What is your Final Weight Loss Goal at 5'6"



  • chicanit45
    chicanit45 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'6 and at my healthiest I weighed 126, my goal is to get between 128 and 130. I think you should do whatever you feel is healthy and what makes you feel good.
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 256 Member
    I am 5'6" my current weight is 128. My lowest weight on this journey was 121, but I started lifting and gained 7# which is fine because it is muscle and not fat. My original goal weight was 120, but now that I am lifting I don't see that happening and I am ok with that. I haven't really focused on a goal weight lately and have just paid attention to measurements and BF%.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i'm 5'5-5'6 and I am aiming for 175 for now, I doubt ever in life i would want to be where the BMI says, that's too skinny for my tastes. I know I'll weigh more b/c of weight training, so lowest 150 but i will see
  • mom0teag
    mom0teag Posts: 3
    I am 5'6 and a half...(so close to 5'6"). I am aiming for 135-140 or a size 6/8. Dr. Oz says if you were a normal weight at age 18 that was probably your optimal weight. That is where I was at 18 and everyone said I looked the best I ever had before that I was too thin

    Uh oh, better rethink my goal then :-/ That's interesting... I'm 5'6" and am currently stuck at 137 with a goal of 135. (lost 20 lbs since the beginning of the year). I weighed about 140 two years ago when I got pregnant and wasn't super happy with the way I looked then. In high school I probably weighed about 125, so I guess I need to keep that in mind and refocus. Most all my weight loss thus far has been from counting calories, I've just started walking 4-5 days a week the past month or so. It makes me wonder what I could do if I actually buckled down and really "worked out." It's just never been my thing & now I have a toddler to contend with... I'd love to start jogging more and eventually maybe even running - I've always envied the long lean bodies and healthy lifestyles of runners.

    So, basically I think if you feel comfortable at this weight and you know you're "fit" then you're probably ready for maintenance. But if you feel like you're still "not quite right" at you're current weight, there's no reason you can't continue to try to lose as long as you're doing it in a healthy and gradual way. Good luck.
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 181 pounds. My goal is 165 and once I reach that goal I will see if I want to continue losing weight. But in all honesty I just want my thighs to stop rubbing and my stomach to return to my ribs! LOL

    In all seriousness I don't want my health to be jeopardized so once I reach my goal if the doctor says everything looks good, healthwise, then that's what I'll go with as long as I'm confident in my own skin.
  • WillowD227
    WillowD227 Posts: 5 Member
    Lol...great question! I hate the BMI calculator! I am 5'6" & muscular. When I get to 132, I am in a size 0 with less than 15% body fat (female). So...it's totally dependant on many things beyond that darn scale. Although, I'm tied to it myself :) You just need to figure out what weight is your idea & go for that.
  • I'm 5'5 and weigh 136 going for 125 :)
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    My fitness pal told me that 118-124 is the BMI. I am at 137 now, people keep telling me I shouldn't lose more weight or I will look unhealthy....So what's your goal?

    I am not sure where you got the BMI, but I am 5'6 and from what I understand, someone 5'6 is between 114.6 - 154.9 lbs to be a healthy BMI range. 118-124 is not enough of a gap for all the different types of body frames and people that are 5'6. BTW my goal is to be between 130 and 125, it depends on how i look once I get to 130. I may stop there and just work on building muscle and toning.

    This is definitely the range for 5'6". I'm that height and am very happy in the mid 140s--I'm a little higher than that now, but am very muscular (I do have fat to lose, though!). If I can get back to 145, will reassess when I'm there as to whether or not I'd like to go lower.
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    135, though I'd love to rock 125 (my weight in HS).
  • I'm 5 ft 5.5 in and weigh 145. Have been considering dropping 5 lbs to get to 140. Had my BF measured recently, was 17 %

    17% is really awesome, congrats!
  • jerijett
    jerijett Posts: 14 Member
    5'6 My ultimate goal is 133 though I'd be happy with 140 and lots of lean muscle! Its been just under 6 years since I was 137. My weight throughout highschool was about 152, then after high school i shot up to 165. Got on a weight loss plan and got to 137, then it fluctuated between 175 and 160 for a few years. I moved to SF and got down to 147 just because of the lifestyle. 2 years later I'm 178...not ok.

    So 133 is my Goal.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm using this website: http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm as my guide and I've based that I should be approx 140 pounds in the end. If I lose anything more I'd be happy as well, but if I aim for the closest number anything afterwards is just bonus.
  • FloridaJenn
    FloridaJenn Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'6 & am aiming for 126 & will then reassess.... wherever I need to be to get rid of belly fat!!
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    I agree that would look unhealthy! My goal weight is 135, maybe closer to 130. I'm 5'6 and 140 right now. I used to be 125 and everyone thought that was way too thin for me! My husband didn't even like me that thin! I couldn't imagine being 118, I'd probably look anorexic. haha
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    134. I started at 151, before MFP I was 157. I don't look good under 130 a'tallll.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    I am aiming for 150 (my dr. said 160)

    i also have a larger frame
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal weight is 130 (which is within healthy bmi). I'm okay with weighing a little more though if I am toned and have some muscles! I'm really not concerned so much with a particular number, more with the shape of my body and over all health. (And bmi doesn't even tell the whole story so even that isn't a huge thing as far as my goal). I don't want to be a stick but I want to be fit. I have a small to medium body frame btw
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Maintaining 110-115. (And not having a cow when my weight fluctuates due to water or a well-earned, friday-night-food baby)
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    I'm 5' 5 1/2", fit, and weight 135lbs right now (which was my original goal weight), but I feel like I have more fat to lose on my tummy and legs, so 130lbs is my next goal, and then I'll re-evaluate when I get there :)