VETERAN RUNNERS! What's your preferred distance?



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Although there aren't many of them, I like a 15K. There is a big one in my area every March that I have done 4 times. It's the perfect distance for that time of year. i am currently training for my third half, which I like also, but there's just something about the 15K. I hope to do my first full marathon within the next year. I want to do one in my lifetime, but I'm pretty sure it won't be a routine thing.

    I also like when longer runs also have a 5K because it's nice to see people who accomplish this for the first time and share the experience with them.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member

    I'm currently training for marathon # 26, I still haven't figured out whether or not I like them...

    I love this!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    My favorite is the half marathon....long enough to feel like a big race. But, not so long that it kicks your *kitten* for 2 days after!

    I despise 5Ks. I would rather run long than fast. :)

    Completely agree :-)

    Interesting.. I am exactly the opposite :) Good thing there are lots of different race distances! :)
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Half marathons are my favorite!! Or Olympic distance Triathlons!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Half marathons are my favorite!! Or Olympic distance Triathlons!

    I was going to say the same but I'm not really a vet yet.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Half marathons for sure! Run at a nice pace, no concerns about hitting the wall (not long enough).

    I'm currently training for marathon # 26, I still haven't figured out whether or not I like them...

    Ha ha! I like you! I'm in training for marathon #5 and I feel the same way. But 26? You rock!


    Back to the OP's questions, my favorite distance is probably a half-marathon followed closely by a 10K or 20K. I dislike 5Ks because I'm just not that fast and I feel like by the time I get up to speed the race is over. LOL! And I'm doing my 5th full marathon this June and it's a love/hate relationship that we have together.
  • DocGu
    DocGu Posts: 51 Member
    My favorite to run is the half, BUT nothing beats the euphoria I get when crossing the finish line after a full.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Half marathons are my favorite!! Or Olympic distance Triathlons!

    +1 on the half marathon, I can find the time to train for one properly (even though I am thinking about 26.2 for next year just to say I've done one......)
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Running ... haven't decided if I like it yet or not. Some days I do and some days I don't.

    That being said, I suppose I'd go with a half marathon since I keep doing them. 37 different states and counting. A half is doable without feeling like it's a part time job getting ready for it. A full is truly like having a part time job.

    10K's are nice and I feel more in control doing them. That might be the answer for me. IDK. Still thinking about it.
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    marathon, no questions asked!
  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    5km is my favorite because I can just power through them. 25 minutes has been my best time so far, but 23 is my goal!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    What is your favorite distance? Race Wise: Half Marathon, Training Wise: 17-20 milers! (Once I run a Mary we shall see how I feel then!)
    Is it your strongest distance, or your favorite for other reasons? Strongest Race wise is currently 8-10K, but my half marathons are also right there with them. There is something wonderful about the half distance, I think because I have ran that much more it is easier to challenge myself during them than the mary which I am still training for my first in.
    How did you determine it to be the best distance for you? I have ran my very best splits and finish times in 8/10K, but as I said before, the half marathon is really getting there. I am on the verge of breaking sub 2 hour and I will know for certain May 5th!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Half-marathon for sure. Although, I think everyone should do a marathon to say they've done it, it's awesome! And I've done 5ks, 10ks, halfs and a full.

    It's not the race, it's the training!! I had to do long runs of 18-22 miles for my full and it takes a lot of time. I'd rather be hanging out with my friends or riding my motorcycle.

    Also, a half is relatively easy to prepare for if you haven't been running long.
  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    I love them all, but the half is my favorite. I have yet to run a full Mary, but I start training for my first one next week. I'm excited, but not looking forward to the 20+ mile runs on Saturdays when i would rather be spending that time doing something else. I love the half because it doesn't take up the whole day and I can still go goof off in the afternoon with the family. I've heard that marathons drain you for at least a couple days. I like 5Ks and 10Ks because I can do them with my stroller and my husband (who is also good at running, but prefers to mountain bike so he won't do the longer runs with me:-) so I feel like it's a family strengthening activity that is fun and healthy. I also LOVE it when kids give me high fives as I run by during a half! I feel so cool:-)
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I stopped running about 2 years ago. But I did a 5K, 2 10Ks and a full marathon. I liked the full marathon the best. 5K seemed so short, what made it feel worse was that the course was mostly my "short run" while I was training for the marathon. I felt like it was just a training session the whole way through. The 10Ks were a little better. I am going to try and start running again, but jogging strollers are so expensive and my husband doesn't get home until late and I'd rather spend the time with him than go out for a run. I HATE HATE HATE running on treadmills or tracks, it feels monotonous. I'd like to try a half marathon just to compare. Once I go back to work and we have a little more money maybe I can pick up a used jogging stroller and I can run between the time I pick up my son at day care and when my husband gets home.

    I just want to add that my longest run before I did the marathon was about 16 miles.
  • kuregisto
    kuregisto Posts: 122 Member
    For everyday/training running, I don't know that I have a favorite distance. Once I switched to Vibrams (minimalist shoes), I was forced to change my running/impact style and found that I actually enjoy it. This is after years of running in races just to prove to myself that I'm still capable.

    For races, the marathon wins. I get a sense of accomplishment for every race completed (never gonna win one, I just aim to complete them). But there's just something about a marathon. Sure there's the greater "accomplishment" factor, but the mental aspect is huge. So many self-trials throughout the race, pushing yourself past every "but it's still so far to the finish line" or "great, now it's raining" and so forth. When you take that final step, it's not just a distance achievement - it's a whole bucket full of successes.

    But that could just be me :ohwell:
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    Love doing half marathons...but I also liked the kick-*kitten* feeling of finishing my marathon (6:19--one of the last...but plenty of room to PR next time!). Halfs are my strongest...the longer you go, the less it matters if you're slow!

    However, my 7 year old does 5K's...I did his first with him last year when he was 6...he beat me by over 4 minutes and beat well over half the field...5K's are a fantastically welcome and doable distance for everyone.
  • rob021880
    rob021880 Posts: 28
    I like 1/2 marathons for races and anywhere from 5-10 miles for training runs.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    10K is my favorite. (: I also like halfs, wait - I like all distances! I have not ran a marathon (YET) but that is in the plans.

    I am not a veteran runner since I just started racing in August 2011.