For those who criticize.......



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I might be able to read that, but I don't want to try. My head hurts already...
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    I don't think anybody seriously minds spelling mistakes or typos, we all make them especially when we're trying to bang something out or we're tired.

    I think the 2 things so called grammar nazis get frustrated with, myself included, is a) when the article is incoherent and you're unsure of the OP's original point, b) when it's lazy writing - text speak, abbreviations or references that are assumed to be known by all. This is why so many threads quickly head off in the wrong direction.

    If English isn't your first language or you have communication/learning problems, most people will cut you plenty of slack if they're aware. I agree though, too many people are happy to jump in and criticise without thinking about that circumstance.

    But it's the internet, so not a lot of point complaining - posts and their responses will always be aggregated by the lowest common denominator, and that's usually Joe Stupid.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I didn't have a problem reading that, but it was written using correct grammar/punctuation. The words used were spelled properly in the sense that all of the letters needed to correctly spell the words were there. I didn't see a "losoe" in there instead of a "lsoe", and it wasn't written in txt tlk. It was easy to understand because it was still proper English and proper spelling. Proper spelling and punctuation is quite important in written language to accurately convey your message. A misspelled word can have an entirely different meaning than intended thus changing the meaning of an entire sentence, and changing a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.

    We should try to write properly on the internet. Most browsers can check your spelling as you type, and then it takes only a second to correct an error. There isn't a good reason why anyone should give up speaking or writing properly.

    ETA: None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes. We shouldn't get upset when those mistakes are brought to our attention unless the manner in which they're brought to our attention is hostile, abusive, or rude. We should learn from those mistakes and try not to keep making the same ones.

    No your correct on the spelling I can easily right click and fix that. Yes the person who did this to me was not very nice about it and I was not even talking about grammar, spelling, or punctuation in that message board. It was purely for fun and the person went straight after me on my writing. I felt it was rude and incompetent to do so. I am not trying to attack anyone on here but merely explain how I feel on the subject. I do not purposely write incorrectly. I have tried to stay away from posting on message boards because of that reason and I should not have to feel that way. I don't want anyone to take offense to this post. The misspelled writing part was just for fun into bringing me into the conversation as I had seen it on FB and thought it would be a creative way to start my message board.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I mean, it's one thing when you're writing a paper away from the computer, but there IS such a thing as spell check, and you DO have access to the internet... Meaning you can always Google a word you're not sure about spelling, not sure how to use, etc. It literally takes 5 seconds.

    We literally have access to ALL information but human beings aren't getting any smarter. It's really sad. :cry:

    "No, we aren't in English class. But just because we're not in a physics classroom, doesn't mean gravity stops working."

    I am not aware of EVERY mistake I type.....are you? It is not like I do it just to make a spectacle of myself! I am sure others who make mistakes don't know it either until somebody makes sure to point it out! That is my point. We are HUMAN, we make mistakes and that is life. Everyone needs to get off their high horse.

    Misspelled words almost always have a red line under them when typing in a browser... It's pretty glaring and noticeable. You're pretty much on your own for grammar, but that's what proofreading is for. I read every post at least twice before I hit the "send/post reply" button. Just sayin'.

    Yes I agree that when it highlights your mistake you can easily fix it. I can correct spelling very easily because of that. However if you use a word like there or their it does not put a line underneath it. In this case I did not catch a mistake like that and was criticized on it. as I said to someone else this was purely to tell people how I felt because I did feel like I was being attacked in an older post I had. The crazy paragraph in the beginning was a creative way to start my message board and i thought it was very interesting. I do appreciate how you have handled chatting with me, I feel you have been very civil and I thank you for that.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I don't understand what the research finding you mention has to do with grammar. The finding that the placement of letters within a word has little to do with the ability to read, especially when one is essentially skimming (as people often seem to do in forums) is interesting, but does not pertain to issues of grammar and style.

    Years ago I skimmed a document looking for a specific key word/subject (a technical term), when I found the appropriate section, and actually tried to read, I figured out very quickly that the entire document was in Dutch. Does my ability to visually scan for a specific term and find that term mean that I could understand the rest of the paragraph that was written in Dutch? No, it does not. My point is that word scanning and comprehension are two entirely different skills, just because I can figure out what word you intended to use (a spelling error) does not mean I can make sense of what you are trying to say overall. So much of what I see written in forums is very "stream of consciousness," often to the point that I do not know what the author of the post is trying to say. I'm not hung-up on grammar, but I'm often left shaking my head at the posts I read.

    Also, many people seem to type in either all caps or all lower case, this is very hard to read, especially if they do not use punctuation either.

    My point of the paragraph above was that it did not hurt anyone to read that paragraph. It was just proving to people that even if someone spells something wrong you could probably make out what it was without criticizing someone (yes I know the whole thing was crazy and not just one word). Its not the end of the world if something is spelled wrong or the wrong word is in the sentence and I am just cluing people in on the fact that sometimes bringing it up publicly can really get to someone, especially someone who may be more sensitive. Like I said I have been picked on all of my life and I just feel that we don't need to do it here. My thoughts on here is not to hurt peoples feelings but to help people. I am making it aware to others on how I feel and maybe others who misspell or put that wrong word in the sentence.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I don't think anybody seriously minds spelling mistakes or typos, we all make them especially when we're trying to bang something out or we're tired.

    I think the 2 things so called grammar nazis get frustrated with, myself included, is a) when the article is incoherent and you're unsure of the OP's original point, b) when it's lazy writing - text speak, abbreviations or references that are assumed to be known by all. This is why so many threads quickly head off in the wrong direction.

    If English isn't your first language or you have communication/learning problems, most people will cut you plenty of slack if they're aware. I agree though, too many people are happy to jump in and criticise without thinking about that circumstance.

    But it's the internet, so not a lot of point complaining - posts and their responses will always be aggregated by the lowest common denominator, and that's usually Joe Stupid.

    Well it made me feel better to post it so I did. Again just something to let people think about. I am sure that people don't realize how much that can bother someone when things are misspelled. It works both ways and if you are going to correct someone it would be nice to not feel the size of a beetle that can just keep getting stepped on. Just my point.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member

    This is funny
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    The grammar/ spelling natzis just need to stfu (do you understand abreviations?) and leave the criticizing to English professors in an English class. If someone is trying to get a message across in a post/comment, I'm pretty sure a misspelled word here or there isn't preventing the reader from understanding it. If it is, then maybe the reader has an issue with comprehension, just sayin'
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    there's no t in Nazi, and 2 b's in abbreviation. but i'm good with the stfu. :-)
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I will never correct anyone (at least not on these forums), and typos are not a big deal we all make them...if you misspell schizophrenia thats FINE (didn't spell check that bee tee dubs).


    ...if you post a topic about "loosing weight" I can't take your advice seriously.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Honestly, when I correct people I'm trying to help, rather than hurt. I may come off as a pretentious *kitten* when I do it, but I'd expect someone to do the same if I made a grammatical error, or mispronounced a word. The point is making sure that person doesn't continue to make the same mistakes over and over. A typo here and there is one thing, but if someone averages 4 typos in every post, or continuously uses "you're" instead of "your" then that person may need a little help in the spelling/grammar department.

    And not like it matters, but I happen to be a black male. All my life I've been told that I "talk white" and "speak proper." You really haven't lived until you've corrected a gang-banger on his grammar, lol. I wear that with pride. I believe anything else is celebrating ignorance. My 2 cents.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I like this topic and I was able to read it very fast....I know my grammer isn't the best but I do get my point across and sometimes we all make mistakes while typing...Oh well....I come here for support being judged or picked on about my spelling is the last thing on my mind....