is it okay to go to the gym when you have a cold?



  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I don't get the whole "it's fine if it's in your head" thing. I'm battling a cold right now...and the combination of lightheadedness, congestion blocking my nose, sore throat making my mouth dry....I have no idea how it's possible to work out in this condition!! It's a cold. Take those 3 days off! Go for a walk instead!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    And I'm guessing since you go out into the world and are exposed to all kinds of germs, you take plenty of precautions? The cold germs are everywhere, all the time. Like someone posted, it's just not at the gym.

    Of course I take precautions, and I never said it was just the gym -- nor did I say that anyone who is sick should quarantine themselves until they're feeling tip-top 100% better. But there is a big difference between doing what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do. If you need to go to work, go grocery shopping, visit the post office -- by all means, do it. I'm taking my precautions, as I hope you are as well. But if it's optional (and exercising at the gym IS) and you're feeling under the weather, I think it's common courtesy to protect the health of others until you're sure you're better or non-infectious.

    Yes, it's unreasonable to expect to not come across germs in life -- but when someone *admits* they're sick, I think it's just plain selfish to still go out and do whatever they *want*. Plenty of illnesses are contagious before they present symptoms, and I'm aware that I cannot avoid that -- but when there *are* symptoms, I'd sure as hell like to avoid them. I can't ask every single person how they're feeling, so I just have to hope that some people are concerned enough with the well-being of others that they wouldn't expose their germs unnecessarily -- all the while still trying to protect myself if they do.
  • jesus christ guys, calm the **** down. Most of you got heated over nothing and didn't even answer her question
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Frankly, "shamulesbo", I think *you* need to calm down. Swearing (albeit in asterisks) is unnecessary. Who is upset or not calm? I'm not sure who you're referring to, but as far as I can see, this has been a civil conversation.
  • oh my god are you being racist towards me? Leave me alone I don't want to talk to you!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Umm...I don't know what you're reading, but alright -- nice to see you passing through.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    And I'm guessing since you go out into the world and are exposed to all kinds of germs, you take plenty of precautions? The cold germs are everywhere, all the time. Like someone posted, it's just not at the gym.

    Of course I take precautions, and I never said it was just the gym -- nor did I say that anyone who is sick should quarantine themselves until they're feeling tip-top 100% better. But there is a big difference between doing what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do. If you need to go to work, go grocery shopping, visit the post office -- by all means, do it. I'm taking my precautions, as I hope you are as well. But if it's optional (and exercising at the gym IS) and you're feeling under the weather, I think it's common courtesy to protect the health of others until you're sure you're better or non-infectious.

    Yes, it's unreasonable to expect to not come across germs in life -- but when someone *admits* they're sick, I think it's just plain selfish to still go out and do whatever they *want*. Plenty of illnesses are contagious before they present symptoms, and I'm aware that I cannot avoid that -- but when there *are* symptoms, I'd sure as hell like to avoid them. I can't ask every single person how they're feeling, so I just have to hope that some people are concerned enough with the well-being of others that they wouldn't expose their germs unnecessarily -- all the while still trying to protect myself if they do.

    I think we get have to take care of someone that can be hospitalized just by catching the common cold. I don't think the OP has *any* intention of purposely infecting others at the gym. (See I can use asterisks too to emphasize). There's really no need to act "high and mighty" just because she asked a simple question.
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    It seems many folks here are not reading your original post correctly or your replies.I understand, like some others, what you are asking. My advice? Stay at home and lightly exercise (as suggested by others). You may actually find, when you start exercising, that you feel worse than you thought, and it would be awful to be at the gym and become lightheaded/pass out. I has happened to me. Safer for YOU to stay/exercise at home until you feel better.
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member

    I think we get have to take care of someone that can be hospitalized just by catching the common cold. I don't think the OP has *any* intention of purposely infecting others at the gym. (See I can use asterisks too to emphasize). There's really no need to act "high and mighty" just because she asked a simple question.
    It seems many folks here are not reading your original post correctly or your replies.I understand, like some others, what you are asking. My advice? Stay at home and lightly exercise (as suggested by others). You may actually find, when you start exercising, that you feel worse than you thought, and it would be awful to be at the gym and become lightheaded/pass out. I has happened to me. Safer for YOU to stay/exercise at home until you feel better.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: even to you, shamulesbo.. haha
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    I think we get have to take care of someone that can be hospitalized just by catching the common cold. I don't think the OP has *any* intention of purposely infecting others at the gym. (See I can use asterisks too to emphasize). There's really no need to act "high and mighty" just because she asked a simple question.

