Ur thoughs on a daily ice cream cone as a snack



  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    My thoughts? ABSOLUTELY! Go for it. The only reason I'd say not to is for mental or emotional reasons. I know for some people it's hard to consider it a diet when they eat ice cream. It kinda psyches them out. Also, some people consider dieting to be a healthy choice, and do not even touch ice cream, even if they are in calorie range because it's a "sweet" and it's not healthy. But I can tell if you want it, you are not doing that type of diet! SO... GO FOR IT!
  • ourmamros
    ourmamros Posts: 21 Member
    I am with you - I have a cone with vanilla and toffee ice cream most days. it is within my calories but I do not count it as nutricious. I also usually have it after dinner to avoid the potential of blood sugar spikes. I have noticed if I have a biscuit at work - within my calories I enjoy it but feel very hungry when the sugar rush goes down again.
    Bottom line - do what works for you - good luck with it.
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    I am not a DR, but I say trust your instincts! I think ANYthing in moderation can be positive :)
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    its fine as long as you don't go throwing all kinds of toppings on there, you are good to go
  • You have to do what works for you otherwise you won't continue with the program. That's what I think anyway. :)
  • sharoniow
    sharoniow Posts: 4 Member
    Two Words - Yoo Moo, frozen yogurt! great taste and only 151cals a pot!
  • amzelrulz
    amzelrulz Posts: 27
    I allow myself one treat a day, because if i dont have something sweet once in a while I always end up binging. So I think that having ice cream in a cone everyday is fine as long as you're eating healthy for the rest of the day =)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have a sweet thing every single day. I've lost nearly 60lbs and kept it off for almost 2 years. For me, trying to restrict myself too much feels like a 'diet' and causes me to want to binge eat!

    This is the only life we're going to get... you have to remember to ENJOY it!
  • Love the 3-2-1 cake. It really works for me. How do you count that on MFP? Is there an easy way?
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    Go for it!! If it fits in your cals, no problem! I usually eat frozen yogurt at the end of the day if I'm under my goal, but I occasionally eat ice cream instead. I prefer the frozen yogurt because of the lower fat content.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I see nothing wrong with it. We have tons of fantastic Italian ice cafes where I live and as the weather starts to warm up I will be going more often. I have a few rules though: #1 I MUST walk to the ice cafe, not drive or take the bus and #2 no alcoholic ice cream until I am in maintenance phase. It also helps that I love McD's ice cream. I skip the cone because I don't really like them and why waste calories (less calories in McD's ice cream than Italian Ice)

    As for the eating 1200 cal. I have no idea how tall you are or what your weight loss goals are. If you've done the (bmr x activity level) - 500 cals that can come out to 1200 for shorter gals. Mine is about 1400 so that's only 200 more.