30 Day Shred?



  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    I just finished Level 1 Day 7 yesterday and I love it so far. I would say definitely have someone measure you all over because I think you will be surprised in inches more then weight. I'm not going to know which for sure until I complete the whole 30 days. I still recommend doing your regular workout in addition to this dvd. I did for a few days and a few I haven't and I can definitely tell a difference. I love to run on my treadmill and I feel more winded do her jumping jacks then I do running 10 minutes. Go figure!

    After the 3rd day your muscles aren't nearly as sore and by day 6 I didn't have any problems at all. We shall see when I reach Level 2 I'm sure there will be a whole new level of pain. haha Either way best 10 bucks I ever spent.
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    i totally recommend it!!!!! i haven't done it for 30 consecutive days yet, but i got it last december and do it a couple times a week and it has DEFINITELY made me stronger/ boosted my endurance, and i'm sure it has helped with my weight loss too (30 lbs in a few months).
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Today will be day 7 of level 1 for me.
    I've heard great things and I already feel a difference in the waist of my jeans/shorts in just a week!
  • Linda6580
    Linda6580 Posts: 199 Member
    I am on day 9 of Level 1...highly recommend!! I haven't lost weight, but like the others, I am losing inches!! I really like it because it is quick, but definately work up a sweat!! Good for someone that only has a half hour...

    This for sure!!! I am on level 3 day 3. I love this workout video!
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    Just started it today too... feeling very sore!
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
  • tygerlilly39
    Haven't tried the Shred but bought TurboFire and I absolutely LOOOOVE it - was so sore the next day and you sweat your *kitten* off - really good workout and it's lost of fun - very upbeat and motivating!!:happy:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I did 8 days of level 1, finished my 9th day of level 2 today, with 2 more days to go. Then 11 days of level 3. As of last Friday, 14 days into the program (17 calendar days), I had lost 6 inches and 5.7 lbs. It works! :smile:
  • Rashyda
    Rashyda Posts: 14 Member
    love it! I started doing level one on youtube, and loved it so much I bought the season. I never get bored with it, and I find every day I do it, I am a little more capable. Still on level one, but am trying to talk myself into trying level two this week.

    Definitely give level 2 a try. I think you will find it a nice change from level one. I actually liked level 2 better. I was afraid at first that it would be so much harder but after you build stamina and core muscles in level one you are much more capable of level 2. I still go back and add level one to my work out if I have extra time.

    i absolutely loved it... initially yes it was tough... but my biggest hitch is the level 3 .. i am somehow stuck with level 2 ..love it but cannot past it... my body is still not ready for the next one... it looks just impossible.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I am on day 5 of level 2 and I love it. Haven't done measuring or pictures, but my size 12 jeans I just bought are already loose. I started No More Trouble Zones last night & it was awesome! I'm only doing the 30DS 4 days a week though. I have zumba 2 or 3 days, /walking/jogging every Sunday and usually take one day off.

    How... hard... is No More Trouble Zones? I have that sitting beside my 30 Day Shred and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. The only one I have tried is the 30 Day Shred which is hard (I need to stop to get a drink since I get dehydrated super easy due to medications) but doable.

    I really do like 30 Day Shred. I can tell it gets my heart rate up and really works the muscles and core. I am sore (in a good way) and out of breathe (also in a good way) when I am finished. I yell and swear a lot though!

    I also am one who does not do it daily. I do it every other day and also work in my pilates and yoga.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    I just bought mine at Walmart last night too & starting it today :) I hear great things about the DVD so hopefully what I hear is true! Good luck to you! :)
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    Today will be day 7 of level 1 for me.
    I've heard great things and I already feel a difference in the waist of my jeans/shorts in just a week!

    I haev completed day 7 level one today - this morning!!! I love it and I can tell my tummy isn't as big!
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I just ordered Ripped in 30 & 30 Day Shred. Going to try them both!
  • alilovesray
    alilovesray Posts: 35 Member
    Just finished it all 30 days. It was life changing. I love my results and what I can do with myself after wards. Can't beat 20 minutes of intensity for major results.

    That workout + MFP great results. I have lost 16 already.
  • sla1252012
    sla1252012 Posts: 24 Member
    I started doing the 30DS everyday plus my other exercises and found it together to be too much. Although I haven't lost any weight from it yet I have lost some inches and also feel stronger, I really enjoy my other exercises and don't want to give them up. So I am going to try doing it 3 times a week on days that I'm not doing other exercise...so maybe something like this...Monday-level 1, Wednesday-level 2, Saturday-level 3. Has anyone else done anything like this before, where they change up the workout plan and still have had success?
  • alilovesray
    alilovesray Posts: 35 Member
    GOOD JOB. !!! I finished it and saw the same results. KEEP going!

    I did 8 days of level 1, finished my 9th day of level 2 today, with 2 more days to go. Then 11 days of level 3. As of last Friday, 14 days into the program (17 calendar days), I had lost 6 inches and 5.7 lbs. It works! :smile:
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I just started this on Monday and I love it!!!!!!!! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I am on day two and i feel muscles i didn't know i had! Can't say I've had success yet but i am sure i will. i highly recommend it. everything I've read says that people have great success with it!