    I'm not sure what I said that made me sound like I was acting "high and mighty", but that was far from my intention. I was merely trying to provide an alternative point of view to the OP -- perhaps it is not the answer to *exactly* what she asked, but it was mine (and some others') understanding that is what she asked from the time of my first reply. I only continued with my point for the sake of continuity, and because I also think it is an important consideration for the OP to consider. I wanted to clarify to some people that it's not a matter of being a germaphobe -- it can be more serious.

    Side note -- How is the way that I emphasize my words relevant? If it bothers you, I can stop -- I didn't realize it was an issue to some people. I find it less aggressive than capitalization, as many people misconstrue THAT as yelling.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Yea i dont see why you cant go to the gym because of a cold! =) I think that as long as your head isnt like pounding by a headache, then its ok to go.I doubt no one else will catch your cold, unless you sneeze whilst walking past them :laugh:

    You could try going for 30 mins, and see how you get on? If you feel like you can stay there longer, then do so. If not, then come home :smile:
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I think we get have to take care of someone that can be hospitalized just by catching the common cold. I don't think the OP has *any* intention of purposely infecting others at the gym. (See I can use asterisks too to emphasize). There's really no need to act "high and mighty" just because she asked a simple question.

    I'm not sure what I said that made me sound like I was acting "high and mighty", but that was far from my intention. I was merely trying to provide an alternative point of view to the OP -- perhaps it is not the answer to *exactly* what she asked, but it was mine (and some others') understanding that is what she asked from the time of my first reply. I only continued with my point for the sake of continuity, and because I also think it is an important consideration for the OP to consider. I wanted to clarify to some people that it's not a matter of being a germaphobe -- it can be more serious.

    Side note -- How is the way that I emphasize my words relevant? If it bothers you, I can stop -- I didn't realize it was an issue to some people. I find it less aggressive than capitalization, as many people misconstrue THAT as yelling.

    Its not so much the fact that you used the asterisks as the amount of times you used them. And we get it. We had it the first time you mentioned your situation (which I do sympathize with BTW) so there was no need to continue to emphasize your point. And to me, yes you did come across as "high and mighty"...just my opinion of course but I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one that took it that way.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    1. ASK YOUR DOCTOR!!! We don't know how "sick" you are, therefore this could be dangerous to you and to other members of your gym.

    2. When in doubt, work out at home. I don't want to get sick because someone snotted all over the equipment I want to use.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not saying that I didn't appear high and mighty -- I'm just saying that wasn't my intention, and I apologize if I seemed like I was doing it on purpose.

    Perhaps you feel that there was no need to emphasize my point (asterisks or not), but I wasn't trying to emphasize it per se -- but rather clear up any misconceptions surrounding germs and germaphobes that I saw in several posts. I believed it important to offer an alternative point of view. I wasn't trying to tell her, or anyone, what to do.

    Sorry if I come across poorly -- I'm well aware that I'm quite lengthy and long-winded when I'm typing, so perhaps my reiterations come across negatively. I tend to view it more as an attempt at clarification.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Sure. I always feels tons better after a quick run when I've got a head cold. Gets all that gunk up and out of your system. I do go to the gym *gasp*, but I am extra careful about not coughing on anyone, using hand sanitizer, and spraying down every surface I touch. I've got kids in public school, if I stayed confined to my house every time one of us had the sniffles, I would never leave.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Just do what you want to do. If you got me sick I wouldn't blame you. I'd blame myself for having a weak immune system.
  • JetMechRN
    JetMechRN Posts: 5 Member
    There is some strain of hideous cold going around. I think if someone is ill or feeling ill they should stay home. If you should feel the need to go to the gym then make sure you wipe down the equipment you use. But seriously, stay home.
  • I remember I went to the gym with swine flu, hospitalized 7 people. I don't even care
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Does anyone think its your responsibility to keep yourself healthy? Like if you have some weakened immune system and you pick up colds easily YOU should be the one that isn't frequenting germy places like gyms? I think people should do what they can WITHIN REASON to not spread germs. I think people are suggesting going over the top. The OP has a mild sore throat.

    People with severe allergies, say peanuts for example, don't expect the world to desist eating peanuts- they themselves have to be mindful to avoid peanuts. If you get sick easily, don't hang out places where people sweat and respire profusely.
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    Does anyone think its your responsibility to keep yourself healthy? Like if you have some weakened immune system and you pick up colds easily YOU should be the one that isn't frequenting germy places like gyms? I think people should do what they can WITHIN REASON to not spread germs. I think people are suggesting going over the top. The OP has a mild sore throat.

    People with severe allergies, say peanuts for example, don't expect the world to desist eating peanuts- they themselves have to be mindful to avoid peanuts. If you get sick easily, don't hang out places where people sweat and respire profusely.

    Shocking! Personal responsibility?!? You've got to be joking!! :wink: