 and my net calories at the end of the day after burning calories is anywhere between 100 to 500 calories at most and it is working for me I;ve lost 28 lbs in almost three months. there is a week a month that I seem to gain about two lbs back and stay at a stand still for five days but then I start losing again. It all is based on what you are eating if it is high in fat at night and how much your are working out. I use the Active personal trainer and the free step on the wii fit on the Wii at night and it seems to help me out a lot. I hope this helps

    This is the worst advice ever and I would not be surprised if this poster gained every pound back. This is not a lifestyle change, this is starvation, probably on top of over training and is not sustainable. Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it again.

    Also the high fat thing at night is BS.
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    Honestly take it from me...it takes time! You body is adjusting to the change. Mine is 100+ pounds later! I went from losing 2-5 pounds a week to maybe one now. If you worry about the scale so much, it will discourage you! I used to be so excited to get on the scale each week...anymore...I kind of forget to weigh in! As long as you're under daily calories, or right at them you'll be fine! Also, after 47 minutes in the gym your body shuts down. You can spend all those extra hours if you're having fun, but you working out for 1.5 hours, and me for a hour is pretty much doing the same thing. (that info was from a trained prof. with a proven track record) if you're eating all natural healthy food, the weight will come off! Everything in life worth having is worth waiting for! You took time putting it on...it takes 10 times longer taking it off!!!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I hear ya! I thought I'd lose much faster, too, but it's really been one step forward, two steps back so far. Hang in there, though. As your fitness level increases, you'll burn more calories during exercise, and you should see some pounds drop more quickly. Also, remember muscle is more dense than fat, so if you've been working out, you may be building muscle mass as you decrease fat, which may make your scale look stuck for awhile. We're all here for you!
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    What I try and do is burn as much calories as I can and only eat 1200 calories a day or a little more no more then 1300 and my net calories at the end of the day after burning calories is anywhere between 100 to 500 calories at most and it is working for me I;ve lost 28 lbs in almost three months. there is a week a month that I seem to gain about two lbs back and stay at a stand still for five days but then I start losing again. It all is based on what you are eating if it is high in fat at night and how much your are working out. I use the Active personal trainer and the free step on the wii fit on the Wii at night and it seems to help me out a lot. I hope this helps

    Absolutely awful advice. You may lose weight this way but you will not be healthy. OP, please disregard this "advice".
  • k_dogs
    k_dogs Posts: 1 Member
    The human body is too complicated to fool, shock or cheat. The best way to lose fat over an extended period of time is to be subtle.

    There must have been a time when you were eating a high calorie diet, whether that was years or days ago isn’t really relevant, you need to gently tidy things up otherwise you’ll quickly rebel against any training or diet routine.

    So the most important thing that I would want to see if what was your diet looked like BEFORE you starting tracking on here?

    If you were eating 3000 calories of high carb, high fat junk then you can’t expect your body to suddenly be efficient at digesting and handling complex carb or lean protein.

    The biggest mistake in any diet is to cut calories. With calorie reduction comes survival mode. Your body will do everything in its power to slow down, not burn fat and leave you lethargic.

    You’re far better off starting with an 1800 kcal diet that is spread out across 3 main meals and 3 snacks and bit by bit you can tidy up each meal to make it as healthy as possible and once you have each meal nailed and you’re active you could maybe then decide to reduce calories as a last resort.

    It’s not all about the numbers, a calorie from carbs is not the same as a calorie from protein (despite both equally 4 kcal). You could eat 5 chocolate bars and hit your target of 1800 kcal, but clearly that isn’t going to sustain energy and health. Clean small meals every 3 to 4 hours will ignite your metabolism and this is key to encouraging your body to burn fat for fuel.

    Am I qualified in nutrition, no, but I have reached 6% body fat as a natural bodybuilder without any assistance or drastic measure.

    Hope this helps.